Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian Flashcards
Which period ended when Domitian died?
End of Flavian period
How did Nerva replace Domitian?
Palace conspirators killed Domitian and replaced him with Nerva
What is the new period in history called when Nerva started to rule?
Antonine period
How did Nerva improve his popularity with the Senate?
- Forgave those accused of treason under Domitian.
- Consulted the Senate regularly.
- Refused gold and silver statues of himself.
- Offered food for poor children
- Ended unfair Jewish taxes.
What controversial actions did Nerva take early in his reign?
Executed informers but later stopped due to chaos.
too lenient
What were the key plots against Nerva?
Calpurnius Crassus: Tried bribing the Praetorian Guard but failed to assassinate Nerva; exiled and later executed by Hadrian.
Casperius Aelianus: Praetorian Prefect who captured Nerva, demanding punishment of Domitian’s assassins.
What weaknesses did Nerva face during his reign?
Lacked military support; struggled to control the Praetorian Guard.
Forced to endorse punishment of Domitian’s murderers.
Seen as a compromised leader, easily pushed by others.
Who was the next heir after Nerva?
Nerva adopted Trajan to be his heir
How did Nerva die?
Died of a fever in Gardens of Salis
What did Nerva rename the Domitian’s palace to?
- House of the people
- to return the golden house to the people
What political position did Trajan hold under Domitian?
He served as consul
Why didn’t Trajan go to Rome immediately after becoming emperor?
He toured the empire to secure loyalty, especially from the army.
How did Trajan enter Rome after becoming emperor?
On foot, greeting senators as equals.
What notable quote illustrates Trajan’s humility and dedication?
“Take this sword, in order that, if I rule well, you may use it for me, but if ill, against me.”
How did Trajan maintain good relations with the Senate?
He treated them with dignity and attended social events without a guard.
What were Trajan’s major military campaigns?
Dacian Wars
Parthian Campaign
What title was Trajan given for his character and accomplishments?
Optimus Princeps (“Best Ruler”).
What major construction projects did Trajan undertake?
Public works (bridges, roads)
improved Roman Infrastructure
What health issues led to Trajan’s death?
suffered stroke and failing health
Who secured the empire for Hadrian after Trajan’s death?
His wife Plotina and his friend Attianus, a Praetorian Prefect.
What did Trajan build in his forum to commemorate his work?
An enormous column, serving as a monument to himself and his work, made possible by leveling a hill for the forum.
What parts made up Trajan’s Forum and Markets?
Libraries, offices, marketplaces, open spaces, public business areas, and a temple for the divine region.
What war funded Trajan’s Forum and Markets?
The Dacian Wars, which expanded Roman territory into modern Romania.
What was the primary purpose of Trajan’s Market?
It included market stalls, administrative rooms, and spaces for public business.
What did Trajan’s Column commemorate?
it commemorates his victories in the Dacian Wars
What inscription is at the base of Trajan’s Column?
A dedication to Trajan by the Senate and people of Rome, highlighting the excavation work for the forum.
What is depicted on the helical frieze of Trajan’s Column?
A narrative of the Dacian Wars, including sacrifices, Roman soldiers in action, and scenes of conquest.
Why is the helical frieze significant in design?
It spirals from the bottom to the top, requiring viewers to walk around it to follow the story.
What major infrastructure improvement did Trajan make in Ostia?
He constructed a hexagonal port to enhance Rome’s grain supply and commercial activity.
What were the Baths of Trajan, and why were they significant?
The largest imperial baths of their time, built on the Esquiline Hill, featuring spaces for entertainment, libraries, and lecture halls.
What does the Arch of Trajan at Beneventum symbolize?
Trajan’s compassion, humanitarian efforts, and achievements in foreign and domestic policy.
How did Trajan’s projects emphasize his role as a humanitarian?
- By providing grain for children
- building public works
- improving trade infrastructure.
What was Hadrian mocked as a child for?
His “uncultivated accent”
Who did Hadrian marry?
Trajan’s niece (Plotina)
What was much of Hadrians due to?
His wife Plotina
Why was Trajan praised during his reign?
He expanded Rome to its largest size.
Why was the Roman Empire unstable despite Trajan’s success?
Trajan’s conquests left the empire overstretched and vulnerable.
What controversial decision did Hadrian make early in his reign?
He gave up the lands Trajan conquered beyond the Euphrates River.
What policies did Hadrian enact to gain loyalty?
He provided double donatives to soldiers, relieved government debts, and remitted crown taxes.
How did Hadrian demonstrate humility in construction?
He only put his name on the Temple of Trajan and aqueducts outside of Rome.
How did Hadrian address military discipline?
He simplified the soldiers’ diets, removed luxuries, and encouraged exercise.
How did Hadrian consolidate the empire’s borders?
He built Hadrian’s Wall in Britain and fortified the German frontier with earthworks.
What criticism did Hadrian face for spending little time in Rome?
He traveled extensively, which some viewed as neglect of the capital.
Name some structures Hadrian built in Athens.
The Arch of Hadrian
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Hadrian’s Library
The Panhellenion.
What did the Arch of Hadrian symbolize?
The division between ancient Athens (“City of Theseus”) and Hadrian’s Athens (“City of Hadrian”).
What is the most iconic structure Hadrian rebuilt in Rome?
The Pantheon, which has the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world.
Why did Hadrian build libraries in the Athens?
sign of great respect in greek learning and culture
What did the Temple of Venus and Roma represent?
Hadrian’s architectural innovation and his personal design contributions.
Why was the Mausoleum of Hadrian built?
To replace the full Mausoleum of Augustus as the burial place for emperors.
What was the purpose of Hadrian’s Villa at Tivoli?
Served as his suburban residence
What does the Maritime Theatre symbolize?
Hadrian’s desire for privacy while remaining near imperial administration.
Why did Hadrian need to plan for succession?
Childless, suffered a stroke
Who was Hadrian’s first choice for successor?
Ceionius Commodus, the elder
What happened to Ceionius Commodus, Hadrian’s first successor?
He went north as a governor, became sick, and died
What did Hadrian say after Ceionius Commodus’ death?
“We have leaned against a falling wall and we have lost 300 million sesterces that we gave to the people and the soldiers to mark the adoption of Commodus.
Who was Hadrian’s second choice for successor?
Arrius Antoninus (Antoninus Pius).
What condition did Hadrian set for Antoninus Pius’ adoption?
Antoninus Pius had to adopt Marcus Annius Verus (Marcus Aurelius) and Lucius Ceionius Commodus, the younger as his heirs.
Why was Antoninus Pius a significant choice?
He was selected despite being reluctant to engage in public affairs.
His adoption ensured a merit-based dynasty that served the empire well for two generations.
How did Hadrian ensure stability for the future of the empire?
By consciously selecting three successors
Who was with Hadrian at the time of his death?
Antoninus Pius.
How did Antoninus Pius ensure Hadrian’s legacy?
Carried Hadrian’s remains to Rome with reverence.
Placed them in the Gardens of Domitia.
Instituted honors such as a quinquennial contest and a temple for Hadrian.
How was Hadrian perceived by his contemporaries?
He was unpopular with the Senate at the time of his death.
His legacy was largely secured through Antoninus Pius’ efforts.