NCATT Direct Current (DC) Terms - Level A Flashcards
Define Direct Current.
Direct Current is the flow of electrons in one direction throughout a circuit with constant voltage and current. Direct current is caused by a constant difference of potential, both negative and positive.
Define Electron
Electron is a negatively charged subatomic particles that are located and travel around (orbit) the nucleus in an imaginary sphere or shell at the speed of light (186,000 miles/second). Electrons are involved in the conduction of electricity.
Define Proton.
A Proton is a positively charged subatomic particles that exist within the nucleus of all atoms. Protons are not involved in the conduction of electricity.
Define Neutron
A Neutron is a neutral subatomic particles that exist within the nucleus of all atoms. Neutrons are not involved in the conduction of electricity.
Define Conductor.
A Conductor is the common building block of electrical circuits that easily permits the movement of electrons from an electrical source to a load and back to the electrical source with a minimum of resistance. Resistance depends on such factors as cross sectional area, length, temperature, and conductor material.
Define Insulator
Insulator—Material or device used to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound from one medium to another.
Define Static Electricity
Static Electricity—Electrical charge that may be built up on a non-conductive surface by friction. Static electricity serves no useful purpose.
Define Current
Current—Flow of electricity. Electrical current is the rate of flow of electrons that pass a given point in a specific amount of time.
Define Coulomb
Coulomb—Basic unit of electrical quantity. A coulomb is equal to 6.28 billion - billion electrons (6.28 X 10 to the 18th or 6.28 quintillion).
Define Ampere
Ampere (A, amp)—Unit of measurement used to express the flow of electrons (current). One amp is the amount of current that can be forced through one ohm of resistance by the pressure of one volt. Current is represented by the international symbol “I”.
Define EMF
EMF (E)—Electron moving force measured in volts. EMF is the force causing electrons to move through a conductor.
Define Volt
Volt (V)—Basic unit of electrical pressure. A volt is the amount of force required to cause one amp of current to flow through one ohm or resistance. Volt is often expressed by such terms as voltage, voltage drop, potential difference, EMF, or IR drop.
Define Resistance
Resistance (R)—Electrical characteristic of a conductor. Opposition that a circuit, component, or substance presents to the flow of electricity. Resistance is force that opposes or slows down another force, drops voltage, and consumes power. Resistance is measured in ohms.
Define Ohm’s Law
Ohm’s Law—Ohm’s Law states that “the amount of current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the circuit voltage and inversely proportional to the circuit resistance.”
Define Ohm
Ohm (Ω)—Unit of electrical opposition to the flow of current. A circuit has one ohm of resistance when it limits the flow of current to one amp under a voltage pressure of one volt.
Define Watts
Watts (W)—Basic unit of power that is the product of voltage multiplied by current. One watt (1/746 horsepower) is the power produced in a circuit that has one amp of current flowing under a pressure of one volt.
Define Capacitor
Capacitor—Electrical component used to store electrical energy in the form of an electrostatic field. A capacitor is a device made of two parallel conductors separated by an insulator.
Define Working Voltage
Working Voltage—Maximum amount of DC voltage that can be safely applied across a capacitor.
Define Inductor
Inductor—Coil or other device used to introduce inductance into a circuit. An inductor is a winding, or coiling, of multiple turns of wire.
Define Battery
Battery— A device made of one or more individual electrochemical cells used to store chemical energy and make the energy available in the electrical form. There are two categories of batteries, primary and secondary. Batteries can store DC power.
Define Left-hand Rule
Left-hand Rule—Refers to generators. This rule is for determining the direction of movement of a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
Define Magnetism.
Magnetism—Ability of a magnet to attract certain materials containing iron and to influence electrons. Magnetism is the principal way to effectively produce AC electricity.
Define Magnetic Permeability
Magnetic Permeability—Measure of ease that lines of flux travel through a material.
Define Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation—Short way of expressing a given number as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power.
Define Metric Prefixes
Metric Prefixes—Measurements relating or using the metric system of measurement.
Define Henry (H).
Henry (H)—Basic unit of measurement for inductance. One Henry is the amount of inductance a current change of one ampere per second induces a voltage of one volt.
Define Farad.
Farad—Basic unit of capacitance. One farad holds one coulomb under a pressure of one volt.