Neural Basis of Cognition Flashcards
What is capgras syndrome?
patients with this recognize their loved ones but believe they are imposters
What systems do recognition of faces/familiar objects use?
cognitive appraisal and emotional appraisal
What are the basic parts of a neuron?
dendrites, cell body, axon
What are the function of glial cells?
provide structural support, regulate ionic balances, action potentials etc
What is the all or none law?
if nerve fires it will always be the same magnitude (will not fire unless threshold is reached)
What are stimulus-selective neurons? Example?
neurons that fire only at a specific stimulus
face patches fire to faces
What is the difference between orientation sensitive and invarient face patches?
sensitive will only fire to face in specific orientations
invariant will repsonse to any orientation
Where are face patches roughly located?
temporal lobe
What are the three main structures of the brain?
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
What are the parts of the hindbrain?
cerebellum, pons, medulla
What is the function of the midbrain?
regulating pain experiences, coordinating eye movement, relaying auditory info to forebrain
What are some subcortical parts of the forebrain?
thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, amygdala, hippocampus
What are handles skin sensations? What about auditory? Visual?
primary somatosensory area, primary auditory cortex, primary visual cortex
What does primary/secondary mean in terms of sensory areas?
primary gathers info from outside, secondary gets info from primary
What is primary motor cortex?
outputs to spinal cord and then muscle groups
What is secondary motor cortex?
selects motor prgrams based on stimuli or memroy
For motor control what direction does information go?
secondary to primary (opposite to sensory)
What is parallel vs serial pathways?
parallel get info at the same time, serial gets info from primary and sends to secondary or opposite
What are examples of structural neuroimaging techniques?
MRI, CT (shows structure of brain)
What is an example of functional neuroimaging techniques?
PET, fMRI (shows what part of brain is involved)
What are strengths and weaknesses of EEG?
locating when neural activity appears not good at finding out where the neural activity is
What are the strengths and weaknesses of fMRI?
finding out where the neural activity is but not good at locating when
What is TMS?
transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic pulses from electrodes in brain to inhibit/excite neurons