nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses Flashcards
paranasal sinuses
epithelial lined spaces
maxillary sinus
in maxilla
drians to semilunar hiatus w/in middle nasal meatus
maxillary sinus relationships
sup- orbit med- nasal cavitites inf- max teeth ant and lat- cheek post- pterygopalatine fossa
frontal sinus
w/in forntal bone
sup to supraciliary arches and nasal bones
open via frontonasal duct to semilunar hiatus w/in middle nasal meatus
frontal sinus relationships
sup/post- cranial cavity
inf– nasal cavity/orbit
sphenoidal sinus
w/in body of sphenoid
open to spehnoethmoidal reess
sphenoidal sinus relationships
sup- cranial cavity
lat- cavernous sinus/cranial cavity
ant/inf- nasopharynx/nasal cavity
ethmoidal sinus
w/in ethmoidal bone ant, middle, and post air cells open via: - ant air cell- semilunar hiatus of nasal meatus -middle air cell- ethmoidal bulla -post air cell- sup nasal meatus V1
ethmoidal sinus relationships
sup- cranial cavity
med/inf- nasal cavity
lat- orbit
external nose
nares- external openings
nasal, maxilla, and frontal bones
nasal cartilages
nasal cavities- roof
ethmoid bone (cribiform plate)
frontal bone
sphenoid bone
nasal cavities- lat wall
ehtmoid- sup and middle conch inf concha maxilla palatine lacrimal
nasal cavities- floor
palatine bone
nasal cavities- ant wall
nasal cart, nasal bones
post nasal cavities
open to nasopharynx vic choanae
nasal cavity- medial wall
nasal septum
perpendicular plate of ethmoid
nasal cart
nasal mucosa
resp epi lines bulk of nasal cavity, rich in blood vessels and mucous glands to warm air
olfacotry epi lines sup-post portion
infection spread from nose
ant cranial fossa via cribiform plate nasopharynx middle ear via pharyngotympanic tube lacrimal apparatus and conjuctiva via nasolacrimal duct paranasal sinuses
sphenoethmoidal recess
area post and sup to sup concha
contains opening for shenoidal sinus
superior nasal meatus
beneath sup concha
contians opening for ethmoidal sinus
middle nasal meatus
beneath middle concha
contains bulla ethoidalis, semilunar hiatus, and openings for frontal, maxillary, ant and middle ethmoidal sinuses
inferior nasal meatus
beneath inf concha
contains opening for nasolacrimal duct
aa from internal carotid
ant and post ethmoidal from opthalmic
course thru ethmoidal air cells to enter rood of nasal cavity
lateral nasal and septal brr to nasal cavity
provide ethmoidal sinuses
provide external nose
aa from external carotid
greater palatine
terminal br of maxillary
enters nasal cavity via spehnopalatine foramen
provides post lat nasal and septal brr
greater palatine
br of maxillary
enters nasal cavity via incisive canal
provides nasal septal brr
facial a
septal brr from sup labial
kiesslbach area
anastomoses btwn greater palatine, ant ethmoidal, spehnopalatine, facial aa on ant portion of nasal septum
venous drainage
submucosal venous plexus drains to maxillary, facial, and ophthalmic vv
enters orbit via sup orbital fissue
GSA to nose and sinuses
brr of V1
supraorbital and supratrochlear- frontal sinuses
post ethmoidal- ethmoidal sinus
ant ethmoidal- ethmoidal air cells, ant nasal cavity, ant lat wall of cavity, external nasal br to dorsum of nose
enters pterygopalatine fossa via foramen rotundum
GSA to nose ans sinuses
brr of V2
infraorbital post sup alveolar pharyngeal nasopalatine post sup lat nasal post inf lat nasal
infraorbital n
maxillary sinus
face, lat nose
post sup alveolar n
maxillary sinus
pharyngeal n
course thru floor/med wall of sphenoid sinus to innervate it
nasopalatine n
enters via sphenopalatine foramen and provide nasal septum
to hard palate via incisive canal
post sup lat nasal
enter via sphenopalatine foramen
innervation to sup lat nasal wall
post inf lat nasal n
unnamed foramen
innervation to inf lat nasal wall
salivatory nucelus -> VII -> greater petrosal n -> extis via hiatus for greater petrosal n -> joins petrosal n to form n of pterygoid canal -> pterygopalatine ganglia in pterygopalatine fossa -> V2
lymph drainage
ant- submandibular nodes
post- pharynx to retropharyngeal nodes