Mycobacterium Flashcards
The Non-MTB group consists of:
Photochromogens, Scotochromogens, and Non-photochromogens
M. kansasii grows best at ____C.
M. marinum grows best at ____C (range)
What org will have a negative result for niacin, nitrate reduction, Tween hydrolysis (5days) and iron uptake?
M. bovis
This group will show yellowish colonies in dark or light
This group will show yellowish colonies after exposure to light
What is the name of this test? Blood test for latent and active TB disease
QuantiFERON-TB Gold
Name this test: blood test for exposure to bacteria
- can be positive from non-TB mycobacteria
Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)
What are the 5 first line drugs for TB
isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, streptomycin
Processing stools cx for AFB will only occur if…?
Iron assimilation test is done to ID (fast or slow) growers?
Fast growers only – all slow growers = negative
What BSL cabinet is required for Mycobacterium
M. gordonae is nitrate ___ (+/-) and Tween hydrolysis (+/-)
Nitrate negative (-) Tween hydrolysis (+)
What scotochromogen is also know as “tap-water bacillus” and considered a contaminant
M. gordonae
What scotochromogen is yellow/orange?
M. gordonae
M. scrofulaceum nitrate ___ (+/-) and Tween hydrolysis (+/-)
Nitrate (-); Tween (-)
This org is associated with contamination of hot water systems in hospitals and grows best at 42C
M. xenopi
This org is the second most common cause of non-TB lung disease
M. kansasii
What are the biochem rxns for M. kansasii
CAT, Niacin, Nitrate, and Tween
Niacin -
Nitrate reduction +
Tween +
What biochemical rxn differentiates between M. kansasii and MTB?
Niacin neg
What are the biochem rxns for M. marinum
CAT, Niacin, Nitrate, and Tween
Niacin -/+
Nitrate -
Tween +
This org requires HEMIN and grows at 30C and 37C
M. haemophilum
This org causes painless nodules under skin also known as Buruli’s ulcers
M. ulcerans
What organism is the 1st most common cause of NTB lung disease?
M. avium/intracellulare complex
Nocardia farcinica gives a _____ rxn for gelatin hydrolysis