Neck Flashcards
What are the superficial cervical fascia? Where is it and what is contained in it?
Subcutaneous layer. Deep to skin Surrounds platysma and contains sensory branches of neck.
What are the Deep cervical fascia layers?
- Superficial (investing layer) 2. Middle layer -Muscular pretracheal fascia -Visceral pretracheal fascia -buccopharyngeal fascia 3. Deep layer -Prevertebral fascia -Alar fascia 4. Carotid seath.
What does the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia enclose?
-Trapezius -SCM -Submandibular gland -Parotid.
What does the muscular pretracheal fascia elcose?
Infrahyoid muscles.
What does the Visceral pretracheal fascia envelop? Continuous with and blends with?
Surrounds: Thyroid gland, Larynx, Trachea, Pharynx, Esophagus.
Conitnuous with buccopharyngeal fascia, blends inferiority with fibrous pericardium.
What does the prevertebral fascia envelope? What travels along it?
Envelopes deep neck muscles including prevertebral, scalenes, and deep back muscles.
CNXI travels with it.
Red=Superficial (Investing) Layer
Purple=Muscular Pretracheal Fascia
Blue=Visceral Pretracheal Fascia
Green= Buccopharyngeal fascia
Orange=Prevertebral fascia
In between orange and green= Alar Fascia
Brown= Carotid Sheath
What is the carotid sheath made from? Contents?
Made from contributions of superficial, middle, and deep fascia. -Carotids -Internal jugular vein -Vagus nerve -Lymph nodes -Ansa cervicalis (embedded in wall)
What is the carotid sheath made from? Contents?
Made from contributions of superficial, middle, and deep fascia. -Carotids -Internal jugular vein -Vagus nerve -Lymph nodes -Ansa cervicalis (embedded in wall)
What are the 3 fascial spaces and their subspaces?
- Suprahyoid
- Submandibular (sublingual submaxillary)
- Lateral phryngeal
- Masticator - Infrahyoid
- Fascial spaces that span the neck.
- Retropharyngeal
- Danger
- Carotid
What are the spaces in the submandibular space and what do they contain?
- Sublingual: CN XII, Lingual n, sublingual gland, deep part of submandibular gland, submandibular duct.
- Submaxillary: Submandibular gland, anterior digastric. (infections from 1,2,3rd moars can spread from here.
What is the lateral pharyngeal space continuous with?What is contained in Masticator space?
- Continuous with submandibular and retromandibular spaces.
- Contains masseter m, medial and lateral pterygoid mm, insertion of temporalis.
Where is the retropharyngeal space located? Extends from where? Contains what?
-Between buccopharyngeal and alar fascia -Extend from clivus to T2. -Contains areolar tissue, and lymph nodes.
Where is the danger space located? Extends from? Can spread infections where?
-Between alar and prevertebral fascia -Extends from clivus to diaphragm. -Can spread to mediastinum (where hear and lungs are).
What is the shape of the thyroid gland? Where does it lie between vertebrae? Special characteristics?
Butterfly shape with 2 lobes connected by isthmus. Between C6-T1 Largest pure endocrine gland.
What is the arterial, venous, and nervous supply of the thyroid?
A: Superior thyroid (Ex carotid), Inferior thyroid (thyrocervical trunk branch)
V: Superior and middle thyroid drain into internal jugular., Inferior thyroid drain into left brachiocephalic.
N: Glandular branch of cervical ganglia.
What is the location of the parathyroid? Blood supply and innervation?
Pea shaped embedded in thyroid gland. Same supply and innervation as thyroid.
What are the major contents of the root of the neck?
Subclavian vein and artery. Phrenic nerve and brachial plexus.
What occurs during thoracic outlet syndrome?
Compression of the trunks of brachial plexus and subclavian artery.
What is contained in the scalp?
- Skin 2. Connective tissue 3. Aponeurosis 4. Loose CT 5. Periosteium
What is the arterial supply of the scalp?
- Internal carotid artery
- Opthalmic (Supratorchlear, supraorbital) - External carotid artery
- Superficial temporal
- Posterior auricular
- Occipital