Cervical Triangles Flashcards
What are in the anterior triangles?
- Digastric or submandibular
- Submental
- Muscular
- Carotid
What are in the posterior triangles?
- Occipital triangle
2. Subclavian (supraclavicular or omoclavicular).
What are the borders of the anterior triangle?
- Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid.
- Inferior border of mandible.
- Midline of neck.
What are the borders of the submandibular or digastric triangle?
- Anterior digastric
- Posterior digastric
- Inferior border of mandible.
What is the floor and roof of the submandibular or digastric triangle?
Floor=Hyoglossus, Mylohyoid, Middle constrictor
Roof: Sking, Superficial fascia with platysma, Deep cervical fascia.
What are the arteries, veins, nerves and structures conatained in the submandibular/digastric triangle?
A: Facial, Submental, Lingual
V: Facial, Submental, Lingual
N: Mylohyoid, CN XII
S: Submandibular gland, Subman lymph nodes, inferior portion of parotid gland.
What are the borders, floor, and roof of Submental triangle?
- Borders=
- Left anterior digastric
- Right ant digastric
- Body of hyoid bone - Floor: Mylohyoid
- Roof= Skin, Superficial fascia, deep cervical fascia
What are the major contents of the submental triangle?
No Major contents!
What are the borders of floor of the muscular triangle?
- Borders:
-Anterior border of
- Superior omohyoid
-Midline - Floof:
What are the arteries, veins, Nerves, and structures contained in the muscular triangle?
A: Superior thyroid
V: Inferior thryroid
N: Ansa Cervicallis
S: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, thyroid and parathyroid gland, pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus.
What are the borders and floor of the carotid triangle?
- Borders:
- Ant border of SCM m
- Post digastric
- Sup omohyoid - Floor:
- Hyoglossis
- Thyrohyoid
- Middle constrictor
- Inferior constrictor
What are the Arteries, Veins, Nerves and Structures whithin the carotid triangle?
A: Common, Internal, External carotid -Superior thyroid -Lingual -Facial -Ascending pharyngeal -Occipital Veins: Internal jugular -Common facial -Lingual -Superior thyroid -Middle thyroid Nerves: -Vagus (external and internal laryngeal) -Accessory -Hypoglossal -Ansa cervicalis (superior) -Superior cervical ganglion of symp trunk Structures: Carotid sheath
What are the borders and floor of posterior triangle?
- Borders:
- Ant border of trapezius
- Post border of SCM - Floor:
- Prevertebral fascia
- Semispinalis capitis
- Levator scapulae
- Scalenes
- Omohyoid
Where is occipital triangle located? Contents?
Superior to inferior belly of omohyoid.
Arteries: Thyrocervical trunk
Nerves: Cervical plexus, accessory nerve.
Where is subclavian triangle located? Contents?
Inferior to inferior belly of omohyoid.
Arteries: Subclavian, Thyrocervical trunk
Veins: External jugular
Nerves; Brachial plexus
What are the borders and floor of suboccipital triangle?
Borders=Suboccipital muscles
Floor: Posterior arch of atlas.
What are the arteries, veins, nerves, and muscles of suboccipital triangle?
A: Vertebral
V: Vertebra
N: Greater occipital, Suboccipital
M: Obliquus capitis superior and inferior
Rectus capitis posterior major and minor.