Muscles of the Head & Face Flashcards
Where does the Sternocleidomastoid muscle Insert and originate?
(SCM) Located on the Lateral Anterior Aspect of the neck.
Large belly with 2 heads.
A flat Clavicular head & a Slender sternal head.
Both heads merge to insert to the mastoid process.
Where do the Scalenes Originate and insert in the head?
There is a Anterior, middle & Posterior scalene.
They extend from the Cervical vertebra and go underneath the clavicle to attach to the 1st and 2nd ribs.
Where are the Scalenes located in the head?
They are found between the flap of the Trap and the (SCM).
Where is the Anterior Scalene located?
It is partially tucked beneath the (SCM).
Where is the Middle Scalene located?
Slightly larger than the Anterior Scalene and lies lateral to the Anterior Scalene.
Where is the Posterior Scalene located?
Located between the Middle Scalene and the Levator Scapula.
Where does the Masseter Originate and Insert in the Face?
It originates on the inferior portion of the Zygomatic Arch and inserts on the Angle and Ramus of the Mandible.
Where is the (O) and (I) for the Anterior Scalene?
(O) Transvers processes of 3-6 Cervical vertebra.
(I) First Rib.
Where is the (O) and (I) for the Middle Scalene?
(O) Transvers processes of the 2-7 cervical vertebra.
(I) First Rib.
Where is the (O) and (I) for the Posterior Scalene?
(O) Transvers processes of the 6-7 cervical vertebra.
(I) Second Rib.
What are the Actions that (SCM) create?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral flexion, Contralateral rotation.
Bilaterally: Flex the neck, Assist in elevation of the ribcage during inhalation.
What are the Actions of the Scalenes?
Unilaterally: they Rotate the head and neck.
Bilaterally: they flex the head & Elevate the ribs during Inhalation.
What is the Action of the Suprahyoids?
Elevate the Hyoid and the Tongue.
Depress the mandible (TMJ).
What is the Actions of the Digastric?
With the Hyoid bone fixed, depress the mandible (TMJ).
What is the (O) and (I) of the Digastric?
(O) Mastoid process, Deep to the (SCM).
(I) Inferior border of the mandible.
What is the (O) and (I) of the InfraHyoids?
(O) Sternohyoid and SternoThyroid, Thyroid cartilage,
(I) …
What is the Action of the InfraHyoids?
Depress the Hyoid bone and Thyroid cartilage.
What is the Action of the Platysma?
Assist to depress the mandible (TMJ).
What is the (O) and (I) of the Platysma?
(O) Fascia covering superior part of the Pectoralis.
(I) Base of mandible, skin of lower part of the face.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Occipitofrontalis?
(O) Both: Galea Aponeurotica.
(I) Frontals: Skin superior to eyebrows, Occipitals: Superior Nuchal line of the Occiput.
What is the Action of the Occipitofrontalis?
Raise the Eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead.
What is the Action of the Medial Pterygoid?
Unilaterally: Laterally Deviate the mandible to the opposite side.
Bilaterally: Elevate & protract the Mandible.
What is the Action of the Lateral Pterygoid?
Unilaterally: Laterally Deviate the mandible to the opposite side.
Bilaterally: Protract the Mandible.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Medial Pterygoid?
(O) Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla.
(I) Medial surface of ramus of the mandible.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Lateral Pterygoid?
(O) Superior head: Infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone.
Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone.
(I) Articular disc and capsule of (TMJ), Neck of mandible.
What is the Action of Longus Capitis?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral flexion, Ipsilateral Rotation.
Bilaterally: Flex the head and Neck.
What is the Action of the longus Colli?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral flexion, Ipsilateral rotation.
Bilaterally: Flex the head and neck.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Longus Capitis?
(O) Transvers process of C 3-6.
(I) Inferior surface of Occiput.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Longus Colli?
(O) Bodies of C5 - T3 & Transvers processes of C3 - T3.
(I) Tubercle on anterior arch of the Atlas, Bodies of the Axis. C3-4, transvers processes of C5 and C6.
What is the muscle located in the centre of the Cheek?
The Buccinator:
Used for blowing into instruments it can create a dimple and tightens the corners of the lips.
What does the muscle “Depressor Anguli Oris” do in the face?
It pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly and laterally.
What is the muscle “Depressor Labii Inferioris” (DLI)?
This muscle is located medial to the (DAO).
It depresses the corners of the mouth while pulling the lip forward as well.
What is the (O) and (I) of the Suprahyoids?
Glenoid & Mylohoid (O) on the underside of the Mandible.
Styloid (O) on the styloid.