Lecture 12+13+14+15+DLA Flashcards
easy temperament
regular biological functions (toileting, sleep schedule, feeding)
adapts well to change
described as happy and cheerful
mild stress
tend to be extroverted
difficult temperament
variable biological functions
the child is fussy and cries in new situations
slowly adapts to change
usually unpleasant and disagreeable
will have temper tantrums
with the right parenting style; temperament can improve
slow to warm up temperament
usually seen as shy and clingy
anxious and moody
with encouragement the child becomes more comfortable
need to handle change at their own pace
variable biological functions like the difficult temperament
these children usually are introverted
secure attachment style
A securely attached child is cared for by someone
who is nurturing, warm, sensitive, and responds positively to the child.
Securely attached children tend to become adults who have higher self-esteem, higher impulse control, good stress management skills, and are considered reliable and popular
insecure avoidant attachment style
This type of attachment occurs when the caregiver has responded negatively to the child through hostility, rejection, or excessive control
Later in life, these children tend to have lower self-esteem with emotional barriers.
anxious about showing emotions
Insecure ambivalent attachment style
This type of attachment occurs when the caregiver is not consistently nurturing and sensitive to the child
The child might engage in behaviors aimed at gaining the attention of the caregiver
Disorganized attachment style
The caregiver is unpredictable
the caregivers reactions vary; confuses child
1st stage of psychosocial development
trust vs mistrust
birth- 18 months
A time to balance what can be believed and what cannot be
Hope develops
2nd stage of psychosocial development
Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt
18 months – 3 years
During this stage, the ego strength of will emerges as children learn to make their own decisions
Will develops
3rd stage of psychosocial development
Initiative vs guilt (3 years to 6 years)
At this age, a child uses play as a medium to gain a sense of bravery and worth in the development of their ego
develop purpose
4th stage of psychosocial development
Industry Versus Inferiority (6 years – 12 years)
During this stage, children are influenced by individuals outside of their immediate life circle.
Developing a balance between a sense of competence while also recognizing that restrictions exist is important
develop competence
5th stage of psychosocial development
Identity Versus Role Confusion (12 years – 20 years)
The fundamental ego strength that arises from this crisis is fidelity – sustained loyalty, faith, or sense of belonging to friends, to a loved one, an ideology, a religion, or an ethnic group
gain a sense of who you are
6th stage of psychosocial development
Intimacy Versus Isolation (20 years – 40 years)
At this stage, individuals are focused on forming close relationships with others.
love is developed
7th stage of psychosocial development
Generativity Versus Stagnation (40 years – 60 years)
The ego strength that arises is care – to take care of the persons, the legacies, the ideas that persons have learned to care for.
leaving a mark on society
8th stage of psychosocial development
Integrity Versus Despair (60 years and beyond)
wisdom means accepting the imperfections of the self, parents, and life as a whole.
physical development
physical growth
gross motor skills
fine motor skills
cognitive development
intellectual abilities
use of knowledge
language skills
social development
understanding self and non-self ability of self care awareness of social rules moral development gender identity
emotional development
attachment and temperament
newborn: right after birth assessment
assessed to determine if they have any birth defects or need resuscitation
done using the Apgar scale
done after 1 minute and 5 minutes usually
7-10 = normal (smooth transition)
4-6 = intermediate (special attention and care)
0-3 = low (usually life-threatening)
(appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration)