Nerves of the Thoracic Limb Flashcards
Nerves supplying the thoracic limb
(3 main sources)
- Dorsal branch of cranial nerve XI (aka accessory nerve)
- Ventral branches of thoracic & spinal nerves
- Brachial plexus (major contributor!!!)
Dorsal Branch of Cranial Nerve XI
- Supplies trapezius m.
- Supplies parts of brachiocephalicus m.
Ventral branches of
cervical spinal n. & thoracic spinal n.
- Supply omotransversarius m.
- Supply rhomboideus m.
Brachial plexus
- Ventral branches of spinal n. & thoracic n.
- (+/-) C5
- C6= cranial spinal nerve 6
- C7= cranial spinal nerve 7
- C8 = cranial spinal nerve 8
- T1= thoracic spinal nerve 1
- T2 = thoracic spinal nerve 2
- Major contributor to thoracic limb
- Motor to skeletal muscle
- Cutaneous sensory from skin
Suprascapular n.
- Supplies supraspinatus m. & infraspinatus m.
- Goes in front of the scapula
- Courses between supraspinatus m. & subscapularis m.
“Sweeny” in horses
What causes “Sweeny” in horses?
- Damage to suprascapular n.
- Atrophy of supraspinatus m. & infraspinatus m.
- Shoulder pulls outward, slips out of the way
- No muscle backing
Subscapular n.
- Courses into the subscapularis m.
- Sole innervation = subscapularis m.
Which two nerves supply the subscapular m.?
- Axillary n.
- Subscapular n.
Axillary n.
- Need to reflect deltoideus m. in order to see axillary n.
- Courses btwn subscapularis m. & teres major m.
- Parts of subscapularis m.
- Teres major m.
- Teres minor m. (Laterally)
- Deltoideus m. (Laterally)
Musculocutaneous n.

- Courses alongside the biceps brachii m.
- Biceps brachii m. (obvious)
- Brachialis m. (deeper)
- Coracobrachialis m. (obvious)

Radial n.

Major n. of the thoracic limb
Supplies all & any extensors of the forelimb (carpus, digits, etc)
Courses towards triceps brachii mm. & appears on the lateral side deep to the lateral head of the triceps brachii m.
- Triceps brachii m. (lateral, long, medial, accessory)
- Tensor fasciae antebrachii m.
- Anconeus m.
- Extensor carpi radialis m.
- Common digital extensor m.
- Lateral digital extensor m.
- Ulnaris lateralis m. (flexor not extensor) - exception
- Supinator m.
- abductor digit I longus m. (dogs)
- Extensor carpi obliquus m. (large animals)
Radial n. deep branch = motor
Radial n. superficial branches = sensory
What would be the clinical implication of damage to the radial n.?
- The animal is unable to bear weight
- Radial n. paralysis
- Radial n. disease
- Elbow is dropped
- Digits knuckled onto their dorsal surface
Median n.

- Courses along with the brachial a.
- Inntervation: pronator teres m.
- Flexor carpi radialis m.
- Superficial digital flexor m.
- Deep digital flexor m.- only the radial head
- Becomes sensory to the palmar paw
Ulnar n.

- Courses along with the median n. & continues towards the olecranon
- Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
- Deep digital flexor m.
- Caudal cutaneous antebrachial n. (sensory)
- Becomes sensory to the lateral paw (digit - large animals)
Need to move flexor carpi ulnaris to see how deep it goes

Lateral thoracic n.
Inntervation: Cutaneous trunci m.
- Cut out when skinning
no clinical importance