NB2 10+11 Flashcards
can occur on its own or part of a syndrome
usually multifactorial
can be anterior or posterior
clefts of the anterior palate
Anterior to the incisive fossa
Results from failure of the fused lateral palatine processes (secondary palate) to meet and fuse with the primary palate
clefts of the posterior palate
posterior to the incisive fossa
Results from failure of the lateral palatine processes to meet and fuse with each other and the nasal septum
cleft of the anterior and posterior palate
Results from failure of the lateral palatine processes to meet and fuse with the primary palate, with each other, and the nasal septum
cleft lip
Cleft lip can occur independently from underlying bony deformities
can be unilateral or multilateral
Failure of maxillary prominence to fuse with the fused medial nasal prominence(intermaxillary segment) on one or both sides
Unilateral Cleft Upper Lip
Failure of fusion of left maxillary prominence with the fused medial nasal prominences (intermaxillary segment)
Bilateral Cleft Upper Lip
Failure of both maxillary prominences to fuse with the intermaxillary segment
Median Cleft Upper Lip
Failure of fusion of the two medial nasal
prominences to form the intermaxillary segment
usually seen with other morphologies
Median Cleft Lower Lip
Failure of fusion of the mesenchyme of the
mandibular prominences
Oblique Facial Cleft
Failure of maxillary prominence to fuse with lateral nasal prominence
Nasolacrimal duct is visible
First arch syndrome - Treacher Collins Syndrome
failure of NCS migration into the first arch
underdeveloped jaw (micrognathia) cleft palate (50%) conductive hearing loss pinna malformation drooping eyelid (lower)
First arch syndrome - Pierre Robin Sequence
- Micrognathia or retrognathia
- glossoptosis (retraction of tongue)
- cleft palate
cervical (branchial) sinus
internal and external??
Open externally along ant. border of SCM
Failure of the second pharyngeal groove and cervical sinus to obliterate
Opens internally into the tonsillar fossa or near the palatopharyngeal arch
Most result from persistence of the proximal part of the second pouch (more rare)
Persistence of the 2nd pouch and cervical sinus
Abnormal tract passing between external and
internal carotid arteries
opening on the side of neck externally & in the
tonsillar sinus internally.
cervical (branchial) cysts
persistence of parts of cervical sinus and /or 2nd pharyngeal groove with no internal or external communication
Cystic swelling along anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
slowly will enlarge with fluid and cells
late childhood