Navigation Flashcards
What information may be available if the IR Rotary Selectors are set to ATT?
- IR mode supplying only attitude and heading information, if the system loses its ability to navigate.
- The heading must be entered through the CDU keyboard and has to be reset frequently (10min).
What are the 3 occasions when the ALIGN light will flash?
- ALIGN fault
- No present position entry after 10min
- Different between position at shutdown and entered position exceeds 1 degree of latitude or longitude
- If the aircraft moves during alignment (windy day).
When does the ON BAT light illuminate?
Comes on amber when one or more IRs is supplied only by the A/C battery. It also comes on for a few seconds at the beginning of the alignment, but not for a fast realignment.
What should NOT be tested during APU start?
Compass, because of the location of the APU power on contractor in the cockpit the PAU start sequence may disturb the compass reading.
When the ILS is tuned on an RMP, what information is NOT available?
When the flight crew uses an RMP t turn an ILS/DME, the PFDs do not display the DME distance.
If both FMGS fail, how are navaids tuned?
- RMP in the NAV backup mode, the crew can select radio communication systems as normal
- Setting on RMP to NAV backup mode removes navaids tuning from both FMGCs.
Which NAVAIDS can be tuned from RMP1 & RMP2 and RMP3?
Either RMP: both ILS
RMP3: not used for navaids tuning
What happens to GPWS warnings if the loudspeakers are turned off?
The audio volume of GPWS aural warning or cautions is not controlled by the loudspeaker volume knobs.
When will TERR ON ND automatically switch on?
If an alert is generated (caution or warning) and TERR p/b switch ON ND is not selected, the terrain and the obstacles are automatically displayed, and the ON light of the TERRN p/b switch ON ND comes on.
If TERR ON ND is indicating ON, what happens to the wether radar?
Weather radar image not displayed.
What produes the information on the ND when using EGPWS?
How is the information displayed in order to prevent confusion with weather radar?
- The weather radar TILT is replaced by a blue TERR and the terrain display sweeps form the centre outward to both ND sides.
- To differentiate between the terrain and the weather display, the terrain display sweeps form the centre outward to both sides of the ND.
When should LDG FLAP 3 be selected ON?
Flap mode is inhibited when flaps config 3 is selected, in this case, LDG MEMO displays “flaps 3” instead of “config full”
When should FLAP MODE be selected OFF?
Flap mode (too low flaps mode 4) is inhibited, to avoid nuisance warning in case of landing with flaps setting reduced).
If the TERR function of EGPWS fails, or is selected OFF, what happens to GPWS?
Inhibits the TAD and TCF modes, and does not affect the basic GPWS mode 1-5. If OFF is selected the ECAM caution NAV GPWS TERR DET FAULT is displayed.
Apart from the EWD, where are TCAS failures displayed?
Flag on PFD and ND.
Which colours are displayed on the Vertical Speed Scale?
Red, green and normal (grey)
What causes the pressure setting to pulse on the PFD?
When the selection made by the pilot is not correct. STD not selected above transition altitude in climb or STD still selected in approach below transition level or 2500’ radio height if transition level is not available.
When is RA data displayed?
- Lower than 2500’
- Green DH+100’ < RA < dh +100’
If no DHs has been entered, or if both FMGC fail, the radio height appears:
Green: 400’ < RA < 2500’
Amber: when RA is less or equal to 400’
What is displayed at the bottom corners of the ND?
- Shape and colour of the associated bearing pointer.
- Identification or frequencies
- DME distance
- Mode of tuning
On the EFIS, where are ILS 1 and ILS 2 displayed?
ILS 1 information: PFD 1, ND 2
ILS 2 information: PFD 2, ND 1
In the PLAN mode (ECP) what CANNOT be displayed on the ND?
- Weather radar picture
- Data on NAVAIDS and associated pointers.
If CHECK ATT appears on the PFD, what should you do?
- Both PFDs display “check ATT” if there is a discrepancy of at least 5 degrees between the attitude valves, pitch and/or roll.
- Crosscheck the three systems; switch the faulty side to number 3, on the switching panel.
How long does an IRS alignment take?
Completed alignment: 10 mins
Fast alignment: 30 sec
How is a rapid alignment done and when?
- Turn off the 3 ADIRS then turn them back on within 5 seconds
- When G/S > 5 knots
What should you do if there is a NAV ACCUR DOWNGRADE message?
Compare raw data from tuned navaids with FM computed data on ND or PROG.
How can LAT/LONG be adjusted on the MCDU?
- Slewing or overwriting, and then press the align IRS prompt. (INIT page)
Wind Heading is displayed in true while the arrow displays in magnetic.
Why are the wind heading and arrow different?
FO PFD, ND and lower ECAM
What does ADIRU 2 power?
M inute: 1 minute to alignment countdown but still not alignedM easure: FROM airport is not current positionM emory: shutdown position different than present by 1 degree lat or longM otion: when tugged during alignment, will restart alignment process in 10 minutes
What are the 4 reasons fora IRS IN ALIGN memo?
91 per axis per IR
How many Ring Laser Gyros are on board?
Baro Reference SelectorsADIRS Control and Display Unit (CDU)(MCDUs) Multifunction Control and Display Units
What are the pilot inputs to the ADIRS?
GP-IRS position is accurate and used by FMS
What does GPS PRIMARY mean?
FO angle of attackFO Total air temperatureFO pitot and static systemsUses 3 ADMs
What are the inputs for ADIRU 2?
30 seconds, Switch all ADIRS knobs to NAV - OFF - NAV
How long does a fast realignment take and how do you accompl
Standby angle of attackCA Total air temperatureStandby pitot (1) and static (2) systemsUses 2 ADMs
What are the inputs for ADIRU 3?
When APPR is pressed for an ILS approach or LOC is pressed for a LOC approach
When is the only time the aircraft is navigated by a ground
Through 2 Multi Mode Receivers (MMRs) which then send data to the ADIRUs. MMR1 =ADIRU1&3 MMR2=ADIRU2
How is GPS data calculated?
On-side positionADIRU3 positionOff-side position
What is the MMR hierarchy?
CA angle of attackCA Total air temperatureCA pitot and static systemsUses 3 ADMs
What are the inputs for ADIRU 1?
91 per axis per IR
How many accelerometers are on board?
While in flight using MIX IRS position, FMS recalculates position based on DME/DME or VOR/DME and applies the BIAS to the FMS position. The MIX IRS position is never changed only the FMS position.
How is MIX IRS re-calibrated in-flight?
During takeoff, the FMS knows the location of the runway threshold and corrects the MIX IRS position when TOGO power is applied.
When GPS is lost and FMS is working off MIX IRS, what realig
After alignment, the 3 independent IRs calculate present position. The FMS then take the average as the MIX IRS position.
When GPS is lost how is position information calculated?
(ADR) Air Data Reference :-Pitot/Static info(IR) Inertial Reference:-Gyro type info (attitude and heading)-position
What are the portions of the (ADIRUs) Air Data and Inertial
Calculated hybrid position using GPS and IRS positionsIRS position only if GPS failsRadio NavigationInternal NAV Database
How does ADIRS calculate present position (PPOS)?
(EIS) Electronic Instrument System(FMS)Engine computersFlight Control computersWarning Computers
What systems use the ADIRS data?
CA PFD, ND and upper ECAM
What does ADIRU 1 power?
Airspeed trendAttitude Indicator and BEta Target (slip/skid)Instant VSIHeadingAll ND info (except TAS)G load meter
What does the IR (Inertial Reference) supply data to ?
AirspeedAltitudeBackup VSI (amber boarder around VSI)TASTotal Air Temp (TAT) and Saturated Air Temp (SAT)
What does the AD (Air Data) supply data to ?
3 separate (ADIRUs) Air Data and Inertial Reference Units
What does ADIRS consist of?
Terrain Awareness DisplayTerrain Clearance FloorRunway Field Clearance FloorTERR pb
What are the 3 enhanced features of the GPWS? What pb contro
Basic simply looks at RA while enhanced looks and predicts terrain ahead.
What is the difference between the basic and enhanced GPWS f
SYS pb
What pb turns the basic functions off?
When landing Flaps 3 instead of FULL. Disables the warning.However, will warn when not at Flaps 3
Why would you push the the LDG FLAP 3pb?
Plan Mode
What mode will not allow you to display Terrain on the ND?
60 seconds
You get a Terrain Caution, how long until impact?
30 seconds
You get a Terrain Caution, how long until impact?
At what range will Terrain warnings and cautions be displaye
System provides min altitudes at various ranges from airports, if airplane is lower than set min altitude you will get a “TOO LOW TERRAIN” alert
What is the Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF)?
The Runway Field Clearance Floor is for high altitude runways significantly higher than surrounding terrain.
What is the difference between the Terrain Clearance Floor a
You have lost:Terrain DisplayTerrain Clearance FloorRunway Field Clearance Floor
What happens when you get a FAULT light on the TERR pb?
All basic GPWS functions are lost but Enhanced features remain
What happens when you get a FAULT light on the SYS pb?
There are two sweeps, an upper and a lower. The upper detects short range weather and the lower, long range weather.
Why is it a multiscan radar?
Doppler effect of moisture ahead of the aircraft allows the radar to predict windshear ahead.
How does the windshear warning system work?
Tilt knob
When MAN is selected how can the crew adjust radar tilt?
Ground Clutter Suppression, eliminates ground returns, allowing for lower tilt angles than normal.
What does the GCS mode do?
WX Weather onlyWX+T Weather + TurbulenceTURB Turbulence onlyMAP Ground Mapping
What are the 4 radar modes?
When MULTISCAN switch is set to AUTO, what should the gain b
The Tilt angle is reference to the horizon. So any pitch or roll will not affect the radar return.
When manually setting the tilt angle, what happens with when
Predictive Wind Shear system
What is the PWS switch?
Turbulence, 40 NM
What does MAGENTA represent on the ND radar screen? What is
Scan is 90 degrees until below 2300, then it is reduced to 60 degrees.Windshear is detected 30 degrees either side up to 5 NM. But range must be set to 10 NM for windshear to be displayed.
How is the radar scan changed during approach?
PWS switch…ONALT…below 1500Engine…runningTransponder…NOT in STBYRADAR does NOT have to be ON
What is the criteria for Predictive Windshear Alerts?
How can you terminate radar emissions?
Below 50 AGLOn TO after passing 100 kts through 50 AGL
When are windshear alerts inhibited?
30-40 NM+/- 9900 feet
What is the range of detection?
Other - no threatProximate - no threat within 6NM and 1200’Traffic Advisory - Close but no collision (TCPA 40sec)Resolution Advisory - Collision Threat (TCPA 25sec)
What are the 4 types of traffic alerts?
SYS1 gets from ADR1SYS2 gets from ADR2
Where does the transponder gets ALT input from?
THRT TA or RA displayed only +/- 2700ALL all traffic +/- 2700ABV +9900(7000) / -2700BLW +2700 / -9900(-7000)
What does the Traffic Selector do?
TCAS selected to STBYBoth Transponders FAILBoth Radar Altimeters FAIL
When is a TCAS STBY memo displayed?
Corrective RA: climb/descendPreventative RA: No climb/descent required
What are the 2 types of RAs?
Ignore it or turn it off
What do you do with the FD during an RA?
If DMC1 fails, 2 auto replaces both ECAM, Capt. Lose PFD/ND.
What do you see if DMC 1, 2 or 3 fail?
Engine/Warning page replaces System/Status page on lower DU.
What happens if the UPPER ECAM screen fails?
ECAN/ND XFR, to display the E/W on a ND.Push and hold the related system page P/B on ECAM control panel for 3 mins max to show on ND.
What should you do if both ECAM Screens fail?
PFD/ND XFR.If a PFDU fails, the system auto transfers the PFD image to the NDU.
What happens if the Capt’s LEFT EFIS screen fails? How can the ND be displayed?
Automatic call of the relevant system page on the S/D. the affected parameter pulses green. None aural.
What happens when an ADVISORY is triggered?
Caution (amber) on E/WD without procedure.No chime. Crew awareness, 1 system redundancy.E.g. CPC is level 1.
What indications follow a level 1 caution?
Master cautions (steady, amber)Caution message on E/WD.Auto call of the relevant system page on the S/D.E.g. engine failure
What indications follow a level 2 caution?
Master WARN light flashing (red).Warning message (red) on E/WD.Call of system page on the S/D.Continue, repetitive chime, sound or voiceE.g. engine fire.
What indications follow a level 3 warning?
Independent: affects an isolated system without degrading the others, e.g. a pump.Primary: cost the aircraft the use of other systems, e.g. an engine.Secondary: loss of systems result of a primary failure, e.g. hydraulics.
What is meant by Independent, Primary, or Secondary failures?
The information has overflowed off the screen.Press the clear button to scroll down.
What does a downward pointing arrow at the bottom or the EWD or STS S.D. signify?
Avoid alerting crew during high workload.T/O: phases 3-5 (1st ENG T/O til 1500’RA or 2’ after T/O).LDG: phases 7-8 (800’ til 80kts).
What is the meaning of: T/O (or LAND) INHIBIT (magenta memo)? When are they displayed?
Below 2000’RA until 80kts after touchdown.
When does the LDG MEMO appear on the EWD?
2mins after 2nd engine start, orAt least 1 engine running when T/O config button pressed.Disappears at T/O thrust application.Won’t warn the crew if only 1 engine started for T/O til T/O thrust selected.
When does the T/O MEMO appear on the EWD?
[ADV] shown on bottom half of screenan advisory message appears on the upper part of the EWD associated key on the ECAM control panel lights up.
With one ECAM screen failed, how is an ADV shown?
Wheel page appears.
What happens to the SD when the Gear is extended on Finals?
The APU page appears, until RMP>75% for >10secs or switched off.
During APU start, what happens to the SD?
Sidestick >3degrees in pitch or roll, rudder >22degrees.
What causes the FLT CTLS SD to appear automatically on taxy-out?
1st ENG T/O power.
What causes the ENG SD to be Auto-called on T/O?
When slats are extended during descends unless the page is empty.
When is the STS S.D. automatically called (other than during an ECAM drill)?
Light up until cleared or pressed again.
What happens on the ECP (ECAM Control Panel) if a system is manually called?
All warning, caution messages and status pages that have been suppressed by the activation of the CLR P/B.All the alerts that are still active but inhibits in the whole active flight phases, if there are no suppressed, it shows NORMAL for 5secs.
Pressing the RCL button, for LESS than 3 seconds, does what?
EWD displays caution messages that were suppressed by the EMER CANC (cancel all cautions but no all warning cannot be cancelled, e.g. OVSPD.
Pressing the RCL button, for MORE than 3 seconds, does what?
Display the status pageShows ‘normal’ for 5 seconds.
What happens if the STS button is pressed on a fully serviceable aircraft?
Test that triggers a warning if the aircraft is not in T/O config.
What is the effect of pressing the T/O CONFIG button?
The SD successively displays all the system page at 1 second intervalsAll button is powered with separate with power.
How does the ALL button work?
Up to 3mins by pushing and holding the system page P/B (simulates button stuck), even holding longer, disappears after 3mins.
In single ECAM screen operation, how can a S.D. be displayed? And for how long?
To suppress spurious all master cautions + some warnings.
When should the EMER CANX button be used?
RED: immediate actionAMBER: be aware, but no immediate actionGREEN: normalBLUE: normal operation of a system used temporarilyWHITE: abnormal P/B position, test or maintenance information.
What do the various colours signify on the pushbutton switches on the overhead panel?
How does the FMGC compute radio position?
Can you turn the ADR OFF and still have the IR?
The crew can use the MCDU to override the FMGCs automatic selection and tuning of navaids and select a specific navaid for visual display.
How does the manual tuning work?
The aircraft has two independent GPS receivers. Each GPS receiver is integrated in a modular avionic unit called MMR (Multi Mode Receiver) GPS 1 receiver in MMR1 nas GPS 2 receiver in MMR2.
How many GPS receivers are installed?
The GPWS is embedded in the T2CAS system (Terrain and Traffic Collision Avoidance system) and generates aural and visual warnings between radio altitudes 10 and 2450ft.
When is the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) active?
It is possible to carry out a rapid alignment by turning off all three ADIRS momentarily.
During a turnaround you notice that there is a residual ground speed on both ND’s. How do you correct this?
All modes except PLAN.
The weather radar image can be displayed on which modes of the ND?
If both FMGCs fail the flight crew can use the Radio Management Panels RMP 1 and 2 on the pedestal for back up tuning. The CAPT RMP controls VOR 1 and ADF 1 the F/O RMP controls VOR 2 and ADF 2.
How does the BACK UP TUNING work?
Each ADIRU is divided in two parts either of which can work separately in case of failure in the other: The ADR part which supplies barometric altitude airspeed mach angle of attack temperature and overspeed warnings. The IR part which supplies attitude flight pathvector track heading accelerations angular rates ground speed and aircraft position.
How many parts does each Air Data and Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) have?
Approximately 10 minutes.
With the DATA selector set to HDG the time remaining until the completed IRS alignment is displayed on the control display. How long does is normally take?
At takeoff alerts are inhibited above 100 knots and up to 50 feet. During landing alerts are inhibited below 50 feet.
When are windshear alerts inhibited?
Attitude airspeed and mach altitude barometric pressure LS function and bugs.
What kind of information is displayed on the Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS)?
The ADIRS supplies temperature anemometric barometric and inertial parameters.
What kind of information are supplied by the Air Data and Inertial Reference System (ADIRS)?
ILS1 on the PFD and ILS2 on the ND (if selected).
An ILS approach is being carried out. Which ILS information is currently provided to the captain?
The system scans the airspace within a range of 5 NM ahead of the aircraft for windshears. Below 1500 feet when the system detects a windshear depending on the range selected on teh ND a warning caution or advisory message appears on the ND. Predictive windshear warnings and cautions are associated with an aural warning.
How does the Predictive Windshear System (PWS) operate?
If one GPS receiver fails the three ADIRU‘s automatically select the only operative GPS receiver.
What occurs in case of one GPS failure?
The PWS operates when the PWS switch is in AUTO position (even if the weather radar is OFF) and the aircraft is below 2300 feet AGL and ATC is switched to ON or AUTO or XPdR or XPNDR position (depending on the ATC panel) and either engine is running.
When does the Predictive Windshear System (PWS) operate?
Mode 1 - Excessive rate of decentMode 2 -Excessive terrain closure rateMode 3 -Altitude loss after takeoff or go-aroundMode 4 -Unsafe terrain clearance when nor in landing configurationMode 5 -Too far below glideslope
What are the basic functions of the Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)?
OFF:All basic GPWS alerts (Mode 1 to 5) are inhibited.FAULT LT:This amber light comes on, along with an ECAM caution, if the basic GPWS mode 1 to 5 malfunction.
SYS pb
(GPWS panel)
- FAULT Light
OFF: Glideslope mode (mode 5) is inhibited.
G / S MODE pb
(GPWS panel)
OFF:Flap mode (“TOO LOW FLAPS” mode 4) is inhibited. (To avoid nuisance warning in case of landing with flaps setting reduced).
(GPWS panel)
ON:Flap mode is inhibited when FLAPS CONF 3 is selected (to avoid nuisance warning in case of landing in CONF 3). In this case, LDG MEMO displays FLAPS … 3 instead of “CONF… FULL.”
(GPWS panel)
OFF: Inhibits the Terrain Awareness Display (TAD) and Terrain Clearance Floor (TCF) modes. Does not affect basic modes.If OFF is selected the ECAM caution NAV GPWS TERR DET FAULT is displayed.FAULT LT:TAD or TCF mode fails. The terrain is not shown on the ND. The basic GPWS mode 1 to 5 are still operative if the SYS pb OFF or FAULT lights are not illuminated.
(GPWS panel)
- FAULT Light
PULL UP:Comes on red + specific voice alert when the second boundary of Mode 1 is penetrated, or when Mode 2, or any TAD or TCF alert is activated.GPWS:Comes on amber + specific voice warning when any other mode is activated.
(Instrument panel)
- PULL UP Light
- GPWS Light
ON:The terrain is displayed on the ND, if the:- TERR pb is selected ON, and- TERR FAULT light is not on.The ON light comes on.OFF:The terrain data is not displayed on the ND.
(Instrument panel)
- ON
OFF:The ADIRU is not energized. ADR and IR data are not available.NAV:Supplies full inertial data to aircraft systems.ATT: IR mode supplies only attitude and heading information, if the system loses its ability to navigate. The heading must be entered through the CDU keyboard and has to be reset frequently (about every 10 minutes).
IR 1(2)(3) Mode Rotary Selector (ADIR Panel)
FAULT:With an ECAM caution when a fault affects the respective IR.Steady: the respective IR is lost.Flashing: the attitude and heading information may be recovered in ATT mode.ALIGN:Steady: the respective IR is operating normally in align mode.Flashing IR alignment fault:1. no present position entry after 10 min2. difference between IR positions3. difference between position at shutdown and entered position exceeds 1° of latitude or longitude.4. movement during alignmentExtinguished: Alignment has been completed.
IR 1 (2) (3) LT (ADIR Panel)
- FAULT Light
- ALIGN Light
Comes on amber when one or more IRs is supplied only by the a/c battery. It also comes on for a few sec at the beginning of the alignment, but not for a fast realignment.
ADIR Panel
This knob selects the information to be displayed in the ADIRS display window.TEST: The ENT and CLR buttons on the keyboard come on, and the display shows all 8’s.TK/GS: The display shows true track and ground speed.PPOS: The display shows present latitude and longitudeWIND: The display shows true wind direction and speed.HDG: The display shows true heading and the minutes remaining until alignment iscompleted.STS: The display shows an action code.
DATA selector knob
ADIR Panel
OFF:The CDU display is not energized. ADIRS are still energized if the associated IR mode rotary selectors are not at OFF.1.2.3:System selected for data display.
SYS selector knob
(ADIR Panel)
- 1.2.3
OFF:Air data output disconnected.FAULT:This amber light comes on with an ECAM caution, if a fault is detected in the air data reference part.
ADR 1 (2) (3) pb (momentary action) (ADIR Panel)
- FAULT Light
- Mode 1: Excessive descent rate (“Sink Rate”)- Mode 2: Excessive terrain closure (“Terrain, Terrain”)- Mode 3: Altitude loss after takeoff (“Don’t Sink”)- Mode 4: Unsafe terrain clearance (“Too Low Flaps”, “Too Low Gear”)- Mode 5: Excessive GS deviation (“Glideslope”)
What are the GPWS modes?
- Flight Guidance- Flight Management
What are the functions of the Flight Management Guidance Computers?
- Managed Guidance- Selected Guidance
What are the 2 modes of flight guidance?
Long-term lateral, vertical and speed profiles as determined by the FMGS
What is the Managed mode of flight guidance used for?
Temporary lateral, vertical and speed commands as selected with the FCU
What is the Selected mode of flight guidance used for?
Selected Guidance has priority
Does Selected or Managed Guidance have priority?
FMGS Managed Guidance is in use
What do dashes in the FCU display windows along with the adjacent white dot indicate?
Pull the appropriate selector knob
How is Selected Guidance engage?
- 2 FMGCs- 2 MCDUs- 1 FCU- 2 FACs
What are the main components of the FMGS?
Navigation database
What type of database is periodically updated in the FMGS?
Dual mode, with one FMGS as master and the other FMGS as slave
What is the normal operational mode of the FMGS?
- If one autopilot is engaged, the respective FMGS is master- If both autopilots are engaged, FMGS 1 will be the master
How does autopilot selection influence master FMGS logic?
An FMGS has failed and both NDs must be set to the same mode and range (Single Mode)
If an amber SELECT OFFSIDE RNG/MODE message is displayed on the ND what action should the crew take?
- Permits short term interface between the pilot and FMGS- Allows temporary modification of any flight parameter (HDG, SPD, ALT, V/S)- Used to select operations modes of the autopilots, flight directors, and A/THR system
What is the function of the Flight Control Unit?
The pressurization system uses the FMGS data to construct an optimized pressurization schedule
The LDG ELEV selector in the AUTO position does what?
The pressurization system uses the FMGS data to construct an optimized pressurization schedule
The LDG ELEV selector in the AUTO position does what?
The pressurization system uses the FMGS data to construct an optimized pressurization schedule
The LDG ELEV selector in the AUTO position does what?
- Independent (MCDU scratchpad displays - INDEPENDENT OPERATION)- Single (ND displays - SELECT OFFSIDE RNG/MODE)- Dual (Normal)
What are the 3 modes of FMGC operation?
A hybrid IRS/GPS position
What input does each FMGC use for position determination?
- NO. RMP now control the VOR/ILS receivers- NAV key on RMP 3 has no effect- Normal radio communication is still available
If the NAV key is selected on either RMP, can the FMGC still auto tun navaids?
- Magenta: Managed speed computed by the FMGC- Blue: Selected speed on the FCU
What is the difference between the magenta and blue target airspeeds?
The aircraft has descended below the MDA/DH entered into the FMGC
What does it mean when the altitude digits change from green to amber?
FMGC database
From what source does the pressurization system obtain landing elevation?
The crew has limited ability to create pilot stored navigational data
Can the crew modify data in the navigation database?
On the Aircraft Status page
How do you determine the validity of the navigation database?
- Large: Pilot entries and modifiable data- Small: Default/computed non-modifiable data
What is the difference between the large and small fonts utilized in the MCDU?
An entry is mandatory
What do amber box prompts on the MCDU indicate?
- After the LS pushbutton is pressed - green light- ILS frequency and course on PFD- ILS identifier once identified- LOC and GS scales displayed on PFD
After you input the destination and ILS information into the MCDU, what do you check for?
-Insert the Lat/Long on the MCDU INIT page-Then press Align IRS
How do you normally enter Present Position into the IR?
When takeoff begins at a runway intersection
When would a Takeoff Shift be entered on the PERF TO page?
NAV mode will be lost and the HDG/TRK mode engages
What occurs when managed NAV mode is engaged and the aircraft flies into the flight plan discontinuity?
- Rose ILS- Rose VOR- Rose NAV- ARC- PLAN
What displays or modes are available on the ND?
ROSE NAV and 80 NM range
If mode range data fails what should you expect to see on the ND?
- ILS- Blue LOC and GS in FMA- RNAV- APP NAV and FINAL
After pressing the APPR button, what do you check for?
No, they are separate bulbs
Are the NAV 1 and 2 positions connected to a single bulb?
Ensure that each ADIRU has the ability to revert to the batteries by observing the BAT light illuminating for several seconds.
When you turn the mode selectors to NAV, what are you looking for on the panel?
-No present position entered within 10 minutes of NAV selection.-Difference of 1 Degree Lat/Long between shutdown and entered position-IR alignment fault
What does a flashing white ALIGN light mean?
Attitude and Heading may be recovered in ATT mode (you have lost the navigation portion)
What does a flashing illumination of the amber IR “FAULT” light indicate?
Attitude and Navigation information.
What would be missing on the Captain’s PFD if IR 1 failed or was turned off?
Selecting CAPT 3 on the EIS switching panel ATT/HDG selector
What action would recover the attitude and navigation information?
Where do you enter the Zero Fuel Weight?
At ranges of 40 NM or less
When is WX/TURB mode available?
- Weather Avoidance- Turbulence Detection- Terrain Mapping- Predictive Windshear Detection
What capabilities does the RADAR system have?
Yes, if the Windshear switch is in AUTO
Does predictive windshear detection work when the RADAR system is switched OFF?
How many RADAR systems are installed?
Below 2500’ AGL
When is Radio Height displayed on PFD?
- Captain’s PFD- F/O’s ND
Information from ILS receiver 1 is displayed where?
Flashes amber when APPR mode is armed and the LS display is not selected
What would a flashing amber ILS indicate on the bottom of the PFD?
Airspeed and Altitude information
With the loss of ADR 1 what would be lost on the Captain’s PFD?
Up to 5 NM ahead of the aircraft when the aircraft is below 1500’ AGL
What is the scanned area of the predictive windshear detection feature?
- When on the ground above 100knots until reaching 50’ AGL- When landing below 50’ AGL
When are predictive windshear alerts inhibited?
- Engine out operating speed in clean configuration- Appears when the aircraft is in the clean configuration- Corresponds to the best lift-to-drag ratio
What is Green Dot speed?
Arms, engages, or disengages the LOC mode
What is the function of the LOC pushbutton?
- At or below 20,000 ft equal to 2 x weight in metric tons (2204.6 lbs) + 85- Above 20,000 ft add 1 kt for each 1000’(FCOM 3.04.10)
How is Green Dot speed computed?
- Mode selector in PLAN- TERR selected ON
What would prevent the weather display on the ND?
-Select Position Monitor page. Verify position deviation is <15 Knots. (FCOM 3.03.25)
Describe a post flight ADIRU accuracy check.
-Flight Path Vector-Airplane Position-Track-Heading-Attitude-Acceleration-Ground Speed
What information is provided by the “IR” units?
The respective IR is in the Align mode.
What does a steady white ALIGN light indicate?
Alignment has been completed.
What does it mean when the IR lights are extinguished?
Turn the IR mode selectors OFF momentarily (not more than 5 seconds) and then back on.
How do you fast align an IR?
The respective IR has a fault.
What does steady illumination of the amber IR “FAULT” light indicate?
A fault is detected in the Air Data Reference portion.
What does the amber ADR “FAULT” light indicate?
Does turning the IR to OFF also turn off the ADR?
Can you turn the ADR OFF and still have the IR?
Input Heading (ex. 180.0) on the IR panel every 10 minutes
What information must be input when the IR is in ATT?
Selecting CAPT 3 on the EIS switching panel AIR DATA selector
What would restore the lost altitude and airspeed information?
Both NDs and the DDRMI
Where is VOR data displayed?
- Based on a calculated groundspeed at the runway- Protects against actual groundspeed dropping below this calculated groundspeed
What is Ground Speed Mini?
Inhibits all EGPWS warning except TERR system
Pressing the SYS pushbutton does what?
Any failure of GPWS mode 1-5
What does an amber “FAULT” light in the SYS pushbutton indicate on the GPWS panel?
If the TERR mode failed, does it affect the basic GPWS?
Does a “FAULT” light on the SYS pushbutton affect the TERRAIN mode?