ESL Instruction Flashcards
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
a group comprised of an administrator, an ESL teacher, and a parent of a student in the ESL program who is not employed by the district who meet to make placement decisions for ELLs
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
The Texas-mandated language proficiency assessment, designed to evaluate the English language development of limited English proficiency (LEP) learners.
Academic Domain
educational skills
Knowledge acquired in an educational setting, such as solving math equations or writing an essay adds to one’s academic domain.
Anecdotal Log
notes a teacher writes about students throughout the school day
Affective Domain
emotional skills
appropriate reactions to situations in the classroom, like calmly asking for help when a student does not understand
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee
The IEP committee that determines the eligibility for specialized services, based on the assessment of the data and the goals to be set for an eligible student
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM)
a group that meets to discuss issues involving a school district, including how to use school funds
The ESL teacher proposed after-school activities with translators to increase involvement from his students’ parents.
Home Language Survey (TX)
a registration form required by the state of Texas in which parents enrolling their children in school indicate what language is primarily spoken at home