Network Components Flashcards
What does DHCP stand for?
Dynamic Host Control Protocol - DHCP server automatically assigns IP addresses on a network.
Automatic Private IP Addressing/Assigning - Windows feature that assigns one of a range of reserved IP’s to a windows device when a connection to a DHCP server cannot be established. This lets the device stay connected to local devices but not to the wider area network (WAN) e.g. the internet.
Domain Name SYSTEM - converts domain names like to machine readable IP addresses. Phone book of the internet.
Power over Ethernet - physical/voltage power provided through ethernet cable.
Error Correcting Code - detects and corrects data bit corruption (one extra DIMM (dual inline memory module) to do the ECC on).
Signal to Noise Ratio - a measure of the interference level over a network.
Metropolitan Area Network (several buildings etc)
Personal Area Network (e.g. a Bluetooth network)
What does a Load Balancer do in a network?
Distributes/spreads load over multiple servers to maintain speeds and uptime.
What type of infrastructure network is SCADA used for?
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Controlling infrastructure like power, machinery in a factory, etc. No access from outside.
An example of a Industrial Control System (ICS).
Closed Loop system
What is a Tone Generator tool used for?
To find the corresponding end of a cable by making a noise when in contact with the device (Fox and Hound).
SO/HO Router?
Small Office/Home Office Router (routes/directs data over a network)
SSID in networking?
The customisable name of a wifi network.
Service Set IDentifier
What is a Media Tester used for in networking?
A tool for testing that network cables are working.
What is the 802.11 standard?
The most common wireless network standard with various types of sub standards.
What does MU-MIMO stand for?
Multi-User-Multiple Input/Multiple Output - allows a single Access Point (AP like a Modem) to transmit data simultaneously to multiple devices. Provided by 802.11ax standard.
What are the main transmitting frequencies used for wifi?
2.4GHz and 5GHz
What is the rough maximum range of Bluetooth devices?
What is a VLAN?
Virtual Local Area Network - devices on the network segregated virtually as opposed to using multiple routers and more cables.
What is a Subnet?
Sub Network - A small network that makes up part of a larger network split off from it with routers.
In the TCP three-way handshake (signal exchange) what does SYN and ACK stand for?
SYN - SYNchronise, a TCP data packet.
ACK - ACKnowledge, acknowledgement receipt.
The three TCP handshake steps:
1. Synchronize (SYN) - source PC sends a query to see if receiving device has any connections open/open ports.
- Synchronize-acknowledge (SYN-ACK) - if the receiving computer (passive client) has open ports that can accept the connection, it sends back a synchronize-acknowledge (SYN-ACK) packet to the initiating computer.
- Acknowledge (ACK) - the initiating computer (active client) then sends an acknowledge sequence number (ACK) packet back to the receiving computer, acknowledging receipt of the SYN-ACK packet. The data transmission/transfer can then begin.
Does UDP (User Datagram Protocol) guarantee data is delivered like TCP does?
No. UDP just flings out data at a receiving device it DOESN’T establish a connection (connectionless) or guarantee data is received by the requesting device.
UDP is one way traffic. No connection/session is established.
What does NAT stand for in networking?
Network Address Translation - a router service that translates a set of Private IP’s into Public IP’s and vice versa.
What two protocols are used for RECEIVING emails?
IMAP4 and POP3.
What does the ARP cache store?
The ARP cache stores a list of IP address and their MAC address counterparts to increase network speed (ARP checks through its list (cache) before searching further afield in the network for an address. It flushes/clears its cache of dynamic IP/MAC combos but keeps static IP/MAC address pairs permanently.
Define topology.
How parts of a whole (constituent parts) are arranged/laid out. How components are laid out and connected.
E.g. a network topology is how network devices are laid out and connected.
What is the CMD prompt input/s for changing the devices’ dynamic IP?
ipconfig/release - drops the current IP address
ipconfig/renew - gets a new IP address from the DHCP server pool
What is the CMD prompt input for tracking a network pathway to see where there may be a bottleneck in communication?
traceRT - finds where in the network path the problem is (where data is getting stuck/stopped) by tracking the EXACT path that data takes to its destination, each time it encounters a Router (hop) on route it reports it back (the IP address and time taken between each hop/router) for example type tracert
What do you type into CMD prompt to display what devices are currently connected to your device and what ports are open/listening on your device?
netstat -a
How do you show the network configuration of your device in CMD prompt?
ipconfig/all - shows detailed TCP/IP config information which is very useful for troubleshooting network issues the device may be having.
How do you view a list of all the sub commands/switches of a CMD prompt command?
Type the command and add: /?
What does the ipconfig /flushdns CMD prompt command do?
Clears any IP addresses and other DNS records from your cache.
How many data packets does the CMD prompt ping command send to the specified address?
It sends out 4 data packets to the specified IP address and then the IP address sends 4 packets back in response (if there is a connection route available), example: ping (for google)
What does WEP stand for in networking?
Wireless Equivalent Privacy - an outdated/rarely used encryption measure as it is easily hackable. Replaced by WPA/WPA2/WPS.
What is WPA2 in network security?
Uses CCMP encryption of data.
What is a Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) in computing?
Allows a designated computer to bypass using a firewall/security and be completely open to the internet by putting it in the DMZ, used for testing services e.g. to see if a firewall setting was preventing access, requires a static IP address.
What is the Open System Interconnection model?
A way of visualising data transmission in a network by splitting it into 7 layers.
What is the purpose of a Gateway network device?
Device that joins two or more (generally incompatible networks together) by converting the format of the data (not changing the data itself just it’s structuring) so it can be understood at both ends.
GATEWAY = PROTOCOL CONVERTER that allows different networks to be linked, despite different data formats.
What does a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) provide?
Internet over telephone lines by using different frequencies.
In a drug distribution network analogy what would the Internet Protocol (IP) be represented by?
The roads. Ethernet cables etc carrying data packets to given delivery addresses.
What does multiplexing allow?
(A feature provided by TCP and UDP)
Multiplexing allows multiple different applications to communicate with a server simultaneously (at the same time). (IP without TCP/UDP cannot do this!).
It works by combining multiple data streams and types into ONE single complex data stream.
What are some benefits of TCP IP protocol over UDP IP protocol?
Transmission Control Protocol is a connection/session based protocol with a 3 step formal handshake to establish/confirm a connection between two devices.
TCP guarantees data delivery by sending a confirmation of receipt (ACKnowledgement) from the recipient device which allows TCP to resend and reorder any data missing/corrupted packets as necessary.
TCP can also control the flow of data by slowing down the rate of transfer so the recipient device doesn’t get overwhelmed.
In the drug distribution network analogy what does the port number attached to each TCP/UDP data/drug packet do?
It tells the packet which application/service/drug user in the house/pc/server to go to.
Are sending/source ports or receiving ports more commonly kept the same to avoid confusion and data traffic queues?
Receiving ports are commonly kept the same to avoid confusion and allow services to communicate with each other.
Does UDP establish a connection/session?
No UserDatagramProtocol doesn’t do any sort of formal handshake/session creation between two devices it just flings data at a device.
It’s one way traffic on UDP.
What is the one main advantage UDP has over TCP data transmission?
UDP is a lot faster/has realtime data flow as it doesn’t have to establish receipt and therefore is perfect for things like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). This is because time doesn’t stop for network issues so if TCP dropped a packet and had to go back and resend and reorder it would make no sense in terms of the human conversation flow.
DHCP uses UDP 67/68
TFTP uses UDP 69
These Protocols do not need to receive information back.
What is Software Defined Networking (SDN)?
The abstraction of physical networking tasks, jobs, traditionally performed by hardware, to a centralised network management API. Thereby allowing for more flexible and easily manageable networking.
What are the three layers/planes of SDN?
Application layer - applications like security features: firewalls, IDS, IPS and network analytics apps, load balancers.
Control layer - SDN controller (brain of the network) - controls physical layer devices (switches, routers, etc) and determines how traffic should flow through the network as well as managing permissions, policies, configuration, traffic optimisation.
Physical (Data) Layer/plane - comprised of physical network hardware as well as virtual hardware (e.g. switches, routers). ROUTES TRAFFIC to where it is needed. Collects network statistics to display in Application layer.
What are some negatives of SDN?
Highly complex setup that takes a lot of time to transition from a hardware based network, complete dependency on the SDN controller - if it fails everything grinds to a halt.
What are the benefits of implementing SDN?
Scalability, cost (as don’t have to run/buy as much hardware and not locked in to any specific vendor for compatibility), better network traffic flow (optimisation), centralised network management and don’t have to physically swap out cables, enhanced security (as can rapidly clamp down on any intrusions across the network and roll out network wide security policies instantly).