Lecture #25-27 Digestive System Flashcards
What part of the mucosa would you find mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)?
Lamina Propria

Where is the meissner’s plexus?
In the submucosa along with glands and blood and lymph vessels

Where would you find the Myenteric / Auerbach’s plexus?
In the muscularis externa.
Function = peristalsis

What comprises the PERITONEUM?

What are the 4 parts of the somach?
What are the 4 parts of the somach?

What type of epithelium do you find in the stomach?
Simple columnar epithelium with mucos cells invaginated to form gastric pits and glands within the lamina propria
What type of cells are found in the epithelium of the stomach?

Which cell screte hydrochloric acid?
A. Parietal Cells
B. Chief Cells
C. G Cells
D. Mucus Cells
A. Parietal Cells

Which cell scretes secrete gastrin?
A. Parietal Cells
B. Chief Cells
C. G Cells
D. Mucus Cells
C. G Cells

Which cell screte gastric lipase?
A. Parietal Cells
B. Chief Cells
C. G Cells
D. Mucus Cells
B. Chief Cells

Which cell intrinsic factor?
A. Parietal Cells
B. Chief Cells
C. G Cells
D. Mucus Cells
B. Chief Cells

Which cell cecrete pepsinogen that activate pepsin, the activated form, that breaks down proteins into peptides?
A. Parietal Cells
B. Chief Cells
C. G Cells
D. Mucus Cells
B. Chief Cells

The small intestins secrete all of the following except?
A. secretins
B. gastrin
D. glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
E. intrinsic factor
The stomach secrets gastin and intrinsic factor
The small intestiin sercetes: secretins, CCK, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
The small intestines is both retro- and intra-peritoneal. (T/F)
What types of cells will you find in the duodenum mucosa layer of the epithelium?


Where is this tissue found?

in the duodenum
Where would you find this tissue?
What are distinguishing characteristics?

long, branched circular folds, no submucosal glands

Which part of the duodenum is intraperitoneal?
The first part is intraperitoneal and the rest is retroperitoneal
Where are peyer’s patches found?
in the ileum

Which part of the digestive system produces vitamins B & K?
The large intestines

Describe the epithelial layers of the large intestines and what are the distinguising features?
•Distinguishing features:
- haustra, tenia coli, epiploic appendages
- abundance of goblet cells, no villi
• Appendix- wormlike structure attached to the cecum, containing large amounts of lymphoid tissue.
Clinical: Appendicitis, Diverticular disease

Where is this tissue found?

Where would you find each of these tissues?

Left: Large Intestines, Right: Stomach, Top: Duodenum, Bottom: Esophagus
Where is the lesser omentum derived from?
The ventral Mesentery

Where is the greater omentum derived from?
fromt the dorsal mesentery

What are pancreatic digestive juices?
Pancreatic digestive juices cells in clusters called acini
Pancreatic amylase, trypsin, elastase

What is the primordial gut developed from?
the splanchnic mesoderm

What is the arterial supply of the foregut?
Celiac Trunk


What structures are derived from the foregut in organogenesis?

What is the areterial supply for the midgut?
What structures were derived from the midgut during organogenesis?

What is the areterial supply of the hindgut?
What structures are derived from the hindgut in organogenesis?

Describe the developemnt of the liver.

Describe the development of the pancreas.
Pancreas develops from two endodermal buds (ventral & dorsal) from the distal end of the foregut
•Dorsal bud appears first [26th day]
- Ventral bud appears on the 28th day
- Rotation & fusion by the 7th week

Where does the endoderm meet the ectoderm?