NB2-4 - Neurotransmitters and Synaptic Transmission 1 and DLAs Flashcards
Describe what an electrical synapse is.
It is a synapse where the two neurons communicate via a gap junction
Describe the various components of a gap junction.
A gap junction is formed by two opposed connexons which are each composed of six connexins arranged in a circle. Each connexin is composed of four membrane spanning units.
Describe the types of chemical synapses and whether they are usually excitatory or inhibitory.
- Axodendritic - commonly excitatory but more proximal contacts are often inhibitory.
- Axoaxonic - commonly inhibitory (diminishes magnitude of AP).
- Axosomatic - commonly inhibitory.
- Tripartite Synapse - with this synapse an astrocyte acts as an intermediary; the astrocyte takes up glutamate released by the presynaptic neuron, converts it into glutamine, and releases the glutamine back to the presynaptic neuron for conversion back to glutamate. The glutamine will then be returned to the presynaptic neuron and converted back to glutamate. Usually excitatory
List the two primary types of postsynaptic receptors and describe their basic properties.
Ionotropic Receptors - binding of ligand causes the opening of an ion selective pore.
Metabotropic Receptors - when bound by a ligand these receptors influence coupled G-proteins which will typically start a signal cascade that affects metabolism or gene expression.
What is the NMDA receptor? Describe how it functions. What drug interacts with NMDA receptors and what is this drugs affect?
The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is an ionotropic glutamate receptor that, once opened, allows cations through (ie - Na+, K+, and Ca++). However, it does not just requrie the binding of glutamate to be opened. It must also bind glycine and the membrane must be depolarized. The membrane must be depolarized to remove the Mg++ and Zn++ ions bound to sites within the channel.
PCP (angel dust) acts as an antagonist to NMDA receptors
What are the other glutamate sensitive receptors beside NMDA? How do they differ from NMDA?
AMPA (aka - quisqualate receptor) and the Kainate receptors
Their mechanism of action is similar to that of the NMDA receptor. These ionotropes only allow Na+ and K+ through, however, NOT Ca++
List the traditional criteria for a molecule to be considered a neurotransmitter.
- Synthesized by presynaptic neurons.
- Stored in preparation for release.
- Released by presynaptic neurons in a calcium dependent fashion.
- Specialized receptors (typically postsynaptic) effect stereotyped transmitter- and analogue- dependent physiological changes.
- Mechanism for removal of transmitter from synapse.
List and classify the neurotransmitters we need to know.
In which cell types can NTs be synthesized? Why?
Pretty much only within the neurons themselves because the NTs cannot cross the BBB but the precursors for them often can.
What are the precursors for the catecholamines, indolamines, NO, GABA, Glycine, Glutamate, and acetylcholine (ACh)?
- Catecholamines - precursor is tyrosine
- Indolamines - precursor is tryptophan
- Glutamate and GABA - precursor is glutamine or α-KG
- Glycine - precursor is 3-phosphoglycerate from glycolysis
- NO - precursor is arginine
- ACh - precursor is acetyl-CoA
How are NTs usually stored? Mention important proteins and the different types of vesicles used.
If the NTs are not already present in a vesicle when synthesized, they will be transported into one. This is done by an antiporter that uses a high intravesicular [H+] created by the vesicles H+ ATPase. The antiporter exchanges one proton for one molecule of NT.
Low molecular weight NTs (except NE and Serotonin) are packaged into small clear vesicles that get anchored to the neuron membrane by synapsin near the axon terminal. High molecular weight NTs, NE, and serotonin are packaged into large dense-core vesicles that are anchored farther from the axon terminal.
Describe the typical process of NT release.
When the axon terminal deploarizes, calcium enters which activates a calmodulin dependent protein kinase that liberates the vesicle by phosphorylating synapsin. The vesicular v-SNARE proteins synaptobrevin and synaptotagim then bind to the t-SNARE proteins syntaxin and neurexin on the terminal membrane, respectively. These proteins zipper together, pressing the vesicle against the neuronal membrane, and synaptophysin, in the presence of calcium, forms a fusion pore which facilitate fusion of the vesicle the membrane and NT release.
Describe how neurons perform vesicle retrievel after NT release.
After a vesicle fuses with the cell membrane and releases its NT, it will be retrieved. This is done via endocytosis. After endocytosis, the small clear vesicles are recycled by endosomes in the axon terminal while the large dense core vesicles are transported retrogradely.
What biochemical steps are present in all catecholamine synthesis? Which step is considered the rate limiting one?
The synthesis of Dopamine (DA) occurs before making any catecholamine
- Tyrosine from either the diet or synthesis from phenylalanine enters the dopaminergic, adrenergic, or noradrenergic neuron.
- Tyrosine hydroxylase converts tyrosine to L-DOPA
- DOPA decarboxylase converts L-DOPA to DA
- DA is then transported into a small clear vesicle for storage or conversion into another catecholamine
It is the conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA by tyrosine hydroxylase that is the rate limiting step
How would a disruption of the axonal MT track affect NT synthesis?
It wouldn’t affect it at first since NT are synthesized near the axon terminal and NT precursors are pumped into the neuron near the axon terminal. However, the enzymes that synthesize the NTs are translated in the soma and transported via the MT tract to the axon terminal. After some time, the amount of NT synethesis enzymes present in the axon terminal will fall and so will NT production
What is another name for L-DOPA?
What enzymes break down catecholamines and what do they break them down into? Where are they usually located?
- Monoamine Oxidases (MAOs) break down catecholamines into organic acids, for urinary excretion, and are usually located in the mitochondria of presynaptic neurons and liver cells.
- Catechol-O-methyltransferases (COMTs) break down E and NE into metanephrines, for urinary excretion, and DA into 3-MT which an MAO will further break down into an organic acid for urinary excretion. COMTs are usually found in the postsynaptic neuron or liver cells
Describe the synthesis and removal of DA.
- DA is synthesized and stored in a vesicle for later exocytosis via the usual mechanism (make sure you know this mechanism)
- DA will be removed from the synaptic space in three different ways:
- Taken back up into the presynaptic neuron by reuptake-1 transporters where it will be either repacked into a vesicle or degraded by MAOs.
- Taken up into the postsynaptic neuron by reuptake-2 transporters where it will be degraded by COMTs
- It diffuses into the circulation and is broken down by COMTs and MAOs in the liver.
Describe the synthesis and removal of norepinephrine occurring within neurons?
Synthesis - Dopamine is synthesized from tyrosine and transported into a small clear vesicle via the usualy mechanism. In the vesicle, dopamine hydroxylase will convert it into norepinephrine. The vesicle will then be tethered near the terminal for eventual exocytosis.
Removal - reuptake-1 will actively transport NE back into the presynaptic neuron where it will be either reloaded into a vesicle and metabolized by MOA. Reuptake-2 will actively transport NE into the postsynaptic neuron where it will be metabolized by COMT. Any remaining NE will diffuse away into the blood and be metabolized in the liver by both MAO and COMT.
Describe the synthesis and removal of epinephrine occurring within neurons?
Synthesis - tyrosine is converted into NE via the usual neuronal mechanism. NE then leaks out of its vesicle into the cytoplasm where PNMT (phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase) converts it into epinephrine. Epinephrine is then actively transported back into a vesicle which is then stored for later release.
Removal - mechanisms for removal of E are the same as for NE
Describe the synthesis and removal of serotonin.
- Tryptophan is taken up from the plasma by brain cells
- Tryptophan hydroxylase hydroxylates tryptophan to 5-hydroxy-tryptophan
- Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase decarboxylates 5-hydroxy-tryptophan to 5-hydroxy-trymptamine (aka - 5-HT or serotonin)
- Serotonin is then stored in vesicles for eventual exocytosis
- SERTs (serotonin reuptake transporters) will transport serotonin back into the presynaptic neuron from the synaptic cleft. Concurrently, synaptic serotonin can be metabolized by MAOs to 5-hydroxy-indolacetyldehyde which aldehyde dehydrogenase will convert to 5-hydroxy-indolacetic acid for urinary excretion
What are the major amino acid NTs we need to know and are their effects normally excitatory or inhibitory? Where are their receptors usually found in the nervous system?
GABA’s effects are inhibitory and its receptors are ubiquitous in the nervous stem
Glycine’s effects are inhibitory and its receptors are localized primarily within the spinal cord, lower brainstem, and retina.
Glutamate’s effects are strongly excitatory and its receptors are ubiquitous in the nervous system
Describe the synthesis and removal of GABA
- In the mitochondria, glutaminase converts glutamine to glutamate
- In the cytoplasm, GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) uses PLP (Vit B6) to convert glutamate to GABA.
- GABA is then stored in a vesicle for eventual exocytosis
- GABA transporters pump GABA either back into the presynaptic neuron or an astrocyte.
- Once in the presynaptic neuron, GABA is repackaged into the vesicles. Once in the astrocyte, the mitochondrial enzyme, GABA-T, converts GABA to glutamate which is transported to the cytoplasm where glutamine synthetase converts it into glutamine which glutamine transporters than pump out of the astrocyte and back into the presynaptic neuron
Describe the synthesis and removal of glycine.
- The glycolytic intermediate, 3-phosphoglycerate, is used to synthesizie serine in the cytoplasm
- Serine transhydroxymethylase, in a THF (tetrahydrofolate) dependent manner, converts serine to glycine.
- Glycine is then stored in a small clear vesicle for eventual exocytosis
- Glycine transporters in the presynaptic membrane will reuptake glycine from the synaptic cleft
Describe the synthesis and removal of glutamate.
- Glutamate is made in one of two ways:
- α-KG from Krebs is transaminated into glutamate
- In the mitochondria, glutaminase converts glutamine to glutamate
- It is then stored in vesicles for eventual exocytosis
- Glutamate transporters move synaptic glutamate to either the presynaptic neuron or an astrocyte.
- In the presynaptic neuron, glutamate is repackaged. In the astrocyte, glutamine synthetase converts glutamate to glutamine which ist then transported out of the astrocyte and back into the presynaptic neuron
What are the key differences between nitric oxide (NO) and other NTs?
NO is a gas which means it is only synthesized when needed (it’s not stored) and it spontaneously decays so it can’t be reused.
Describe how the NT NO is synthesized in a neuron and how NO has its effects.
- A postsynaptic neuron’s NMDA receptor gets activated which allows Ca++ into the cell.
- Ca++ binds calmodulin
- The calcium-calmodulin complex activates nNOS (nitric oxide synthase)
- nNos converts L-arginine to L-citrulline and NO.
- NO will bind to soluble guanylate cyclase which will increase the [cGMP], triggering a signaling cascade
- Because NO is freely diffusible, it can leave the post synaptic neuron to exert its affects on nearby cells (ie - presynaptic neuron, glial cells, adjacent neurons)
Describe the synthesis and removal of acetylcholine (ACh).
- Glucose enter axon via facilitated diffusion.
- Glycolysis generates pyruvate.
- Pyruvate enters the mitochondria where the PDH complex converts it into Acetyl-CoA; Acetyl-CoA is then transported back to the cytoplasm.
- ACh transferase then combines acetyl-CoA and Choline (retrieved from the synapse) into ACh. ACh is transported into a small clear vesicle for eventual release into synapse.
- ACh esterase hydrolyzes ACh into choline and acetate or the ACh is taken up by astrocytes near the synapse. The choline is taken up for re-use by the pre-synpatic neuron
Describe how high molecular weight NTs are generally synthesized and stored.
The propeptide and its cleaving enzyme are synthesized in the soma and packaged into a large dense core vesicle by the golgi which is transported to the axon terminal. Propeptides are then cleaved into smaller peptide NTs. The peptide containing vesicles are tethered farther from release sites than the small clear vesicles.
Blocking the K+ channel prolongs membrane depolarization after an AP
Which nuclei in the brain utilize ACh signaling and what do these nuclei do? Is ACh typically excitatory or inhibitory?
There are two major constellations in the brain that interacts with cholinergic neurons.
- The basal forebrain constellation, most notably the nucleus of Meynert, which provides innervation to the entire neocortex, amygdala, hippocampus and thalamus.
- The dorsolateral pontine tegmental constellation which innervates the basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, reticular formation, and deep cerebellar nuclei.
ACh is typically excitatory
What types of receptors are nicotinic receptors? Are they found in the CNS or PNS?
It is an ionotropic receptor that opens when bound by ACh. It allows cations to pass through. These receptors are found in both the CNS and PNS
What are autoreceptors and what do they do?
Autoreceptors are receptors present on the presynaptic neuron that, when bound by the NT released by the presynaptic neuron, inhibit the release of more NT by that neuron. This is a type of negative feedback inhibition.
List and classify the metabotropic glutamate receptors.
- Group I
- Types 1 & 5 which are typically postsynaptic and excitatory
- Group II
- Types 2 & 3 which are typically autoreceptors
- Group III
- Types 4 & 6-8 which are typically autoreceptors
List the types of GABA receptors, describe how they work, and mention the drugs that affect them and how.
GABAA - an ionotropic receptor that allows Cl- to enter the cell (hyperpolarizing). Barbituates will also open this channel while benzodiazepines will just increase Cl- flow through the channel when GABA is bound
GABAB - a metabotropic receptor that activates a signaling cascade that results in closure of Ca++ channels and enhancement of K+ channels (hyperpolarizing). These receptors are often found at axoaxonic synapses.
NMDA antagonsist often cause pscychosis
Barbituate agonists will sedate the patient
Benzodiazepine agonists will calm the patient
Describe how an alpha motor neuron regulates its ACh release?
The α-motor neuron axon bifurcates with one terminal synapsing on the muscle and the other terminal synapsing on a renshaw cell (interneuron) that will synapse and release glycine on the soma of the α-motor neuron which will cause Cl- influx and hyperpolarize the soma, making an AP less likely to fire again.
What is strychnine and what does it do.
Strychnine is a toxin that causes muscular convulsions and eventual death by asphyxiation. It does this by acting as an antagonist to glycine receptors (but NOT NMDA, AMPA, or Kainate). Since renshaw cells have their inhibitory effects on α-motor neruons via glycine receptors, strychnine blocks this. This is why muscular convulsions are seen. If the toxin reaches the brainstem then the convulsions will lead to asphyxiation.
What is the mechanism of action for tetanus toxin and what are its effects?
Tetanus toxin blocks the release of the NTs GABA and glycine, both of which have important inhibitory effects on α-motor neurons. This leads to spastic paralysis (muscle tightening that causes paralysis).
Where are dopaminergic neurons located in the nervous system and what do they do? Are they generally excitatory or inhibitory?
DA receptors can be both inhibitory and excitatory and are located at three major constellations:
- Substantia Nigra whose axons project to the striatum and are therefore involved with movement
- Ventral tegmental area whose axons profect to the limbic system and are therefore involved with emotion and memory
- Hypothalamic arcuate nucleus whose axons project to the median eminence and release DA directly into the hypophyseal portal circulation which will travel to the anterior pituitary to inhibit prolactin release
- The nucleus accumbens which is the pleasure center (which is why DA makes you happy)
List and describe the types of DA receptors and what they do?
All DA receptors are metabotropic and there are two main types:
- D1 - like
- D1 & D5 which are excitatory and coupled to cAMP signaling
- D2 - like
- D2, D3, & D4 which are inhibitory and coupled to cAMP signaling
Which neurons are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease? What NTs are released by these neurons?
The neurons of connecting the red nucleus to the striatum. These are dopaminergic neurons
Where are noradrenergic neurons located in the nervous system and what do they do? Are they generally excitatory or inhibitory?
Noradrenergic neurons are both excitatory and inhibitory and are found in two general constellations:
- Locus ceruleus in the pons whose fibers project to the thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic structures, and cerebral cortex and serve to help modulate arousal, attention, and feeding/emotional behaviors.
- Reticular formation nuclei at pontomedullary junction whoes fibers project to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and certain spinal targets
List and describe the types of NE receptors and what they do?
All receptors are metabotropic
- α1 and ß1 are excitatory
- α2 and ß2 are inhibitory although ß2 receptors will occasionally have excitatory effects
Where are seratonergic neurons located in the nervous system and what do they do? Are they generally excitatory or inhibitory?
Serotonergic neurons are both excitatory and inhibitory. They are mostly localized to the raphe nuclei of the medulla, pons, and midbrain. The medullary nuclei will project to the spinal cord (dorsal horn) and brainstem while the pontine and midbrain nuclei will project to the thalamus, limbic system, and cortex. The neurons to the limbic system are involved with emotional states (depression) and the neurons to the spinal cord are involved with sensation of pain.
List and describe the types of serotonin receptors and what they do?
There are seven families of serotonin receptors with 6 being metabotropic.
- 5-HT1 & 5-HT5 are inhibitory
- 5-HT2 is excitatory
- 5-HT4, 5-HT6, & 5-HT7 are excitatory
- 5-HT3 is a cation ionotropic receptor and is excitatory
What are the neuroactive peptides we need to know?
Beta-endorphin and Enkephalin both of which are opioid peptides
Substance P
How is beta-endorphin synthesized? What does beta-endorphin do?
- Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) is synthesized in the pituitary
- POMC is then transported to periaqueductal grey and noradrenergic nuclei where it will be proteolytically cleaved to beta-endorphin and other peptides
Beta-endorphin binds to the Mu opioid receptors
How is enkephalin synthesized and what does it do?
- Pre-proenkephalin is synthesized in local spinal and caudal bulbar neurons
- Pre-proenkephalin is cleaved to produce leu- and met-enkephalin
Leu- and met-enkephalin will bind to delta opioid receptors in the medulla and spinal cord and exert inhibitory effects.
How is substance P synthesized and what does it do? How are the effects of substance P inhibited
Substance P is synthesized in peripheral unmyelinated nociceptive fibers and is released into the dorsal horn to elicit pain signaling.
The release of serotonin and NE will indirectly inhibit the effects of Substance P be triggering release of enkephalin from enkephalinergic neurons into the same synapse as substance P