MSK / Rheum Flashcards
5Ps of compartment syndrome
Pain, Paresthesia, Pallor, Paralysis, Pulseless
varus vs valgus
varus: distal inward
valgus: distal outward
blue sclera
Dx, Time of presentation, prognosis/issues, genetics?
OI type 1
Fractures in preschoolers
Autosomal Dominant
hearing loss by adult (conductive and sensorineural)
type A vs B OI type 1
A: good teeth
B: bad teeth
most severe type of OI, genetics
type 2: born w/ multiple fractures
inherited as new mutation or germinal mosaicism
- genetics
- cause of sudden death
AD, or spontaneous mutation in >80%
cervicomedullary junction compression
congenital torticollis can be associated w/ what?
When till surgery?
hip dysplasia.
PT/stretching, but surgery if still present at 1y
head tilt with fusion of cervical vertebrae (congenital synostosis of cervical vertebrae)
Dx, other issues?
Klippel-Feil syndrome
issues: short neck, low occipital hairline, scoliosis, myelo, renal issues, sprengel deformity, deafness (assoc GU, cardiopulm, CNS issues)
(Clipper file: clippers giving bad haircut and spine disaster)
normal kyphosis
20-40, No intervention if < 60.
Bad posture, kyphosis, back pain in teen
Scheuermann dz
NSAID, pt, obs
What is sprengel deformity?
looks like torticollis, but its due to failure of scapula to descend and affected side is broader and shorter
Congenital elevation of the scapula
Barlow vs Ortolani
Which side usu worse?
Barlow: adduction w/ downward pressure
Ortolani: attempt to relocate
Left worse
migratory arthritis w/ rash?
think rheumatic fever, strep
one femoral head smaller than other in 4-8 yr old boy?
Legg Calve Perthes: avascular necrosis of femoral head
when do XR findings of osteomyelintis appear?
10-14 days after infx
chronic knee pain that locks and swells in adolescent?
Dx and tx?
osteochondritis dissecans
adolescent boys: immobilization, eventual removal of fragments if not improved
pain just below knee in adolescent athlete?
Osgood Schlatter
When to observe for scoliosis?
if curve < 25degrees
When to brace for scoliosis
if more than 2 yrs growth expected, and curve is 25-40
When surgery is needed for scoliosis
curve >40-45
Dx w/ swelling of bone shafts only in cortical bone, with progressive cortical thickening. DDX?
Caffey Dz.
DDX: NAT, but there is no periosteal involvement
internally rotated foot with contracted achilles
how often both feet?
club foot, tx: stretch, cast serially (Ponsetti 4-5 wks), surgical release in late 1st year.
50% bilateral
genu varus ok until when, then think what?
bow legged okay until age 2 and if bilateral.
If not, think rickets, Blounts disease
Blount’s disease
What is it, what are the types
pathology of proximal tibial physis/epiphysis
Infantile: African Americans, no tx needed
Adolescent: obese African American: need tx
absent radius (thumb issues): name 3
- TAR: thrombocytopenia, absent radius
- Fanconi ANEMIA: fan blade cuts it off
- VATER: R: absent radius
two syndromes to think of w/ high arches?
- Friedreich (Fried arch)
2. Hurlers
Flat feet, pes planus tx:
usu no intervention
Tx for salter 1 frx
2-3 weeks cast
Type 2 SH fracture?
metaphysis splits w/ some physis (the dogbone part: meta)
closed reduction 3-6 wk cast
Type 3 SH?
through growth plate and epiphysis, may need open reduct. WORSE than 2 b/c goes into joint space…
the deal with fat pads on XR?
anterior fat pad: all right
posterior fat pad: poor…fracture?
snuff box pain?
scaphoid bone fracture even if negative XR
hip extended and externally rotated in obese teen male.
How to dx?
Frog leg/AP XR
Tx: immobilize, no wt bearing, may need pins/bone grafts
CAuses of arthritis in children?
GLOVE: GC/genetic, Lyme, Osteomyelitis, Viral (toxic synovitis), Evasive infx (septic arthritis)
ANA and RF and ESR levels in ankylosing spondylitis
Normal ana, RF, mild incr ESR
back pain relief by exercise and pain in knees?
Think anklyosing spondylitis
Drugs used to treat pain in Ankylosing spondylitis
aphthous stomatitis, genital ulcerations, uveitis, GI ulcers, arthritis. high ESR/CRP, normal ANA/RH
Dx and Tx
Behcet syndrome
tx: systemic steroids
heliotrope rash on face, tight shiny skin on knuckles/elbows (Gottron papules), periungual lesions
organ issues in dermatomyositis
esoph, lung
tx for dermatomyositis
steroids, MTX, IVIG, antimalarials. NO sunlight
Lowe syndrome vs ehler’s danlos?
Lowe also with blindness, hypotonia, ID (low vision, low tone, low IQ) Lowe also called oculocerebrorenal syndrome
median age of HSP
5 yo Boy
potential complication acutely of HSP
ileoileal intussusception
plts in HSP?
salmon colored evanescent rash
Timing criteria for JRA
< 16 yr, at least 6 wks in at least 1 joint
Labs abnl in JRA?
high ANA, RF usually neg but can distinguish subtypes
When is JRA likely to have RF+
older pts w/ polyarthritis JRA usually with more serious issues and nodules, like adult version
Polyarthritic JRA:
+/- systemic disease?
Oligo JRA / Pauci
- def
- main complication
- the deal w/ boys?
less than 5 joints, usu ANA pos young female.
Typical to have chronic uveitis
Boys may be HLAB27 pos w/ good prognosis
high fever, leukocytosis, small pale red macules w/ central clearing and coalescing, HSM, LAD, pleuritis/pericarditis.
Systemic JRA / Stills
ANA and RF in systemic JRA?
both normally negative
WHat is tolmetin sodium?
Tx for JRA if cardiac involvement?
leading cause of acquired heart disease in kids < 5 y
when to do echo in kawasaki?
dx, 2-3 wks, 6-8 wks
tx of kawasaki?
IVIG 2g/kg x1-2 doses
hi dose ASA 80mg/kg/day x 1-2d
low dose ASA 5mg/kg/day x 2 mos
if fever, rash, and conjunctivitis, which is measles?
exudative conjunctiviits, and rash starting and the top and going down
where is the rash in Scarlet fever?
flexural areas of extremities
erythema chronicum migrans ECM
bullseye rash in Lyme
Bell’s palsy in lyme, what time frame?
Lyme dx steps
Ab titer, then western blot confirm
False pos for lyme?
SLE, dermatomyositis, rickettsial dz
concern if child treated for Lyme gets chills, fever, hypotension, sepsis-like?
Jarisch-Herxheimer: lysis of organism, release of endotoxin
Major criteria for Marfan?
- 4 Skeletal: tall, high arched palate, hyperextensible joints, pectus
- dilation/dissx asc Ao. Also get mitral regurg/prolapse
- lumbosacral dural ectasia
- ectopia lentis (anterior)
bugs to worry about for post-infx arthritis and tx?
Salmonella, Yersinia, campylobacter, or viral. No tx. supportive care.
post vaccine arthralgia, likely issue?
post MMR live vaccine, with post-infx arthritis from rubella component
Seronegative spondyloarthropathy means what
ANA and RF normal
can’t see, pee, climb tree?
Reiter: urethritis, iritis, arthritis
bugs before Reiter?
Yersinia, shigella, salmonella, Chlamydial
dysuria, conjunctival injection, swollen foreskin, negative UA
Reiter. reactive arthritis
murmur best at apex + arthritis?
MR murmur, most common in RF.
most common two murmurs of rheumatic fever?
MR first (apex), AR next (new murmur and mild CHF).
Jones criteria for Rheumatic?
Recent GAS infx + 2 major or 1 major + 2 minor!
What are the major criteria: JONES / RF?
Joints: polyarthritis Heart: carditis, CHF, new murmurs, cardiomegaly Nodules: subctaneous on extensors Erythema marginatum Sydenham chorea
Minor JONES / RF?
FEAR: fever, elevated inflamm markers, Arthralgia not arthritis which is major), pRolonged pR interval
or HELP: hot, elevated labs, arthaLgia, Prolonged PR
erythema marginatum
erythema migrans
Treatment of acute rheumatic fever?
GAS tx, sx, prophylaxis: PCN, ASA for arthritis/fever, steroids for carditis, haldol for chorea, digoxin for heart failure
LAb tests they want for ARF?
Strep: ASO titers and positive streptozyme. Need definitive documentation of recent strep infx.
noncaseating granulomas, bilateral peribronchial infiltrates?
sarcoid vs TB?
think EKG rhythm issue in Sarcoid
easy fatigue in sports, renal and eye disease, hypercalcemia and calciuria?
SArcoid (granulomas secrete vit D)…
linear hyperpigmented patch that becomes fibrotic
Dx and tx? Prognosis?
localized, linear scleroderma. self-limited. Tx w/ topical lubricant or photochemotx. May need steroids, antimalarials, immunosuppressives if progressive (MTX, penicillamine). Does not progress to systemic
ANA in scleroderma
positive in systemic form
serum sickness
- type of rxn
- tx?
type III hypersensitivity, fever, urticaria, arthralgia, LAD
tx antihistamine/steroids
Shirmer test?
measures tear production from eye for Sjogren syndrome
painless parotid swelling?
SLE pathophys
Ag-Ab complexes in lots of tissues
urine finding in SLE
cellular casts
sensitive test for SLE
specific test for SLE
ANA sens, anti-smith specific
Drug induced Lupus? Categories and three most common
D-SLE: drugs for heart, sulfonamides, lithium, epilepsy drugs
three most common: procainamide, hydralazine, quinidine
signs of active renal dz in SLE?
incr anti-DNA titers, decr levels of complement C3, C4, CH50
neonate w/ lupus
heart block / bradycardia, hydrops…
anti-ro SS-A Abs,
anti-la SS-B Abs
best indicator of good response to Lupus tx?
normalization of C3 and C4
common tx for lupus if NSAIDs don’t work, and its main s/e?
hydroxychloroquine, ototox, ocular: blurring, permanent retinal damage
sinus, lung, kidney involvement in white child
Wegener Granulomatosis
Tx of Wegener?
cyclophosphamide, steroid
cANCA in kids?
advice for people with benign hypermobility
stretch before sports
normal WBC in synovial fluid
arthritis from trauma, how many WBC?
arthritis from SLE? WBC in synovial fluid?
RF, WBC in synovial fluid
JRA, WBC in synovial fluid
Reiter, WBC in synovial fluid
septic arthritis, WBC in synovial fluid
> 50,000
Define heat stroke
- temp > 105
- hot dry skin (no sweating)
- CNS depression
What can lead to end organ damage how?
What is tx?
release of endotoxins and cytokines
ice packs neck, groin, axilla. Cool to 101-102, not lower
what is a hyphema?
What is tx?
blood between cornea and iris after eye trauma
OPHTHO referral, admit w/ bed rest and head at 30degrees to decr intraocular pressure. Shield (not patch) eye.
what is a blow out fracture
what are the sx of blow out fracture
orbital wall or floor fracture
blunt eye trauma w/ double vision when looking to one side and dysconjugate gaze to one side. normal pupils.
eye w/ severe pain, tearing, but NO diplopia / dysconjugate gaze
corneal abrasion
blood in anterior eye chamber w/ possible visual impairment, NO diplopia
pain and severe photophobia but no diplopia
traumatic iritis
visual deficit in peripheral field, curtain like.
no dysconjugate gaze
detached retina
pain, tearing and diffuse uptake of fluorescein stain in eye?
refer to ophtho for concer about ulceration of corneal epithelium or GN infection of eye, esp in contact lenses
most typical ankle injury
inversion injury w/ lateral ligaments: anterior talofibular ligament
% of sports injuries involving the lower extrem
acute knee injury with “pop”, and knee effusion, and positive drawer sign.
Definitive dx?
ACL tear, definitive diagnosis is MRI
pain over dorsum of hand near base of thumb?
snuff box: scaphoid fracture :(
Tx of mid shaft clavicular fracture?
sling, no reduction
pain in the distal / superior clavicle area and negative XR
acromioclavicular separation
type of clavicular fracture that can be complicated, and requires what?
medial: CT scan
pulseless, pain, paresthesia, pallor?
compartment syndrome
confusion without amnesia or LOC?
Dx and tx?
grade 1 concussion
examine q5 min after removal from game. Need 20 min rest, then can return if no amnesia or HA
confusion w/ amnesia but NO LOC
Grade 2, remove from game, examine frequently. F/u 24 hrs.
1 week off sx free
LOC head injury
Grade 3: ER, sx free 2 weeks
What is the risk re: growth in females taking anabolic steroid use?
early closure of epiphyseal plates: short
do you get arrhythmias and seizures w/ steroid use (anabolic)
common lab findings in anabolic steroid use?
LFTs high, low HDL, high LDL, oligospermia/azospermia
How do you test for anabolic steroid use? What is the timing for detection?
PO steroids remain in urine days-wks
IM steroids remain in system for 6 mos or more
is hyperactivity a sign of steroid withdrawal?
Not hyperactivity
Depression yes
IS GH detected in drug screening?
hydration for teen athlete?
8oz (240mL) before exercise, then every 20 min unless very intense/high endurance sports for > 1 hr, then solution w/ 6-8% glucose
what does weight loss in wrestler imply?
lower muscle endurance (loss of water weight)
Rule about amount of weight loss?
3 lbs / week or 1.5% body weight per week.
in athletes with modest cardiomegaly (f) or cardiac hypertrophy (m) what are restrictions/
none, normal findings in healthy athletes
rigid spine, elbow contracture early, cardiomyopathy, autosomal dom or x-linked disease
Emory Dreifus
JRA NOT assoc w/ uveitis
systemic JRA
uveitis most common with which JIA?
Correlates with?
oligoarthritis > polyarthritis. NOT systemic.
Correlates with ANA
Treatment specific for polyarticular RF+ JIA?
cyclic citrullinated peptide
JIA, splenomegaly, neutropenia is what?
Felty syndrome
HLA B27 assoc arthritis (now called enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA))
- Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis
- IBD related
- Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s)
dactylitis - what is it, what should you think of?
sausage digit: psoriatic arthritis
Discoid lupus rash path?
hyperkeratosis, follicular plugs, atrophic annular lesions
Dermal Band Test
4 lupus skin/rash criteria (of the 11)
malar rash
discoid lesion
oral/nasal mucosal lesions
lab abnormalities that are part of the SLE criteria (3)
cytopenias (anemia, leukopenia, TCP)
Positive ANA
Positive immuno: anti DS DNA, anti smith, antiphospholipid Abs
3 ITIS / SLE dx criteria?
nonerosive arthrisis
The stand alone SLE dx criteria?
nuclear pattern of ANA assoc with what? The rest?
nuclear: scleroderma
The rest nonspecific (speckled, rim, homogeneous)
Anti Ro and La have what three assoc?
- photosens
- neonatal SLE
- Sjogren’s
lupus anticoagulant does what to coags?
prolongs aPTT
Summary of SLE diagnostic criteria
4 skin - photosens, malar, discoid, mucosal
3 itis - arthritis, nephritis, pericarditis/pleuritis
3 labs- penias, ANA, immuno
1 other - enceph
Gottron papules?
Juvenile dermatomyositis
what is curative for periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenopathy syndrome?
sinusitis, pulm hemorrhage, glomerulonephritis, recurrent otitis, UTI?
Consider Wegeners: Granulomatosis Polyangitis
subglottic stenosis
treatment of familial Mediterranean fever?
How many days of fever
Concern if not treated
3 d
CAuse of intoeing in those walking less than 1 yr vs those >2y
tibial torsion in early walking
femoral anteversion in those over 2y
Blood test predictive of uveitis in JRA?