Memory Flashcards
What is one way to frame learning and memory?
acquisition, storage, retrival
Describe the diagram showing an info-processing view of memory?
incoming info goes into sensory memory which enters short term memory, it can stay there with rehearsal or be lost or sent to long term memroy, things in long term memory can be retrieved
What is the modal model for working memory?
duration is temporary, the capacity is limited, easy to get info into this, easy to retrieve info
What does working memroy handle?
manipulating info, doing math, making plans
What is the modal model for long term memroy?
duration is long, capacity is enormous, takes effort to get info into, can be hard to retrieve info
What is the primary effect?
better memroy for the first few items relative to middle items
What is the recency effect?
better memory for last few items, not dispalced by future items
Does the capacity of working memory differ?
yes for every individual
What effect does chunking have on working memory?
reduces the load but does not increase the capacity
How can you explain the primacy effect?
memory rehearsal (early items get more rehearsal), attention gets divided across items os more items means more divisions,
How can you explain the recency effect?
last items are still in WM, replaced the middle items so they are forgotton
What is the average WM capacity for digit span task?
7 +- 2 items
What does operation span measure?
the capacity when the WM is “working”, there are various operation span measures
What does working memory capacity correlate strongly with?
standardized academic tests, reasoning tests, reading comprehension tests
What are the four components of working memory?
central executive, episodic buffer, phonological loop, visuospatial sketch pad
What does the visuospatial sketch pad do?
stores visual materials
What does the episodic buffer do?
helps the central executive organize information into
chronological sequence
What does the phonological loop do?
temporarily store verbal info, inner speech is used to refresh/reactivate the info
WHat does the central executive do?
controlled processing in working memory
What is incidental learning?
learning with no intention to learn
What is intentional learning?
deliberate, with exception of memory test
What does shallow processing mean?
physical features, so like what the word looks like
What does deep processing mean?
semantic, if a word fits in a sentence, meaning focused
What are the types of explicit vs implicit memories?
procedural, priming, perceptual, classical