Muscle List Flashcards
2 muscles of mastication
1) Masseter
2) Temporalis
5 muscles of facial expression
1) Buccinator
2) Obicularis oris
3) Obicularis oculi
4) Occipitofrontalis - frontal belly
5) Platysma
4 muscles of the neck
1) Sternocleidomastoid
2) Anterior Scalene
3) Middle Scalene
4) Posterior Scalene
3 muscles of the vertebral column
1) iliocostalis cervicis
2) iliocostalis thoracis
3) iliocostalis lumborum
4 muscles of the abdomen
1) external oblique
2) internal oblique
3) transversus abdominis
4) rectus abdominis
6 muscles and 2 muscle groups of respiration
1) diaphragm
2) external intercostals
3) internal intercostals
4) pectoralis minor
5) scalenes (3)
6) Sternocleidomastoid
1) erector spinae muscles
2) abdominal muscles
Where muscle is FIXED
Area of muscle attachment that MOVES toward origin
O) alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible
I) fibers of orbicularis oris
A) 1. Compresses cheek
2.retracts angle of mouth
O) 1. Alveolar processes of maxilla 2. Alveolar processes of mandible I) fibers of orbicularis oris A) 1. Compresses cheek 2.retracts angle of mouth
Obicularis oris
O) maxilla and mandible I) lips/angle of mouth A) 1. closes lips 2. compresses lips 3. purses lips
Obicularis oris
O) 1. maxilla 2. mandible I) lips/angle of mouth A) 1. closes lips 2. compresses lips 3. purses lips
Occipitofrontalis- frontal belly
O) epicranial aponeurosis I) 1. Skin of eyebrow 2. Bridge of nose A) 1. raises eyebrows 2. wrinkles forehead
O) 1. Facia of pectoralis major 2. Facia of deltoid in between cartilage of 2nd rib and acromion I) 1. Mandible 2. Skin of cheek A) 1. Tenses skin of neck 2. Depresses mandible 3. Pull lower lip inferiority
O) 1. Zygomatic arch 2. Maxillae I) 1. Angle of mandible 2. Ramus of mandible A) 1. Elevates mandible 2. PROTRACTS mandible