Horney & Erikson Flashcards
According to Horney, what was one of the most important part of her theory?
Parental neglect
What did Horney and Freud disagreed on?
Horney did not believe in the Oedipus complex and in the division of the mind in the id, ego and superego
Why did Horney believe that personality development was influenced by culture rather than biology (like Freud)?
Because she believed that the issues discussed by Freud were only applicable to his time and place, and not universal, therefore it cannot be biological, but cultural
What is the name of Horney’s approach to personality?
Socio-culture theory of personality or feminine psychology
Horney did not put much emphasis on the sexual repression, unlike Freud, what did she think was the cause of most issues?
Everyday stressors
What is womb envy? How does it impact men?
Counterpart to Freud’s penis envy, the idea that men envy women’s ability to bear and nurse children. Men compensate for their inability to have children through achievement in other domains
According to Horney, what is the most important need in childhood?
Need for safety
What does ridicule and humiliation in childhood lead too?
To too much feeling of inferiority
Horney’s theory is most similar to…?
What does neglectful parenting led to?
To hostility towards parents
According to Horney, what happens when someone develops hostility?
It is repressed, which leads to anxiety. It can only be ended by its release, often displaced unto others
What are the three concepts that define one’s personality and lifestyles?
- Basic evil
- Basic hostility
- Basic anxiety
What is basic evil?
Anything parents do that undermine the child
What is basic hostility?
Feeling generated in a child when basic need of safety and satisfaction are not met by parents
What is basic anxiety?
Psychological state that exists when basic hostility is repressed. General feeling that everyone is potentially dangerous (displacement of basic hostility unto others)
According to Horney, what is the foundation of neurosis?
It is basic anxiety, unlike Freud’s which is repressed sexual thoughts
So, in very simple terms, what is the link between the three concepts that define one’s personality?
Neglect -> hostility -> repressed until displacement
What are self-protective mechanisms?
Techniques used to seek security and reassurances
What is the result of overuse of self-protective mechanisms?
They turn into neurotic needs
How do the self-protective mechanisms work to deal with basic anxiety?
They give an outlet to hostility
What are the ten neurotic needs?
- Affection/approval
- Dominating partner
- narrow limits to life
- Protection/unassailability
- Self-sufficiency
- Power
- Exploit others
- Social recognition
- Admiration
- Achievements
What are the three personality trends that arise from these needs?
- Compliant/moving towards people: always need approval
- Aggressive/movement against people: lack of autonomy and power = aggressively
- Detached/movement away from people: self-sufficiency and perfectionism
What was Erikson’s view on the ego? What was its function?
Believed that the ego is powerful and an independent part of the mind whose function is to establish a sense of identity, otherwise it will lead to identity crisis
Freud believed personality was developed in the first five years of life, did Erikson agree?
No, he believed personality is formed throughout a lifetime, from womb to tomb
According to Erikson, what is a crisis?
A turning point encountered during personality development, it is not necessarily bad, just depends on the direction one takes to solve it (adaptive or maladaptive)
What is the first stage of development according to Erikson?
Basic trust vs. Basic mistrust:
- Infants are at the mercy of caregivers during the 1st year of life. If they don’t receive loving care = basic mistrust (lifelong patterns of suspicion)
What is the second stage of development according to Erikson?
Autonomy vs. shame/doubt (2y)
- Independence = confidence and strong sense of personal mastery
- Overly-protective parenting = shame and doubt = unsure and dependent
What is the third stage of development according to Erikson?
Initiative vs. Guilt (toddler)
- Organize and interact with other toddlers = initiative = sense of purpose
- Fail to develop initiative = guilt = no sense of purpose
What is the fourth stage of development according to Erikson?
Industry vs. inferiority (elementary school)
- Success in comparison = industry feeling of competence
- failure in comparison = inferiority = feeling of inadequacy
What is the fifth stage of development according to Erikson?
Identity vs. role confusion (teen)
- Sense of self = identity
- No sense of self = role confusion
What is the sixth stage of development according to Erikson?
Intimacy vs. isolation (young adult)
- Intimate relationship = identity
- No intimate relationship = emotional isolation
What is the seventh stage of development according to Erikson?
Generativity vs. stagnation (middle age)
- Playing active role in guiding next generation = generativity
- Failure to guide next generation = stagnation = lack of purpose
What is the eighth stage of development according to Erikson?
Ego integrity vs. Despair (old age)
- Sense of satisfaction = integrity
- No sense of satisfaction = despair