Nature of Language Flashcards
Language Function
the different uses of a particular language
An advertisement has the function to persuade us to purchase a product.
verb used to indicate modality (ability, likelihood, permission, capacity, suggestion, etc.)
can, could, may, should, might, must, have to
Subordinating Conjunction
a conjunction used at the beginning of a subordinate clause
because, although, even though, since
Misplaced Modifiers
a grammatical error that occurs when the modifying word or phrase is not placed next to the word it is describing
Dependent / Subordinate Clause
clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction but cannot stand alone as a sentence even though it contains a subject and verb
While we were shopping, she spent her whole paycheck.
Compound Sentence
Two independent clauses joined by a comma and coordinating conjunction
Dogs are mammals, but lizards are reptiles.
Dangling Modifiers
a grammatical error that occurs when the modifying phrase is missing the word it intends to describe
Cummins’ Quadrants
model for categorizing language tasks based on cognitive demand and amount of context available
Quadrant A - relatable context, low cognitive demand
Quadrant B - relatable context, high cognitive demand
Quadrant C - less relatable context, low cognitive demand
Quadrant D - less relatable context, high cognitive demand
an expression that becomes part of a language by translating it word-by-word from another language
“Adam’s apple” in English translates from “pomme d’Adam” in French
the creation of a new word by removing an affix
painter -> paint
the function of language in a social context
Some languages are inferential while others are direct.
sounds articulated without vocal cord vibrations
/f/ /k/ /s/
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills (CALPS)
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Skills are formal, textbook language used in academic situations
replaces a noun
She, He, It
Independent / Main Clause
clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence
I went shopping last weekend.
newly used word or phrase that is not yet formally accepted into a language
app, doubtrage
Coordinating Conjunction
connects two clauses
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Complex Sentence
An independent clause and a dependent clause
Since you’re going to the store, can you buy some milk?
Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement
Pronouns need to match their antecedent (noun) in person, number, and gender.
Mrs. Wilson is my friend. He serves lunch every day. (The pronoun he doesn’t match the gender of Mrs.)
Frozen Register
a proper way of speaking that does not change over time
The Pledge of Allegiance is an example of frozen register.
Simple Sentence
A sentence containing one subject and one verb, or one independent clause
The dolphin lives in the ocean.
the creation of a new word from another word, typically by adding an affix to a base word
slow + ly = slowly, joy + ful = joyful
Compound-Complex Sentence
Two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause
While we are in town, we should stop at the hardware store, and you can buy a new hammer.