Muscles Flashcards
Look of surprise, FACIAL NERVE VII
Orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oris
closes and protrudes lips, shapes lips during speech,FACIAL NERVE VII
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Raises upper lip, snarl, FACIAL NERVE VII
Levator labii superioris
Raises upper lip, snarl(‘s’ in ‘superior’ stands for ‘snarl’), FACIAL NERVE VII
Levator anguli oris
opens mouth, lateral & inerior (deep), FACIAL NERVE VII
Depressor labii inferioris
Depresses lower lips (deep to angui oris-kory’s face pout), FACIAL NERVE VII
Depressor anguli oris
opens mouth, lateral & inerior, FACIAL NERVE VII
whistling, blowig, sucking (sucking pookinator’s cl**t), FACIAL NERVE VII
grimacing, lateral, ‘reins of horse’, FACIAL NERVE VII
depresses mandible +normal pouts, FACIAL NERVE VII
Elevates Mandible, closes mouth,Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V)
Elevates/Retracts Mandible, Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V)
Medial pterygoid
Mandible side-side movement, protrudes, Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V)
Lateral pterygoid
Protracts madible, depresses mandible as in opening mouth, Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (V)
Elevates hyoid bone, RMA:depresses mandible/opens mouth, *Anterior-mandibular division of TRIGEMINAL, *Posterior- FACIAL NERVE VII)
elevates hyoid bone and draws it posteriorly, Facial Nerve (VII)
elevates hyoid and floor of mouth, depresses mandible, Mandibular division of Trigeminal (V)
depresses hyoid bone, C1-C3
depresses thyroid cartilage of layrnx, C1-C3
elevates thyroid cartilage, C1-C2
Laterally rotate and flex head to opposite side of contracting muscle, C2-C3, motor supple? =accessory nerve IX
Splenis capitus
bilateral=extend head, unilaterally=laterally flex,rotate head to opposite side as contracting muscle, Middle cervical nerves
Splenis cervicis
same as above (connects lower than head, thin, deep), inferior cervical nerves, inferior cervical nerves
Semispinalis capitus
bilateral= extend head, unilateral =opposite contracting muscle(right next to spine), cervical and thoracic spinal nerves.
extend vertebral column + extend head, cervical and superior thoracic nerves
Extend trunk, laterally flex, Cervical and thoracic nerves
extend and maintain erect posture, laterally flex to same side as contracting muscle., Cervical, Lumbar and thoracic nerves
Rectus abdominis
Flexes abdomin,flexes pelvis on vert column, flexes lumbar vert column, thoracic spinal nerves T7-T12
External oblique
rotate vert column, compress abdomin,laterally flex vert column, T7-T12
Internal oblique
same as above, T8-T12
Transversus abdominis
Compresses Abdomin, T8-T12
Quadratus lumborum
Together-pull 12th ribs interiorly during forced exhalation, fix 12th ribs, L1-L3, T12
Contraction=flatten, increases dimension of Thoracic cavity/inhalation. Relaxation=superiorly, exhalation, C3-C5 and phrenic nerve
Exteranl intercostal
Contraction=elevate ribs, T2-T12
Internal intercostal
Contraction draws adjacent ribs together., T2-T12
Innermost intercostal
Contraction draws adjacent ribs together., T2-T13
Pectoralis minor
Rotates scap downward, abducts, Medial Pectoral Nerve
Serratus anterior
Abducts scap and rotates it upward ‘winging’ muscle. Abducts humerous above 90, long thoracic nerve
Superior-rotat scap, middle- adduct scap, inferior-depress and upward rotate scap. Stabilizes scab, C3-C5 & Accessory Nerve( XI)
Levator scapulae
Elevates Scap and rotates it downward, Dorsal Scap nerve C3-C5
Rhomboid major
Elevates and adducts scap and rotate it downward, stabilizes scap, Dorsal Scap nerve
Rhomboid minor
Elevates and adducts scap and rotate it downward, stabilizes scap, Dorsal Scap nerve
Pectoralis major
Adducts + medially rotates arm at shoulder joint, clavicular head flexes arm, sternocostal head extends the flexed arm to trunk, Medial and Lateral pectoral nerves
Abduct arm, greater than 15degrees, post. Fibers extend and laterally rotate arm, Axillary nerve
Latissimus dorsi
Extends, adducts and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint, inferiorally and posteriorally, Thoracodorsal nerve
Teres major
Extends arm, adduction and medial rotation, Lower Subscap nerve
Flexes and adducts arm at shoulder, musculocutaneous
Medially rotates arm, upper and lower SubScap nerve
Asssts deltoid muscle, suprascap nerve
laterally rotates arm, suprascap nerve
Teres minor
laterally rotates and extends arm at shoulder, axillary nerve
Biceps brachii
Flexes forearm @ elbow joing, supinates forearm at radioulunar joints, and flexes arm at shoulder joint., Musculocutaneous nerve
Main flexor of forearm, Musculocutaneous nerve and radial nerve
Flexes forearm at elbow joint, supinates and pronates forearm at radiolunar joint, Musculocutaneous and Radial Nerve
Triceps brachii
Extends forearm at elbow, extends arm at shoulder, Radial Nerve
Extends forearm at elbow., Radial Nerve
Pronator teres
Pronates forearm at radioulnar joint and weakly flexes forearm (index finger), Median Nerve
Pronator quadratus
Pronates forearm at radioulnar joint and weakly flexes forearm, Median Nerve
Supinates forearm at radioulnar,Deep radial nerve
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexes and abducts hand at wrist (middle finger), Median Nerve
Palmaris longus
Weakly flexes hand at wrist joint (ring finger), Median Nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexes and adducts hand at wrist (pinky finger), Ulnar Nerve
Flexor digitorum
Flexes middle phalanx of each finger, hand at wrist, Median Nerve
Flexor pollicis longus
Flexes distal phalanx of thumb, Median Nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexes distal & middle phalanges of each finger @ I.P. joints, proximal phalanx of each finger at MCP joint, hand at wrist. Goes furthest, deepest. Median and Unlar Nerve
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extends and abducts hand at wrist, Median and Unlar Nerve
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extends and abducts hand at wrist, Radial Nerve
Extensor digitorum
extends distal andmiddle phalanges of each finger, proximal phalanx of each at mcp joint, hand at wrist, Radial Nerve
Extensor digiti minimi
extends proximal phalanx & and hand @ wrist, Deep radial Nerve
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extends and adducts hand at wrist, Deep radial Nerve
Abductor pollicis longus
Abducts and extends thumb (tendon connects most proximally outta the 3), Deep radial Nerve
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extends proximal phalanx of thumb at mcp, Deep radial Nerve
Extensor pollicis(thumb) longus
Extends distal phalanx of thumb, Deep radial Nerve
Extensor indicis
Extends distal and middle phalanges of index, Deep radial Nerve
Abductor pollicis brevis
Abducts thumb at carpometacarpal joint(meat of thumb), Median Nerve
Opponens pollicis
moves thumb across palm to meet any finger, Median Nerve
Flexor pollicis brevis
Flexes thumb at CMC joint, Median Nerve
Adductor pollicis
Adducts thumb at CMC and MCP joints, Ulnar Nerve
Adductor digiti minimi
Abducts and flexes little finger at MCP joint, Ulnar Nerve
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Flexes little finger at CMC and MCP joints, Ulnar Nerve
Opponens digiti minimi
Moves little finger across palm, Ulnar Nerve
Flex each finger at MCP joints and extends each finger at IP joints (superficial to interossi), Median and Ulnar nerve
Palmar interossei
Adduct and flex each finger except the middle finger at MCP joints, Ulnar Nerve
Dorsal interossei
Abduct fingers 2-4 at MCP joints, flex fingers 2-4 at MCP joints and extend each finger at IP joints, Ulnar Nerve
Psoas major and Iliacus Muscles acting together flex thigh at hip joint, rotate thigh laterally, and flex trunk on the hip as in sitting up from the supine position,Lumbar Spinal, Femoral Nerve
Gluteus maximus
Extends thigh at hip joint and laterally rotates thigh, Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius
Abducts thigh at hip, medially rotates thigh, superior gluteal
Gluteus minimus
Abducts thigh at hip and medially rotates thigh, Superior gluteal nerve
Tensor fasciae latae
Flexes and abducts thigh at hip joint, Superior gluteal nerve
Laterally rotates and abducts thighSacral spinal nerves S1 or S2,
Obturator internus
Laterally rotates and abducts thigh, Nerve to obturator
Obturator externus
Laterally rotates and abducts thigh, Obturator Nerve
Superior gemellus
Laterally rotates and abducts thigh, Nerve to obturator internus
Inferior gemellus
Laterally rotates and abducts thigh, Nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus femoris
Laterally rotates and stabilizes hip joint, Nerve to quadratus femoris
Adductor longus
Adducts and flexes thigh, Obturator Nerve
Adductor brevis
Adducts and flexes thigh at hip, rotates thigh, Obturator Nerve
Adductor magnus
Adducts thigh at hip joint and rotates thigh, anterior part flexes thigh at hip, posterior part extends thigh at hip, Obturator Nerve
Flexes and adducts thigh, **FEMORAL
Adducts thigh andmedially rotates thigh, flexes leg at knee, Obturator Nerve
Indian style sitting. Weakly flexes leg at knee joint, weakly flexes abducts and laterally rotates thigh at thigh. Femoral Nerve
Rectus femoris
Extend leg at knee, rectus alone also flexes thigh at hip. Femoral Nerve
Vastus lateralis
Extend leg at knee, rectus alone also flexes thigh at hip. Femoral Nerve
Vastus medialis
Extend leg at knee, rectus alone also flexes thigh at hip. Femoral Nerve
Vastus intermedius
Extend leg at knee, rectus alone also flexes thigh at hip. Femoral Nerve
Biceps femoris
Flexes leg at knee, extends thigh at hip, Tibial and common fibular nerves from Sciaatic
Flexes leg at knee, extends thigh at hip, Tibial Nerve from Sciatic
Flexes leg at knee, extends thigh at hip, Tibial Nerve from Sciatic
Tibialis anterior
Dorsiflexes foot and INVERTS, Deep fibular (peroneal)
Extensor hallucis(big toe) longus
Dorsiflexes foots and extends proximal phalanx of great toe at MTP, Deep fibular
Extensor digitorum longus
Dorsiflexes foot and extends distal & middle phalanges of each toe at IP joints and proximal Phalanx of each toe, Deep fibular
Fibularis tertius
Dorsiflexes foot and EVERTS, Deep fibular
Fibularis longus
Plantar flexes foot and EVERTS, Superficial Fibular
Fibularis brevis
Plantar flexes foot and EVERTS, Superficial Fibular
Plantar flexes foot, flexes leg at Knee, Tibial Nerve
Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint, Tibial Nerve
Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and flexes leg at Knee (tiny muscle-long tendon). Tibial Nerve
Flexes leg at knee and medially rotates tibia to unlock extended knee( scratch calf w/ back of opposite heel). Tibial Nerve
Tibialis posterior
Plantar flexes foot at ankle joint (deep center) Tibial Nerve
Flexor digitorum longus
Plantar flexes foot, flexes distal and middle phalanges of each toe at IP joints and proximal phalanx of each toe at MTP joint (lots of work = attached to biggest bone). Tibial Nerve
Flexor hallucis longus
Plantar flexe, flexes distal phalanx of great toe at IP joint and proximal phalanx of great toe at MTP joint, Tibial Nerve
Extensor hallucis brevis
Extends great toe at MTP, Deep fibular
Extensor digitorum brevis
Extends toes 2-4 at IP, Deep fibular
Abductor hallucis
Abducts and flexes great toe at MTP, Medial plantar
Flexor hallucis brevis
Flexes great toe, Medial plantar
Adductor hallucis
Adducts and flexes great toe (medial), Medial plantar
Flexor digitorum brevis
Flexes toes 2-5 at proximal IP and MTP, Medial plantar
Abductor digiti minimi
Abducts and flexes little toe (lateral), Lateral Plantar
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Flexes little toe at MTP, Lateral Plantar
Quadratus plantae
Assists flexor digitorum longus to only flex toes 2-5, Lateral Plantar
Extend toes 2-5 at IP joints and flex toes 2-5 at MTP (4), Medial and Lateral
Dorsal interossei
flexes at MTP joint (4), Deep plantar
Plantar interossei
Extends IP joints (3), Deep lateral plantar nerve