Lectures 2-7 Images Flashcards
Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify this epithelium.

Identify the connective tissue.

Identify the connective tissue.

Identify the cells and the connective tissue.

Identify the connective tissue.

Identify the cell type.

What is the function of macrophages?

Identify this disease and the cause.

Identify this cell.

Identify this cell.

Identify this cell.

Identify this fiber.

Identify this fiber.

Identify all the marked places.

Identify this gland.

What type of gland is this?

Identify this cartilage.
Where is it found?

Identify this cartilage.
Where is it found?

Identify this cartilage.
Where is it found?

Identify each zone.

Identify marked areas.

Identify this tissue.
A. Hyaline Cartilage
B. Fribrocartilage
C. Compact Bone
D. Dense Irregular
E. Elastic Cartilage

B. Fibrocartilage