Nerves and Vasculature of Thigh Flashcards
What spinal levels if the genitofemoral nerve?
L1, 2
what relationship does the femoral branch and the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve have in relation to each other?
femoral br. lies lateral to the genital br.
What nerve passes deep to the inguinal ligament and runs with the external iliac/femoral artery in teh lateral compartment of the femoral sheath?
femoral branch (of the genitofemoral nerve)
what spinal levels is the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve?
describe the course of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- is first seen about the middle of the lateral border of the psoas major
- passes over the iliacus towards the ASIS
- passes under the inguinal ligament and voer teh sartorius muscle to divide into anterior and psoterior branches
what spinal levels is the obturator nerve?
the obturator nerve emerges into the medial compartment of thigh thru the obturator canal. As it passes into the thigh it divides into anterior and posterior branches around what muscle?
adductor brevis
muscular branches of the anterior division of obturator nerve innervate which muscles?
adductor longus
adductor brevis (sometimes)
pectineus (rarely)
muscular branches of the posterior division of obturator nerve innervate which muscles?
obturator externus adductor magnus adductor brevis (sometimes)
if there is an accessary obturator nerve present, what is its spinal levels?
- present in about 10% of cases
- in the thigh, it passes deep to the pectineus to which it sends a muscular branch
what spinal levels is femoral nerve?
the femoral nerve sends muscular branches to where?
all muscles in anterior compartment of the thigh and sometimes to the pectineus
what nerve is the longest branch of the femoral nerve?
saphenous nerve
describe the course of the saphenous nerve.
enters the adductor canal with the femoral artery, crosses over teh artery from lateral to medial in teh canal, and at the adductor hiatus, leaves the canal by passing to the surface on the medial side of teh knee
*note that it does NOT pass thru the adductor hiatus
as the saphenous nerve becomes superficial, it passes btwn the tendons of which 2 muscles?
sartorius and gracilis muscles
what does teh saphenous nerve run with along the medial side of the leg?
great saphenous vein
in the proximal 1/3 of the leg, the saphenous nerve divides into what 2 branches?
- a contribution to the subsartorial nerve plexus
2. infrapatellar branch, which provides cutaneous innervation to teh skin over the patella
in teh distal 2/3 of the leg, the saphenous nerve divides into what 2 branches?
- branches to the skin of the anterior and medial side fo the leg to continue distaly into the ankle
- a branch which continues to the medial side fo teh foot as far as the ball of the foot
where is the subsartorial nerve plexus located?
inferior margin fo the adductor longus, deep to the sartorius muscle
what nerves make up the subsartorial nerve plexus?
- anterior branch of the obturator n.
- saphenous n.
- medial femoral cutaneous n.
what does teh subsartorial nerve plexus innervate?
sensory to the posteromedial aspect of the distal 1/3 thigh
what spinal levels does teh sciatic nerve come from?
- ant. division (L4-S3)
- post. division (L4-S2)
the sciatic nerve is formed by which 2 nerves?
tibial n.
common peroneal n.
when does the sciatic nerve split into its two components?
as it passes into the distal 1/3 of posterior thigh where it emerges from beneath the long head of the biceps femoris
what branches does teh femoral artery give off in the thigh?
- superficial epigatric
- superficial circumflex iliac
- superficial external pudendal
- deep external pudendal
- muscular branches
- profunda femoris
- descending genicular
where is the superficial epigastric artery located?
(1st branch of the femoral a.) usually and originates from the femoral a. about 1cm inferior to the inguinal ligament
describe the course of the superficial epigastric artery.
(1st br. of femoral a.) passes thru the femoral sheath to proceed superiorly, anterior to teh inguinal ligament
*terminates by anastomosing with the superficial epigastric from the other side and with the inferior epigastric artery
where is teh superficial circumflex artery located? describe its course.
(smallest br. of femoral a.)
originates from the atnerolateral aspect of femoral a. slightly below the superficial epigastric
*it travels laterally, paralleling the inguina ligament, to reach the iliac crest
*to anastomose with the deep circumflex iliac, superior gluteal, and lateral femoral circumflex a.
where is teh superficial external pudendal artery located? describe its course.
(from femoral a.)
originates from the medial side of teh femoral a. , across from the origin of the superficial circumflex iliac a.
*it travels medially to cross the spermatic cord and supply the perineal structures
muscular branches directly from teh femoral a. supply which muscles?
vastus medialis
adductor muscles
where does the profunda femoris (deep femoral artery) originate?
lateral aspect of teh femoral a. about 2-5cm distal to the inguinal ligament
what does teh profunda femoris terminate as?
4th perforating artery that enters teh adductor magnus muscle
how many perforating arteries does the profunda femoris give off?
3-4 perforating arteries
the lateral femoral circumflex a. arises from what?
usually comes from profunda femoris a.
the lateral femoral circumflex a. proceeds laterally under cover of which muscles to give rise to what 3 branches?
(under rectus femoris and sartorius muscles)
-ascending, transverse, and descending branch
the numbering of the perforating artereis are in relation to which muscle?
adductor brevis 1st- above it 2nd- anterior to it 3rd- below it *4th enters the adductor MAGNUS
which perforating artery of teh profunda femoris gives off teh nutrient artery to the femur?
the 2nd perforating artery
where can the descending genicular artery be found?
is usually the last branch given off before the femoral a. passes thru the adductor hiatus
*it travels medially and divides into a saphenous br. and an articular br.
what is teh relationship of the popliteal artery to the popliteal vein in teh popliteal fossa?
artery lies deep to the vein
when does teh femoral artery change its name to the popliteal artery?
once it exits teh adductor hiatus to enter the popliteal fossa
what are the branches of the popliteal artery in the thigh?
medial superior genicular
lateral superior genicular
which arteries contribute to the cruciate anastomosis?
(unites br. of internal iliac. a. and femoral a.)
- superiorly: inferior gluteal a. - from int. iliac a.
- inferiorly: 1st perforating a. - from profunda femoris
- medially: medial femoral circumflex a.- from profunda femoris
- laterally: lateral femoral circumflex a.- from profunda femoris
where does the great saphenous vein drain into?
femoral vein
where does the small saphenous vein drain into?
popliteal vein
which branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery participates in the formation of the cruciate anastomosis?
transverse branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery
what does the ascending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery anastomose with?
superior gluteal and deep circumflex iliac arteries
what does the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex femoral artery anastomose with?
superior lateral genicular branch (of popliteal artery)
what does the articular branch of the descending genicular artery anastomose with?
medial superior genicular and anterior tibial recurrent artery (to supply the knee joint)