Muscles And Synapses Flashcards
3 types of neurons
Afferent neurons
Carry info from periphery to spinal cord via dorsal roots, excititory
Ifferent neuron
Carry info form spinal cord to periphery via ventral roots, excitatory
Carry info between neurons, both excitatory and inhibitory
Glia cells produce?
- Schwann cells in PNS
- olidogendrocytes in the CNS
Glia cells form the
Blood brain barrier
Glia ce3lls guide migrating
Neurons and direct animal outgrowth during development (radical glia)
Satellite glia
Produce strucure and support isolating neurons form 1 to another
Receive stimuli,
Dendrites produce generator or receptor potentials :
In motor neurons and association neurons, produce excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)
Cell body
Receive stimuli and produce EPSPs and IPSPs through activation of chemically or mechanically gated ion channels
Junction of axon hillock and initial segment of axon
Trigger cone, integrates EPSPs and IPSPs and, if sum is a depolarization that reaches threshold, intimates potential (nerve impulse)
Propagates nerve impulse form initial segment (form dentrites) to axon terminals, impulse amplitude does not change as it propagates along the axon,
Axon terminals and synaptic end bulbs
Inflow of Ca2+ causes depolarization of nerve impulses trigger NT release by exocytosis of synaptic vesicles
Resting membrane potential
Measure of electrical potential difference between intercellar environment and extra cellular environment