Lecture 29 Male Reproductive System Flashcards

What transports spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct?
The ductus deferens in the spermatic cord.

Where is spermatazoa produced?

Which cells of the male reproductive system secrete testoterone?
Leydig Cells

Which cell secretes inhibin and androgen-binding protein?
Sertoli cells
– Supporting (sustentacular) cells
– Extend from basement membrane to lumen
– Tight junctions join adjacent Sertoli cells
– Secrete inhibin
– Secrete androgen-binding protein
• Blood-testis barrier
• Hormone that inhibits FSH secretion
• Binds testosterone to keep concentration high
Which hormone stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone?
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Which hormone stimulates sertoli cells to secrete androgen binding protein?
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
• Stimulates Sertoli cells to secrete androgen-binding protein