manual treatment techniques and hand placements are used to increase muscle tone to produce more nearly normal movement responses in the hemiplegic patient
a state of lacking tone, the limb feels limp and falls into place when not supported
the manner in which the Bobath therapist uses her hands to stop the patient’s abnormal tone and movement and activate normal movement patterns
manual treatment techniques and movement patterns are used to decrease spasticity and to stop abnormal movement patterns
the normal adaptation of muscles to passive movement, which allows the body to follow
movement and maintain a
Placing response
Key points of control
hand placements on the hemiplegic trunk and limbs that are used to change muscle tone
and influence the quality of movement
positions that inhibit spasticity by passively elongating spastic muscles
Reflex inhibiting postures
a treatment technique used to persevere or restore normal mobility in the
scapulothoracic joint, allowing the hemiplegic arm to be moved though its full arc or movement without shoulder pain and to inhibit flexor spasticity in the arm
Scapular mobilization
a state of excess tone and hyperactive response to stretch
specific techniques that use tactile and proprioceptive input to muscles and joints to
produce an active muscle response in flaccid limbs
Stimulation techniques
is directed toward the goal of retraining normal, functional patterns of movement in the adult stroke patient
The Bobath approach
Normal tone, posture and movement allow a person to function in everyday tasks. CNS feedback allows the person to refine motor movements
Abnormal tone, inefficient posture and abnormal patterns of movement interfere with everyday functions
The therapist uses his/her hands on the patient’s body to change the quality of movement patterns
is used to establish normal alignment, to reduce or eliminate abnormal tone and movement, to reeducate muscles in normal patterns in the trunk and limbs, and to produce an active movement pattern in the patient
key points of control
shoulder, pelvis, spine,
ribcage, hand, and foot
Manual techniques and hand placements used to eliminate spasticity
passive positioning to lengthen spastic muscles
reflex inhibiting postures
describe the active movement that inhibit abnormal tone and encourage or facilitate active movement
Reflex inhibiting movement patterns
are those patterns of handling that help the patient move more normally
These techniques are used with both spastic and flaccid hemiplegia