Alternating Body Composition:
Light: walking, golfing, sailing
Moderate: walking ≥ 3.5mph, cycling, tennis
Heavy: basketball, soccer, lifting
What are the estimated based numbers for male and female? (kcal/lb) or (kcal/kg)
light: 38kg 35kg
moderate: 41kg 37kg
heavy: 50kg 44kg
When will you need to use the alternating body composition estimation scale?
When the cunningham equation cannont be used due to body fat % or LBM not being provided in the question.
After training, athletes should replenish with adequate food and fluids. They should consume:
_____ liters (______ ounces) for each pound of body weight lost, or
______ liter (___ ounces) for each kilogram of body weight lost
0.7 or 24oz pounds (lbs)
1.5 or 50 ounce kilograms (kg)
_____ kcals/per day or _______ kcals per/week increase needed to gain 1lb a week
500 or 3500 kcals
What is the Cunningham equation and when should it be used?
500+22(LBM Kg) – used when LBM or body fat % is provided
500+22(LMB kg) =
resting metabolic rate (RMR)
how many carbs do we need to consume:
4 hours before
2 hours before
1 hour before
1-4g carb/kg
1g carb/kg
0.5g carb/kg
How much protein 4 hours before competition?
10-17g of protein
Karvonen Formula:
- MaxHR - RHR = HR reserve
- HR reserve x Intensity
- RHR = Target HR
Target Heart Rate = Resting Heart + (Intensity x Heart Rate Reserve)
How many carbs do you need 1 hour before a competition?
carb loading recommendations:
3-4 days before
2 days before
resistance training can increase muscle sensitivity to amino acids for how many hours after exercise?
24-48 hours
daily fat intake range
experts suggest 20-30g of ______ per meal, and meals should be every ____ hours
20-30g protein/meal
meals every 3-4 hours
breaking glycerol backbone off the fatty acid chains
breaking the fatty acid chains into acetyl CoA to go into the Kreb’s cycle
beta oxidation
activity factor for sedentary lifestyle
activity factor for lightly active (1-3 days/week)
activity factor for moderately active (3-5 days/week)
activity factor for very active (3-5 days/week)
activity factor for extremely active (daily exercise)
fluid recommendations for a 40 kg child
5 oz every 20 minutes
fluid recommendations for a 60 kg child
9 oz every 20 minutes
adults should follow an individualized hydration plan to achieve a urine specific gravity (USP) of <______
< 1.020
sports drink fluid recommendation for adults during events lasting longer than 60 minutes
20-30 mEq sodium/L
2-5 mEq potassium/L
5-10% carbs
post training fluid recommendations for an adult athlete that has < 12 hours before their next event
1.5L (50 oz) sports drink per kgbw LOST
adjust volume no more than what percentage per week?