Nephrology Flashcards
Urinary system functions
Excretion: eliminating waste and drug metabolites
Filtration: of creatinine
Controlling erythrocyte production: erythropoietin
Controls BP, salt and hydration
Acid-base/ electrolyte regulation
Calcium regulation
How is erythropoietin produced?
With hypoxia (leads to ↓ cardiac output) → kidney releases erythropoietin → stimulates the bone marrow → RBC production
What causes azotemia?
↑ BUN or creatinine or both
How does the Kidney control BP, salt and hydration
Na+/ H2O balance with renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin, ADH) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
Paradoxyl Aciduria
From abomasal displacement → HCl builds up (blood) → metabolic alkalemia → body excretes K+ → body reabsorbs it and excretes hydrogen to maintain heart function → acidic urine in alkalemic state
What is the functional unit of the kidney?
The nephron
Blood work for kidney
RBC parameters. BUN, creatinine and phosphorus
Urinalysis (SG)
Normal: 1.030 (dogs) and 1.035 (cats)
Isosthenuric: 1.007-1.013
Hyperstenuria: Normal, >1.013
Hypostenuria: Diabete insiputis
Special testing
Symmetric Dimethyl Arginine (SDMA)
For early kidney screening and function
Detects renal dysfunction by ↓ 25%, needs to be hydrated
Methods of urine collection
Cystocentesis (with or without ultrasound)
Neoplastic cells of the kidney
Transitional cell carcinoma
Large cells, high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, prominent nucleoli, clumped chromatin, mitotic figures