Muscle Anatomy - Back Muscles Flashcards
Where does the multifundus muscle originate?
Articular vertebrae / adjoining areas on vertebrae that weave one vertebrae to the next starting at mid sacrum and extending to C2
Where does the multifundus insert?
Each forward vertebrae on either spinous or Articular process
What regions does the multifundus cover?
Cervical, thoracic, sacral, lumbar
What is the action of the multifundus?
Stabilize the spine
Do all horses have a Illiocostal muscle?
Where does the illiocostal muscle originate?
Deep within thoraco lumbar fascia
Where does the illiocostal insert?
Caudal borders of ribs
Transverse processes of C7
What is the action of the Illiocostal muscle?
Contraction bilaterally assists in expiration
One side contraction assists in lateral movement of spine to side of contraction