Musician Advanced Section 1, Chapter 1 Flashcards
What are tensions?
Non-harmonic tones that include the 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th above the root of a chord
When is the 7th not considered a tensions?
When it is already identified as a chord tone
What are the two different kinds of tensions
Melodic and harmonic
What do melodic tensions consist of?
Any note longer than a beat in duration; notes of any duration followed by a leap and not part of a delayed resolution
What are harmonic tensions?
Non-chord tones used in the vertical structure of the chord; duration of tension should mirror the melody and follow voicing rules
When can the 6th and 7th be used as tensions?
When they are used in an independent melody line that moves against a sustained triad
What notes can be available tensions?
Any note that is a whole step above a chord tone
T9 tensions
All chords
T11 tensions
All chords with a m3
T#11 tensions
All chords with a M3
T13 tensions
All chords with a P5
Major triad
minor triad
T6 tensions
Triads only, as part of independent melodic tension
TM7 tensions
Triads and 6th chords, when part of an independent melodic tensionT
T7 tensions
Minor triad only, when part of an independent melodic tension
What chord take Tb9, T#9, and Tb5?
Tb13 tensions
min7(b5), Dom7 only
What are the available tensions of a dim7 chord?
Any note a whole step above any chord tone, depending on chord scale involved
What are the main types of nonharmonic movement?
Passing tone
Neighbor tone
Escape tone
Neighbor group
Suspensions (suspension, bass, change of bass, embellished, chain)
Pedal point (including inverted, internal, and double)
Non-chord tones that approach and resolve by step
Passing tone, neighbor tone
Non-chord tones that approach by step and resolve by leap
Escape tone
Non-chord tone that approaches by leap and resolves by step
Non-chord tones that approach by same tone
Suspension, retardation, pedal
What are the three parts of a suspension?
Preparation, suspension, resolution
What are incomplete neighbor tones?
Appoggiatura and escape tone
What is another name for neighbor group?
Cambiata or changing tones
What is the difference between suspensions and retardations?
Suspensions resolve down and retardations resolve up
What intervals normally occur when multiple nonharmonic tones occur simultaneously?
Thirds, sixths, octaves
Exceptions to whole step for tensions rule
T13 not available for m7 chords with a tonic or subdominant function
T9 not available on III7
T#11 not available on IMaj7 unless as an ending chord
Cases where a half step can be used as an available tension
Tb9 on Dom7(b9) chord
Tb13 available on Dom7(b13) chord
Mode allows for the tension (aeolian, phrygian Tb9, Tb13)