Nervous System Disorders Flashcards
Alzheimer’s Disease
Buildup of plaque in the brain, Progressive. Difficulty remembering recently learned information
Cerebral Palsy
Disturbance in voluntary muscular (from brain damage) Can be due to birth injury
Seizure disorder of the brain, cause is uncertain
Increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid within ventricles of brain, enlargement of head occurs, treatment includes placements of a bypass (shunt) to divert the CSF.
Inflammation of the brain, viral or chemical cause
Inflammation of the linings of the brain and spinal cord. Outbreaks appear in high school or college age students. Paralysis, coma or death if in severe form.
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic inflammatory disease where immune cells attack the myelin sheath of nerve cell axons. Sheath is destroyed leaving scar tissue (hardening) on nerve cells. Unknown cause.
Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis
Loss of complete or partial motor function, may occur in one or more portions of the body
paralysis in lower half of the body
Paralysis in upper and lower extremities.
Parkinsons Disease
Characterized y tremors and shuffling gait, pill rolling. Possibly caused by decreased amounts of dopamine
Disease of nerve pathways of the spinal cord which causes paralysis. Vaccine is very good at eliminating cases
West Nile Virus
Mosquito born virus. Can causes encephalitis or meningitis.
Acute inflammation of nerve cells. Caused by herpes virus like chicken pox
Bell’s Palsy
Patient seems to have had a stroke on one side of face.Eyes don’t close properly and mouth droops. Disappears after a few weeks.
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)
AKA Stroke. Interruption of blood and oxygen to the brain causing tissue death.
EEG (Electro-encephalo-gram)
Recording of the electrical activity of the brain
CAT Scan (Computerized Axial Tomography)
Combines x-ray with nuclear medicine and produces cross sectional images
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Uses a magnetic field along with radio frequency to produce cross-section images of the body. Patient goes into a tube with a huge magnet)
Lumbar Puncture
Removal of CSF from spinal canal to test. Helps diagnose disorders of brain, spinal cord like multiple sclerosis.