ear Flashcards
aka pinna
collect air waves and funnel them to EAM
cartilages of auricle
all elastic
depressions of auricle
scaphoid fossa
lobule of auricle
composed of fibroelastic tissue
blood auricle
post auricular a, v
superficial temporal a,v
lymp ear
mastoid, parotid nodes -> deep cervical nodes
thru tympanic portion temporal bone to tympanic membrane
lat 1/3 cartilaginous
med 2/3 boney
EAM histo
lined by stratifies squamous epi w/ceruminous glands
EAM blood
post auricular a, v
superficial temporal a,v
deep auricular a
innervation ear
great auricular & lesser occipital nn
auriculotemporal V3
innervation EAM
auriculotemporal V3
lymph EAM
deep cervical nodes
cartilages of auricle
all elastic
depressions of auricle
scaphoid fossa
lobule of auricle
composed of fibroelastic tissue
blood auricle
post auricular a, v
superficial temporal a,v
lymp ear
mastoid, parotid nodes -> deep cervical nodes
thru tympanic portion temporal bone to tympanic membrane
lat 1/3 cartilaginous
med 2/3 boney
EAM histo
lined by stratifies squamous epi w/ceruminous glands
EAM blood
post auricular a, v
superficial temporal a,v
deep auricular a
EAM devleopment
derived from arch 1
meatal plug forms from prolif of epi cells, degenerates by month 7
persistence can cause deafness
innervation EAM
auriculotemporal V3
lymph EAM
deep cervical nodes
tympanic membrane
convert sound waves into vibrations of middle ear ossicles
structure of tympanic membrane
semitransparent, fibroelastic membrane
separates external and middle ear
covered by epidermis externally, mucus membrane internally
directed ant and inf
tympanic cavity floor
segment of temporal bone separating middle ear from interal jugular v
pars falccida
sup thin walled portion of tympanic membrane
pars tensa
inf thick walled portion of tympanic membrane
blood tympanic membrane
external- deep auricular br of maxillary
internal- ant tympanic br of maxillary
innervation of tympanic membrane
external auriculotemporal V3 & X
internal IX
auricle development
derived from mesenchyme of arches 1 & 2
6 auricular hillocks fuse
defects common, associated w/chromosomal syndromes
EAM devleopment
derived from arch 1
meatal plug forms from prolif of epi cells, degenerates by month 7
persistence can cause deafness
tympanic membrane development
external epi from ectoderm of cleft 1
middle CT from mesoderm arch 1
internal epi from endoderm of pouch 1
middle ear
contains tympanic cavity a mucous lined space w/in petrous portion of temporal bone and auditory ossicles
fnx of middle ear
transfer sound waves from gas to liquid
protective response to loud sounds via tensor tympani and stapedius mm
base- contacts oval window
tympanic cavity floor
segment of temporal bone separating middle ear from interal jugular v
tympanic cavity lat wall
tympanic membrane
tympanic cavity med wall
promontory- cochlea
oval window
round window
oval window
opens to vestibule of internal ear
contacted by stapes
round window
opens to scala tympani covered w/thin membrane
pressure release
tympanic cavity post wall
temporal bone
aditus and antrum- entrance to mastoid antrum
facial canal- for facial n
tympanic cavity ant wall
opeing for pharyngotympaic tube ans semi canal for passage of tensor tympani
pharyngotympanic tube
auditory tube
mucous membrane lined tube connecting middle ear and nasopharynx
balances pressure on each side of tympanic membrane
posterolateral 1/3 boney
tensor veli palati can open tube (V3)
contacts tympanic membrane creates umbo
internal ear
housed w/in petrous portion of temporal bone
contains vestibulocochlear organ
base- contacts oval window
post wall of tympanic cavity
dampens mvmt of ossicles
tensor tympani
cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tube
dampens mvmt occiles
excessive hearing due to loss of dampening mm
blood supply to middle ear
inf tympanic a from ascending pharyngeal ant tympanic a from maxillary post tympanic from stylomastoid sup tympanic from middle meningeal a of pterygoid canal vv to pterygoid plexus
IX middle ear
IX GVA &GVE-P via tympanic br enters via tympaic canaliculus forms tympanic plexus
innervates auditory tube as well
lesser petrosal n forms form plexus and leaves via hiatus
VII middle ear
SVE to stapedius
course of VII
enters IAM to course to middle ear, travels in facia canal, gives off chorda tympani and exits middle ear at stylomastoid foramen
course of chorda tympani
passes btwn incus and mallesu and exits middle ear via petrotympanic fissure
SVA to ant 2/3s tongue
GVE-P to submandibular and sublingual glands
middle ear development
tympanic cavity and auditory tube form from pouch 1
malleus, incus, and tensor tympanic m from arch 1
stapes and stapedius m from arch 2
internal ear
housed w/in petrous portion of temporal bone
contains vestibulocochlear organ
boney labrinth
boney passage w/in temporal bone filled w/perilymph
semicircular ducts
shell shaped bony structure surrounds cochlear duct
modiolus- central boney cores aroudn which cochlea spiral 2.5 times
spiral lig- anchors cochlear duct to boney wall
osseous spiral lamina- anchors chochlear duct to modiolus
contains utricle and saccule
endolymph duct
passes thru vestibular aqueduct and ends as endolymphatic sac
matints volume and composition of endolymph fluid
inner ear development
membranous labyrinth develops from otic placode (ectoderm) -> otic pit -> otic vesicle
boney labyrinth- from surrounding mesenchyme