eye and orbit Flashcards
general orbit
depth 2x width
shaped like a quadrangular pyramid w/base facing anterolateral and apex posteromedial
contralateral medial walls parallel
contralateral lateral walls perpendicular
orbital axis
long axis thru orbit oriented 45 degrees to one another
optical axis
long axis thru globe parallel to medial walls of orbit
bones of orbit
frontal maxilla sphenoid lacrimal ethmoid palatine zygomatic
apex of orbit
lesser wing of sphenoid surrounding optic canal
formed by the orbital margin and orbital opening
orbital margin
thickened to provide support and protection to eye
roof of orbit
frontal bones and some spehnoid
separated orbit from ant cranial fossa
has fossa for lacrimal gland
floor of orbit
maxilla bone- separated orbit from maxillary sinus
medial wall of orbit
separates orbit from sphenoid and ethmoidal air sinuses ethmoid lacrimal maxilla lacrimal fossa
lateral wall of orbit
zygomatic bone
sphenoid- greater wing
optic canal
II, ophthalmic a
superior orbital fissure
superior ophthalmic v
inferior orbital fissure
inf opthalmic v
infraorbital a,v,n
sygomatic nn
ant ethmoidal foramen
ant ethmoidal a, n, v
post ethmoidal foramen
post ethmoidal a,n,v
nasolacrimal canal
nasolacrimal duct
blowout fracture- inferior
can involve maxillary sinus
inf rectus m trapped -> diplopia
enophthalmos due to fat
blowout fracture- medially
enophthalmos due to fat
can involve sphenoidal and ethmoidal air sinuses
blowout fracture-roof
can involve ant cranial fossa
orbital tumors
tumors in sphenoidal or ethmoidal sinuses or middle cranial or infratemporal fossas can erode thin walls of orbit or pass thru foramen
periorbital fasica
lines bones of orbit
continuous w/periostreal dura at optic canal and superior orbital fissue
continuous w/orbital septum anteriorly
continuous w/muscular fascias of extraoccular eye mm
fat and fascias of orbit
periorbital fascia mm fascias check ligaments fascial sheath of eyeball orbital fat
check ligaments
medial and lat
attach to med and lat orbit walls
limit abduction and adduction
prevent post retraction of eyeball by rectus mm
fascial sheath of eyeball
aka tenons capsule or fascia bulbi
thin membrane surrounding eyeball external to sclera
continuous w/muscular fascia of extraoccular eye mm
separates eyeball from orbital fat
orbital fat
w/anorexia eyes become sunken
moveable folds of skin and CT which cover eye to protect spread lubrication over cornea
structure of eyelid
skin loose CT orbicularis oculi and levator palpebrae superioris mm tarsal plate palpebral conjuctiva
tarsal plate
dense CT for structural support of eyelid
orbital septum
medial and lateral palbebral ligaments
orbital septum
part of tarsal plate
fibrous membrane connecting tarsi to margins of orbit
fnx to contain orbital fat w/in orbit
limit spread of infection btwn face and orbit
medial palpebral lig
connects tarsi to medial wall of orbit
lateral palpebral lig
connects tarsi to lateral wall of orbit
glands associated w/eyelid
tarsal/sebaceous glands
galnds of Zeis (smaller sebaceous)
glands of Moll (sweat)
glands become obstructed
can get chalazion or hordeoum cysts
orbicularis oculi
sphinchter m of eyelid
therefore damage to VII cannot close eyelid completely
levator palebrae superioris
lesser wing of sphenoid skin of sup eyelid elevates sup eyelid III sup portion attaches to sup tarsal plate innervated sympathetically
III lesion
horners syndrome
ptosis due to loss of sympathetics to superior tarsal portion of LPS
palpebral conjunctiva
epi of internal eyelid
bulbar conjunctiva
outer epi of sclera
conjunctiva sac
btwn palebral and bulbar conjunctiva
opens at palpebral fissure
conjunctival fornices
sup and inf
formed where bulbar and palpebral conjuctiva are continuous
lacrimal apparatus
lacrimal gland
lacrimal cannaliculi
lacrimal sac
nasolacrimal duct
lacrimal galnd
compound tuboalveolar gland
located in lacrimal fossa in superolateral orbit
secretes lacrimal fluid into conjunctival sac
lubrication and antibacterial
lacrimal cannaliculi
located in medial angle of eye
begin at lacrimal papilla
lacrimal punctum is opening
lacrimal sac
receives fluid from lacrimal cannaliculi
nasolacrimal duct
drains lacrimal fluid to nasal cavity
flow of tears
lacrimal glans -> conjunctical sac-> surface of eye -> lacrimal papillae w/puncta -> cannaliculae -> lacrimal sac -> nasolacrimal duct
3 tunics
vitreous and aqueous chambers
external fibrous tunic
tough opaque fibrous layer covering post 5/6 of globe
provides structural support for eye and mm attachment
avascular, dehydrated, transparent layer covering ant 1/6 of globe
provides most of eyes refractile capabilities
numerous pain receptors w/in cornea
corneal neurovascularization
blood vessels grow into corneal stroma secondary to hypoxia
middle vascular tunic
aka uvea choroid iris ciliary body ciliary m
highly vascualrized, loose CT, located deep to sclera
provides vascular supply to fibrous layers and outermost layers of retina
contains melanocytes which produce melanin to absorb photons
central aperature forms pupil
controls amount of light entering pupil
sphincter pupillae m
dilator pupillae
sphincter pupillae
reduces diameter of pupil (meiosis)
parasympathetic via III
dilator pupillae
increases diameter of pupil (mydriasis)
ciliary body
ciliary processes
ciliary m
ciliary processes
finger like extensions from ciliary body
secretes aqueous humor into post chamber
suspensory ligaments extend from ciliary processes to lens
ciliary m
parasympathetics via from III
accommodation- control of lens thickness via suspensory ligaments
accommodation- distant
when looking at distant objects the ciliary m relaxed w/tension on suspensory ligaments
ciliary processes pull on lens to stretch and thin it
accommodation- near
ciliary m contracts pulling ciliary body med and ant to reduce tension on suspensory ligs
lens round and thick
due to parasympathetics from III
inner neural tunic
visual portion of retina contains rods/cones contains ganglion cells which form optic n ora serrata optic disc macular lutea fovea centralis
orra serrata
ant termination of retina
optic disc
blind spot
located on post pole of globe
site of entry of II and central retinal a, v
macula lutea
yellow pigmented zone located about 2.5mm to lat optic disc
fovea centralis
oval depression in center of macula
site of greatest visual acuity due to density of cone cells
blood supply of retina
central retinal a for neural portion except rods and cones
choroid vessels for pigmented epi and rod/cone layer
retinal detachement
occurs when pigmented epi separated from underlying rods/cones
can cause blindness due to loss of blood supply
proteins of lens aggregate producing opaque lens
eye chambers
aqueous chambers (ant, post) vitreous body
anterior aqueous chamber
btwn cornea and iris
post aqueous chamber
btwn iris and lens
aqueous humor
fill ant and post chambers
produced in post chamber by ciliary processes
flows into ant via pupil
drains to venous system via sclera venous sinus
sclera venous sinus
at iridocorneal angle
covered by trabecular meshwork (endothelial lines spaces)
drains to vorticose and ant ciliary vv
due to excessive aqueous humor
most often due to decreased drainage, but can be due to increased production
caused increased ocular pressure which can lead to blindness
vitrous body
btwn lens and post surface of eye
filled w/vitreous humor
neural ectoderm
aka optic vessels
derived from evaginations of forebrain neuroectoderm
meninges carried along w/eye
optic vessels invaginate to forme double walled optic cup
cup maintains connection to forebrain at optic stalk
choroid fissure forms on ventral surface of cup
forms retina and optic n
choroid fissure
hyaloid vessels
closes wk 7
surface ectoderm
lens placode -> lens vesicle -> lens
fibrous - sclera and cornea
vascular- choroid, iris, ciliary body
retina and optic n
outer layer of cup- pigmented layer of retina
inner layer of cup- all neural layers of retina
nerve fibers from retina migrate thru chorioid fissure to form II
congential retinal detachement
inner and outer cup layers fail to fuse
derived from vascular layer of mesenchyme surrounding optic cup
iris and ciliary body
outer portion from vascular mesenchyme surrounding optic cup
inner portion derived form optic cup
melanocytes migrate in first 6-10 months
iridopupillary membrane
vascular structure which originally separates the ant and post chambers
degenerates around wk 15
congenital atresia of pupil
due to failure of iridopupillary membrane to degenerate
failure of choroid fissure to fuse during the 7th wk of development
may also involve the retina
sclera and cornea
are derived from fibrous layer of mesenchyme surrounding optic cup
aqueous and vitreous chambers
form in areas of cell death
vitreous humor is likely derived from neural crest cells
derived from lens vesicle
congenital aphakia
agenesis of lens placode
extrinsic eye m
from mesoderm of myoderms
ophthalmic a
from internal carotid
enters orbit via optic canal
brr of ophthalmic a
central retinal a short post ciliary long post ciliary ant ciliary aa lacrimal supraorbital post ethmoidal ant ethmoidal medial palpebral supratrochlear dorsal nasal
central retinal a
pierces optic sheath and runs within optic n supplies retina (except rods/cones and pigmented epi layers)
short post ciliary a
pierce sclera near optic n to supply choroid
long post ciliary a
pierce sclera anteriorly to supply ciliary body and iris
ant ciliary aa
arise from mm brr to cliary body and iris
lacrimal a
to lacrimal gland and lat portions of eyelids
supraorbital a
to forehead and scalp
medial palpebral a
medial eyelids
to forehead and scalp
dorsal nasal
supplies dorsal surface of nose
vv of orbit and eyeball
central retinal v
vorticose vv
sup and inf ophthalmic vv
central retinal v
usually drains directly to cavernous sinus
vorticose vv
drain choroid, ciliary body, and iris
sup and inf ophthalmic vv
drain to cavernous and pterygoid venous plexuses respectively
thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus
may send clot to central retinal v and cause blindness
superior pole of eyeball rotated laterally
superior pole of eyeball rotated medially
medial rectus
common tendinous ring medial surface of eyeball adducts eye III if damaged lose adduction, eye 'stuck' in abdcution
lateral rectus
common tendinous ring lateral surface of eyeball adducts eye VI if damaged lose abduction, eye 'stuck' in adduction
superior rectus
common tendinous ring sup surface of eyeball elevated, adducts, intorsion III if damaged loss of elevation when eye is fully abducted
inf rectus
common tendinous ring inf surface eyeball depress, adduct, extorsion III loss of depression when eye fully abducted
inf oblique
ant portion of floor of orbit inf surface of eyeball, post to equator elevates, abducts, extorsion III loss of elevation when eye fully adducted
sup oblique
common tendinous ring
sup surface of eyeball, post to equator
mm passes thru trochea ad changes direction to attach to eyeball
depress, abducts, intorsion
loss of depression when eye fully addcuted
superior division of III
levator palpebrae superiorsis and sup rectus
inf division of III
medial rectus, inf rectus, inf oblique
pre-ganglionic parasympathetics to ciliary ganglia
oculomotor n palsy
ptosis or complete closure of eye due to loss of levator
eye will be abducted and depressed (down and out)
dilation of pupil (due to loss of sphincter )
loss of accommodation (due to loss of ciliary m)
sup oblique m
trochlear n palsy
eye slightly elevated and adducted
loss of depression when eye fully adducted
lateral rectus m
abducent n palsy
loss of eye abduction
SSA- vision
covered in meninges
axons of ganglion cell layer of retina which pass thru optic disc then exit via lamina cribosa of sclera posterior
V1 bbr
nasociliary n
sensory root to ciliary ganglia short ciliary nn long ciliary nn post and ant ethmoidal nn iinfratrochlear n
short ciliary nn
arise from ciliary ganglia on lat side of optic n
carry postganglionic sympathetics, parasympathetics, and sensory
long ciliary nn
arise from nasociliary n on medial side of optic n
carry postganglionic sympathetics, and sensory fibers
posterior ethmoidal n
to ethmoidal air cells and dura
ant ethmoidal n
ethmoidal air cells, nasal cavity, dura
terminates as external nasal n
exits orbit at medial angle, sensory to skin at root of nose, eyelids, palpebral conjunctiva, lacrimal sac
frontal n brr
supratrochlear n
supraorbital n
lacrimal n
sensory to lacrimal gland, lateral portion of superior eyelid
carries postganglionic parasympathetics and sympathetic fibers to lacrimal gland
ciliary ganglion
located btwn lateral rectus m and optic n
contains postganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies
ciliary ganglion recieves
sensory root from nasociliary n
parasympathetic motor root from III
sympathetic motor root from internal carotid plexus
parasympathetics to intraoccular mm
preganglionics in edinger-westphal nucleus
preganglionic fibers travel w/III
postganglionics in ciliary ganglion
postganglionic fibers then distribute via short ciliary nn to sphincter pupillae and ciliary mm
sympathetics to intraoccular mm
preganglionic cells T1-2 -> superior cervical sympathetic ganglion -> from here postganglionics travel w/internal carotid plexus -> gives a motor root to ciliary ganglion-> postganglionics pass thru ciliary ganglion w/o synapsing and distribute via long and short ciliary nn to dilator pupillae and superior tarsal mm
parasympathetics lacrimal gland
preganglionic in salivatroy nucleus in brainstem
travel w/greater petrosal n (VII) to pterygopalatine ganglia where they synapse
postganglionics then travel with zygomatic (V2) and lacrimal (V1) nn
increase lacrimal secretions
sympathetics lacrimal gland
T1-4 -> superior cervical sympathetic chain ganglion -> leave as postganglionics via deep petrosal n -> greater and deep petrosal nn merge to form n of pterygoid canal -> zygomatic (V2) and lacrimal (V1) nn
vasomotor and more watery lacrimal fluid
pupillary light reflex
fnx- protect eye from excessive light exposure
efferent- III
corneal reflex
protect eye from objects
afferent- V1
efferent- VII
afferent- II efferent- III (GSE and GVE-P) 1. ciliary mm contract -> rounding of lens III GVE-P 2. pupils constrict III GVE-P 3. eyes adduct III GSE