Narrative Theory Flashcards
What is Narrativity, Story, Plot, Events, and Discourse?
Narrativity: Distinguishes narrative texts through features like storytelling, plot, and narrative mediation.
Story: Chronological sequence of events (“What is narrated?”).
Plot: A story with events linked causally
Events: Smallest plot units causing changes in the situation.
- Kernels/Cardinal Functions: Propel the plot and open narrative options.
- Catalysts/Satellites: Supplement the narrative but aren’t essential to its logic.
- How the story is narrated or mediated (“How is it narrated?”).
- Allows for the same story to be presented differently based on emphasis, perspective, and narrative techniques.
What Communication Modell is there for Narrative Stories?
Extratextual Level:
- Real Author: Addresser of the text.
- Real Reader: Addressee of the text.
Intratextual Level of Narrative Transmission:
- Fictive Narrator: Speaks within the narrative.
- Fictive Narratee: Implied audience within the narrative.
Intratextual Story Level:
- Includes characters’ dialogue and actions within the fictional story world.
- This differentiation separates the narrator from the historical author and the fictive narratee from the real reader.
What parts are there to Stanzas Modell?
Person: First Person vs. Third Person
Mode: narrator vs. reflector
Perspective: external vs internal
What types of Narrative Situations are there?
Authorial Narrative Situation:
- Characteristics: External perspective; narrator is omniscient and omnipresent. The narrator comments, generalizes, and addresses the reader directly.
* Psychological: Access to all characters' thoughts and feelings. * Spatial: Presence in all locations. * Temporal: Awareness of past, present, and future.
First-Person Narrative Situation:
- Characteristics: Narrator is part of the story, recounting events as a protagonist (I-as-protagonist) or witness (I-as-witness).
- Limitations: Cannot access other characters’ internal thoughts directly or observe events they are not present for.
Figural Narrative Situation:
- Characteristics: Narrator recedes; events are presented through the perspective of a character (the “reflector”). Focuses on sensory impressions and subjective experiences.
- Mode: Viewing frame rather than storytelling; immerses the reader in the character’s consciousness.
How can narratives start?
- Ab ovo: Starts with a detailed origin (e.g., protagonist’s birth).
- ** In medias res**: Begins mid-action.
- In ultimas res: Starts at the end, revealing prior events gradually.
Exposition: Introduces time, place, characters, and prehistory, either:
- Isolated: At the beginning, separate from the main action.
- Integrated: Woven into the narrative.
How can narratives end?
- Closed Ending: All conflicts resolved, plot logically concluded.
- Open Ending: Conflict remains unresolved, leaving characters’ fates uncertain.
- Expected Ending: Features poetic justice, rewarding/punishing characters appropriately.
- Deus ex Machina: Sudden resolution by an external, previously uninvolved force.
What are Key Concepts: Genette’s Structuralist Taxonomy?
Narration: Answers “Who speaks?” (the narrator’s role in presenting the story).
Focalization: Answers “Who sees?” (the perspective through which the story is experienced).
What types of Narrators are there and what involvment do they have? (Ge)
Types of Narrators:
- Extradiegetic: Narrators outside the story, responsible for narrative transmission.
- Intradiegetic: Characters within the story who narrate events to other characters.
Involvement in the Story:
- Heterodiegetic: Narrator is not part of the story world.
- Homodiegetic: Narrator is part of the story world.
- Autodiegetic: A homodiegetic narrator who is also the protagonist.
Narrator Presence:
- Overt: Narrator is clearly identifiable, provides commentary, and addresses the reader directly.
- Covert: Narrator is anonymous, offers minimal personal input, and focuses on transmitting information neutrally.
Unreliable Narrators:
- Characteristics: Narrator’s account is questionable due to contradictions, emotional involvement, or unreliable values.
What types of focalization’s are there?
Types of Focalization:
- Zero focalisation: Narrator knows more than the characters
- Internal focalisation: Narator knows as much as the characters.
- External focalisation: Narator knows less than the characters
Internal focalisation:
- Fixed: Events are seen through one character’s perspective throughout the narrative.
- Variable: Perspective shifts among multiple characters.
- Multiperspectivity: Combines multiple viewpoints or narratives
What is Freytag’s Pyramid
Initial Incident
Rising Action
Falling Action