Neo-Freudian theories Flashcards
What did Freud consider the cause of anxiety? What is thought today?
Freud believed the unconscious mind was the source and anxiety. Today, research focuses on the conscious mind
What is the difference between defense mechanisms and coping strategies?
Dense mechanism concerns the unconscious mind, coping strategies happen in the conscious mind
What was the study on coping with anxiety about (Koriat, Melkman, Averill and Lazarus 1972)? What were the results?
Study where participants watched a video about a gruesome accident. Results: participants used 2 techniques to deal with anxiety = intellectualization (focus on technical details) and denial (it only happens in film, not IRL)
What are coping strategies? How many are there?
Efforts to cope with anxiety in the face of perceived threat. Endless number of strategies.
Coping strategies are more used by whom?
What are coping styles?
The different combinations of coping strategies that people use
What early study was performed on different coping styles? What were the results? Are these results still used today?
Study where participants were shown video on sudden infant death syndrome. Results identified two types of styles: repressors (avoidance of threatening situation) and sensitizers (want to learn more to make the best decision). This was called the repressor-sensitizer spectrum, which was further developed by later researcher
What system is used today to distinguish the many coping strategies?
Today, coping strategies are divided amongst:
1. Active strategy
- Problem-focus strategy
- Emotional focus strategy
2. Avoidance strategy
What are two differences between repressors-sensitizers spectrum and the active vs. avoidance spectrum?
- Active vs. avoidance divides between strategies in which people take action and not
- The active strategy in divided between strategies aimed at the source of the threat vs. the emotional response to the threat
What are problem-focused strategies?
Strategy in which a person attempt to resolve a problem, thereby reducing anxiety
What are emotional-focused strategies?
Strategy in which the person attempts to reduce emotional distress that comes with the problem (talking to others, seeing the positive, etc.)
What are avoidance strategies?
Strategy in which person attempts to repress feelings of anxiety
What study was performed on what strategies are used by people?
Study where people recount the past 7m of their lives. Results found that 98% of people used both active strategies, individually or together. But more often than not people used more than one strategy and women used more emotional-focus strategy and men more problem-solving focus.
Which strategy is the most effective?
Using any strategy is better than non, but active strategies are much better than avoidance
Can avoidance strategy reduce anxiety?
Not really, in so cases it may reduce anxiety in the short-run only for mild stressors, but overall no, it can make it worse
What are some of the long-term consequences associated with use of the avoidance strategy?
More vulnerable to stress related illnesses and possible link to alcoholism.
Which of the two active strategy is better for dealing with anxiety?
Both are equally good depending on situation? If there is no solution to an anxiety = emotional-focus is better vs. if there is a solution = problem-solving focus