Final OP review Myology 1 Flashcards
What are the muscles of Mastication that are going to be on the Final OP?
Massester, Temporalis, Occipitofrontalis, Platysma.
What are the Muscle of the Neck that will be on the Final OP?
SCM, Lev Scap, Scalenes, Longissimus Capitis.
What are the Muscles of the Back that will be on the Final OP?
Traps, Erector Spinae (Longissimus - Iliocostalis), Lats, Rhomboid Major - minor, Serratus Posterior Superior and Inferior.
What are the Muscles of the Chest that will be on the Final OP?
Pec major and Minor, Serratus Anterior, Subclavius.
What are the Muscles of the Abdominal Region that will be on the Final OP?
QL, Rectcus abdominis, External Obliques.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Masseter?
(O) Zygomatic Bone - Arch.
(I) Ramus and Angle of the Mandible.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Temporalis?
(O) Temporal Fossa and Fascia of the temporal bone.
(I) Coronoid Process of the Mandible and Medial surface of the mandible.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Occipitofrontalis?
Frontalis: (O) Galae Aponeurosis (I) Skin superior to eyebrows Occipitalis: (O) Galae Aponeurosis (I) Superior nuchal line of the Occiput
What are the regions of the body that the Platysma Inserts and Originates?
(O) Fascia covering Superior portion of Pectoralis Major.
(I) Base of mandible, Skin of lower part of face.
What is the Nerve Associated with the Massetter?
Trigeminal Nerve
What is the nerve associated with the Temporalis?
Trigeminal nerve
What is the Nerve Associated with the Platysma?
Facial Nerve
What is the Action of the Occipitofrontalis?
Frontalis: Raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead.
Occipitals: Anchor & Retract the Galae aponeurosis.
What is the Action of the Masseter?
Elevation of the Mandible and Assist in Protraction of the mandible.
What is the Action of the occipitofrontalis?
Frontalis: Raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead.
Occipitals: Anchor & Retract the Galae aponeurosis.
What is the Action of the Platysma?
Assist to depress the Mandible.
Tighten the Fascia of the Neck.
Draw down Corner of the mouth.
What is the (O) and (I) for the SCM?
(O) Manubrium of the Sternum, Medial 1/3 of the Clavicle.
(I) Mastoid Process
What is the (O) and (I) for the Scalenes?
(O) Anterior: TVP C3-6 Middle: TVP C2-7 Posterior: TVP C6-7 (I) Anterior: 1st Rib Middle: 1st Rib Posterior: 2nd Rib
What is the (O) and (I) for the Lev Scap?
(O) TVP’s of C1-4.
(I) Superior Border and Superior angle of Scapula.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Longissimus Capitis?
(O) TVP’s of T1-5.
(I) Mastoid process of the Temporal bone.
What is the Action for the SCM?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral Flexion & Contralateral rotation.
Bilaterally: Flexion of the Head and Neck & Assist in Elevation of the Thoracic Cage during inhalation.
What is the Action for the Scalenes?
Unilaterally: Flexion of the neck involving mostly the Anterior Scalene.
Bilaterally: Elevation of the Thoracic cage during inhalation.
What is the Action for the Lev Scap?
Unilaterally: Elevates the Scap, Downwardly rotates the Scap, Ipsilateral Lateral Flexion and Contralateral Rotation of the head and Neck.
Bilaterally: Extension of the head and Neck.
What is the Action for the Longissimus Capitis?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral Flexion.
Bilaterally: Extension of the Head and neck.
What is the Nerve of the SCM?
Spinal Accessory Nerve C2, 3.
What is the Nerve of the Scalenes?
C3, 4-8
What is the (O) and (I) for the Traps?
(O) EOP, Medial portion of Superior Nuchal lines of the Occiput, Ligamentum nuchae of the Spinous processes of C7-T12.
(I) Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, Acromion and spine of the Scapula.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Erector Spinae (Longissimus)?
Thoracis: (O) Common Tendon. (I) Lower nine ribs and TVP's of Thoracic vertebrae. Capitis: (O) TVP's of T1-5. (I) Mastoid process of the temporal bone. Cirvicis: (O)TVP's of T1-5. (I) TVP's of Cervical vertebrae.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Erector Spinae (Iliocostalis)?
Cervicis: (O) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-12. (I) TVP's of C4-7. Thoracis: (O) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-12. (I) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-6. Lumborum: (O) Common Tendon. (I) TVP's L1-3 and posterior surface of ribs 6-12.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Lats?
(O) Spinous processes T6-12, Ribs 8-12, Thoracolumbar aponeurosis, posterior iliac crest and Inferior angle of the Scapula.
(I) Intertubecular Groove of the Humerus.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Rhomoid major and Minor?
(O) Spinous processes of T2-5.
(I) Medial border of the Scapula between the Spine of the scapula and inferior angle.
(O) Spinous Processes of C7-T1.
(I) Upper portion of medial border of the Scapula, across from the spine of the scapula.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Serratus Posterior-Superior?
(O) Spinous processes of C7-T3.
(I) Posterior Surface of 2nd - 5th ribs.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Serratus Posterior-Inferior?
(O) Spinous processes of T12-L3.
(I) Posterior surface of 9th - 12th ribs.
What is the Action of the Upper Fibers of the Trap?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral lateral flexion of the Head and Neck, Contralateral rotation of the Head and neck, Elevation of the Scapula, Upwardly rotate the Scapula.
Bilaterally: Extends the Head and Neck.
What is the Action of the Middle Fibers of the Trap?
Adduction of the Scapula, Stabilize the Scapula.
What is the Action of the Lower Fibers of the Trap?
Depression of the Scapula, Upwardly rotate the Scapula.
What is the nerve for the Traps?
Spinal portion of cranial nerve and ventral ramus.
What is the Action of the Lats?
Extension of the Shoulder, Adduction of the shoulder, Medially Rotate the Shoulder.
What is the nerve of the Lats?
Thoracodorsal C6-8.
What is the Action of the Rhomboid major and Minor?
Adduction of the Scapula, Elevation of the, Downwardly Rotate.
What is the nerve of the Rhomboid major and minor?
Dorsal Scapular C4-5.
What is the Action of the Serratus Posterior’s?
Elevate the ribs during inhalation.
What is the nerve for the Serratus Posterior Superior?
What is the Nerve for the Serratus posterior Inferior?
What is the (O) and (I) for Pec Major?
(O) Medial half of the Clavicle, Sternum, cartilage of 1st - 6th ribs.
(I) Crest of Greater Tubercle of Humerus.
What is the (O) and (I) for Pec Minor?
(O) 3rd - 5th Ribs.
(I) Medial Surface of the Coracoid process of the Scapula.
What is the (O) and (I) for Serratus Anterior?
(O) External Surface of Upper 8 - 9 Ribs.
(I) Anterior Surface of Medial border of Scapula.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Subclavius?
(O) First Rib and Cartilage.
(I) inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle.
What is the Action of Pec Major?
All Fibers:
Adduction of the Shoulder, Medially Rotate the Shoulder, Assist in Elevation of the Thorax during forced inhalation.
Flexion of the Shoulder, Horizontal Adduction.
lower: Extension of the Shoulder.
What is the Action of Pec Minor?
Depression of the Scapula.
Abduction of the Scapula.
Downwardly rotate the Scapula.
With Scap fixed:
Assist to Elevate the thorax during Forced inhalation.
What is the Action for Serratus Anterior?
With origin fixed:
Adbutcion of the Scapula, Upwardly Rotate Scapula, Depression of the Scapula, Hold the medial border of the Scapula Against Rib cage.
With Scapula Fixed:
May act to Elevate the Thorax during forced inhalation.
What is the nerve for the Pec major
Upper Fibers: Lateral Pectoral C5-7.
Lower Fibers: Lateral and Medial Pectoral C6-8, T1.
What is the nerve for the Serratus anterior?
Long Thoracic C5 - 8.
What is the (O) and (I) for the QL?
(O) Posterior iliac crest.
(I) Last Rib and TVP’s of L1-4.
What is the (O) and (I) for the rectus abdominis?
(O) Pubic crest and Symphysis.
(I) cartilage of 5th - 7th Ribs and Xiphoid process of the Sternum.
What is the (O) and (I) for the External Oblique?
(O) External Surface of Ribs 5th - 12.
(I) Abdominal Aponeurosis to linea alba and Anterior Iliac crest.
What is the Action for the QL?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral Elevation of the Pelvis and Flexion of the pelvis and Vertebral Column.
Bilaterally: Fix the Last rib during Forced inhalation.
What is the Action for the Rectus Abdominis?
Flexion of the Vertebral Column and Posterior Pelvic Tilt.
What is the Action for the External Obliques?
Unilaterally: Ipsilateral Flexion, Contralateral Rotation.
bilaterally: Flexion of the vertebral column, Compression of the Abdominal Contents.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Iliocostalis Cervicis?
(O) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-12.
(I) TVP’s of C4-7.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Ilicostalis Thoracic?
(O) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-12.
(I) Posterior Surface of ribs 1-6.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Iliocostalis Lumborum?
(O) Common Tendon.
(I) TVP’s L1-3 and posterior surface of ribs 6-12.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Longissimus Thoracic?
(O) Common Tendon.
(I) Lower nine ribs and TVP’s of Thoracic vertebrae.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Longissimus Cirvisic?
(O)TVP’s of T1-5.
(I) TVP’s of Cervical vertebrae.
What is the (O) and (I) for the Longissimus Capitis?
O) TVP’s of T1-5.
(I) Mastoid process of the temporal bone.