larynx Flashcards
general larynx
respiratory and voice producing function connects pharynx to trachea prevents food getting into airways CV3-6 cartilages, membranes, and mm
laryngeal aditus
sup opening from pharynx
area proximal to vestibular folds
vestibular folds
rima vestibuli
opening btwn vestibular folds
btwn vestibular and vocal folds
rima glottidis
opening btwn vocal folds
shape varies depending on position of vocal folds
variation in tension and length of folds and width of rima produces changes in pitch
rima glottidis plus vocal folds
infraglottic cavity
distal to vocal folds
cricoid caritlage
site where carotid a can be compressed against CV6
jnx of larynx and traches
jnx of pharynx and esophagus
incision btwn criocid cartilage and first tracheal cartilages
or bwn cricoid and thyroid caritlages thru criciothyroid lig
thyroid cartilage
1 CV4,5 laminae(2) fuse ant and open post sup horn attached to hyoid via lat thyrohyoid lig inf horn articlates w/cricoid cart laryngeal prominence (adams apple) sup thyroid notch oblique line
cricoid cartilage
immobile ring attached via membrane to 1st tracheal cartilage
ant arch
post lamina
articulates w/arytenoid and thyroid cartilages
arytenoid cartilages
lie perched atop post portion of cricoid cartilage
apex- attaches to aryepiglottic fold
vocal process- attaches to vocal lig
mm process- attaches to post and lat cricoarytenoid mm
epiglottic cartilage
leaf shaped elastic post to root of tongue
broad sup end free, inf attached to thyroid cart
mm of pharynx pull the thyroid cart against epiglottis during swallowing to prevent food from moving into larynx
ligaments attaches to epiglottis
corniculate cartilage
lie atop apex of arytenoid cat
lie w/in aryepiglottic folds
laryngeal extrinsic ligaments
thyroid membrane
cricotracheal lig
hypepiglottic lig
glossoepiglottic lig
thyroid membrane
attaches hyoid bone to sup border of thyroid cartilage
thickened laterally - lat thyrohyoid lig
thickened medially- median thyrohyoid lig
pierced by internal laryngeal n and sup laryngeal a
cricotracheal lig
attaches cricoid to first tracheal cartilage
intrinsic lig of larynx
quadrangular lig
cricovocal lig
quadrangular lig
attaches ant to thyroid and epiglottic cartilages
attaches post to arytenoid cart
forms vestibular ligaments (covered in mucosa=vestibular folds)
forms aryepiglottic lig (covered in mucosa= aryepiglottic fold)
cricovocal lig
attaches inf to cricoid cartilage
attaches sup to thryoid and arytenoid cartilages
thickened regions:
-median cricothyroid lig
-lat cricothyroid lig
-vocal lig extends from internal surface of thyroid lamina to vocal process of arytenoid, covered w/mucosa= vocal fold
vocal folds
formed from mucosa overlying vocal lig and vocalis m
vocal lig
innermost portion of circovocal lig, extends from thryoid cart to vocal process of arytenoid cart
vocalis m
innermost portion of thyroarytenoid m
vestibular folds
formed from mucosa overlying vestibular lig
covered w/highly vascularized mucosa, contains many mucus secreting gland
joints of larynx
cricothyroid joint
btwn cricoid cart and inf horn of thyroid cart
synovial, gliding
allows thyroid to glide on cricoid in order to change vocal cord length
cricoarytenoid joint
btwn cricoid cart and arytenoid cart
synovial, gliding, rotational
allows arytenoid cart to rotate and glide toward each other
rotation of arytenoid carts
to abduct (post cricoarytenoid)
adduct (lateral cricoarytenoid) vocal ligs
gliding of arytenoids
to adduct vocal ligs to clode ria glottis (transverse and oblique artenoids)
rotating thyroid cart on cricothryoid joint
to increase (Cricothyroid m) and decrease (thyroarutenoid m) tension on vocal ligs
circothyroid m
tilts thyroid forward to elongate and tighten vocal lig
transverse and oblique arytenoids
adduct arytenoid carts
close laryngeal inlet by approximating arytenoid carts
post cricoarytenoid
abduct vocal folds to open rima glottis
lateral cricoarytenoid
adduct vocal fold to close rima glottis
rotates thyroid cart back to shorten and loosen vocal lig
vocalis m
innermost portion of thyroarytenoid m
lateral to vocal lig
locally controls vocal lig produces minute adjustments
external br of superior laryngeal n to cricothyroid
recurrent laryngeal all other mm
internal laryngeal n
from superior from X
pierces thyrohyoid membrane
provides GVE-P and GVS to proximal true vocal folds
SVA to epiglottic region of tongue
external laryngeal n
from superior from X
SVE to cricothyroid m
cough refelx
mediated by X
objects in larynx stimulate superior laryngeal n and causes contraction of laryngeal m
superior laryngeal n block
needle inserted bwn hyoid and sup thyroid cart
inf laryngeal n
from recurrent laryngeal from X
enters larynx by passing inf to inf constrictor
GVEP and GVA distal to true vocal folds
SVE to all mm except cricothyroid
aa of larynx
sup laryngeal a
cricothyroid a
inf laryngeal a
sup laryngeal a
br of sup thyroid a
pierces thyrohyoid membrane
supplies larynx above true folds
circothyroid a
br of sup thryroid a
supplies cricothyroid m
inf laryngeal a
br of inf thyroid a
supplies larynx below true folds
vv of larynx
sup laryngeal v to internal jugular
inf laryngeal v to left brachiocephalic
above true folds -> sup deep cervical nodes
below true folds -> inf deep cervical nodes