NBS Microbiology- Parasites (Helminths) Flashcards
Another name for Trichuris Trichiura is: A. Pinworm B. Hookworm C. Whipworm D. Trichinella Spiralis
tricky tricky whip it whip it
You would use the "Scotch tape test" with which intestinal roundworm: A. Trichinella Spiralis B. Enterobius Vermicularis C. Necator Americanus D. Ancylostoma Duodenale
Enterobius Vermicularis
You are walking down the sandy beach in Florida, you encounter this hookworm who caused you to bleed severely leading to anemia: A. Strongyloides Stercoralis B. Ancylostoma Duodenale C. Necator Americanus D. Trichinella Spiralis
Necator Americanus
Its an american sandy beach
Which of the following is NOT a Hookworm: A. Strongyloides Stercoralis B. Ancylostoma Duodenale C. Trichuris Trichiura D. Trichinella Spiralis
Trichuris Trichiura
this is a whipworm
You recently went hog hunting and bagged yourself a nice fat bore. Your buddy Robby decided it was a good idea to take a raw bite out of the pig to show his manliness. What intestinal nematode could he have just ingested? A. Strongyloides Stercoralis B. Ancylostoma Duodenale C. Trichuris Trichiura D. Trichinella Spiralis
Trichinella Spiralis
What is a Trematode? A. Flukes B. Tapeworms C. Nematode D. Roundworm
Intestinal Nematodes are usually spread via what method? A. Consumption of Fish B. Consumption of Crabs C. Fecal pollution of soil with eggs D. Fly bits
Fecal pollution of soil with eggs
Which of the following parasites is not spread via fecal pollution of soil with eggs? A. Necator Americanus B. Strongyloides Stercoralis C. Ascaris lumbricoides D. Onchocerca Volvulus
Onochocerca Volvulus is caused by a black fly bite
Which of the following represent hookworms? A. Strongyloides Stercoralis B. Ancylostoma Duodenale C. Strongylides Stercoralis D. Trichinella Spiralis E. All of the above
All of the above are hookworms
This tissue nematode causes nodules to form around you body and once they develop on you eyes it leads to river blindness? A. Loa Loa B. Wuchereria Bancrofti C. Dracunculus medinensis D. Onchocerca Volvulus
Onchocerca volvus
What is the vector for River Blindness? A. Black Fly B. Mangrove Fly C. Black mite D. Deer Fly
Black Fly
your rive guide oncho drives a volvo and got bit a black fly because hes a black guy
Loa Loa is spread via what type of vector? A. Mangrove fly B. Black fly C. Cyclops D. Deer fly E. A and D
Deer and mango
the little deer named loa loa lives in the mangrove woods
You went of a trip over break and got bitten by a mosquito or two. Now your leg is the size of tree trunk and your doctor said its elephantitis (oh shit). Which tissue roundworm is causing this to occur? A. Drancunculas medinensis B. Onchocerca volvulus C. Wuchereria Bancrofti D. Loa loa
Wuchereria Bancrofti
You ingest water containing cyclops (aquatic invertebrae). What tissue nematode could come into play: A. Drancunculas medinensis B. Onchocerca volvulus C. Wuchereria Bancrofti D. Loa loa
Drancunculas Medinensis
Dracula and cyclops are bad news
QUIZ: What do you think of when you see Onchocerca volvulus?
River blindess, black fly bite
QUIZ: What do you think of when you see Wuchereria Bancrofti:?
Elephantitis and mosquitos
QUIZ: If the vector was a deer or mangrove fly what nematode do you think of?
Loa Loa
Which of the following is a fluke? A. Ascaris lumbricoides B. Paragonimus westermani C. Loa Loa D. Pinworm
Paragonimus westermani
Schistosoma Japanoicum is a trematode (fluke) common with the ingestion of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ water containing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_? A. Fresh, Fungi B. Salt, Feces C. Fresh Larvae D. Salt, Larvae
Fresh, Larvae
This fluke is common with the consumption of raw crabs? A. Schistosome Mansoni B. Paragonimus Westermani C. Schistosome Haematobium D. Opisthorchis Sinensis
Paragonimus Westermani
Paragon crabs are from the West Man
Mickey mouse decided to make a fish dinner for minnie. He did a bad job of cooking it and they both now have what Helminth? A. Schistosome Mansoni B. Paragonimus Westermani C. Schistosome Haematobium D. Opisthorchis Sinensis
Opisthorchis Sinensis
They ate bad fish so they decided to get high on OPIum which is a SIN
Which of the following is a termaode? A. Coccidioidomycosis B. Pinworm C. Loa Loa D. Shistosoma Sinesis
Shistosoma Sinesis
What are Cestodes? A. Flukes B. Tapeworms C. Roundworms D. Nematodes
This tapeworm is associated with sagging beef and the consumption of raw or undercooked beer? A. Taenia Solium B. Hymenolepis Nana C. Balantidium Coli D. Taenia Saginata
Taenia Sagainata
You just fell in the yard landing face first into some fresh dog feces. A bunch went in your mouth and u might have swallowed some. What cestode is common in dog feces? A. Taenia Solium B. Diphyllobothrium latum C. Echinococcus Granuloses D. Hymenolepis Nana
Echinococcus Granuloses
Echino= dogs name
echino echino come here
Which of the following is the LONGEST tapeworm? A. Taenia Solium B. Diphyllobothrium Latum C. Echinococcus Granuloses D. Hymenolepis Nana
Diphyllobothrium Latum
Keeping that DIP in for a LONG time
Which of the following is the LARGEST tapeworm? A. Taenia Solium B. Diphyllobothrium latum C. Echinococcus Granuloses D. Hymenolepis Nana
Taenia Solium
same one as PORK
You just ate raw pork, which tapeworm is common in pigs? A. Hymenolepis Nana B. Taenia Solium C. Taenia Saginata D. Echinococcus Granuloses
Taenia Solium
The pigs got SOUL
Which cestode could lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency? A. Hymenolepis Nana B. Taenia Solium C. Diphyllobothrium Latum D. Echinococcus Granuloses
Diphyllobothrium Latum
Which tapeworm is considered the "Dwarf" and is common in undercooked meat? A. Hymenolepis Nana B. Taenia Solium C. Taenia Saginata D. Echinococcus Granuloses
Hymenolepis Nana
Nana is a dwarf
How would you get infected with the longest tapeworm? A. Consuming undercooked beef B. Consuming undercooked pork C. Consuming undercooked chicken D. Consuming undercooked Fish
*Diphyllobothrium Latum= longest