Adolescent, Gyn Flashcards
normal prepubertal testicular size
< 2.5 mL
Puberty >2.5cm or volume > 4cc
normal range for puberty
peak height velocity at what tanner stage
mound on mound, secondary mound breast development
delayed puberty in boy / girl
14 boy
13 girl
OR stall out of puberty with lack of progression within 4.5-5yrs after onset
first sign puberty in boy / girl
testicular enlargement / thelarche
growth velocity before and after puberty
before 5-6 cm/yr
peak adolescent height velocity 9-10 cm/yr
sequence of male puberty and when do they grow fastest
testicular growth -(1 yr later)-> pubarche –> penile growth -> peak height (stage 4)
puberty too early when in boys? girls?
9y males (pubarche or genital development) 8 yr girls (thelarche + pubarche) or menstruation before 10yrs = precocious
gynecomastia / unequal breasts are ok (reassure) UNLESS
exposure to ketoconazole or b/l in males.
galactorrhea can be caused by what in adol males
growth prediction after menarche in females?
within 4cm / 2in of adult height
what is pseudo precocious puberty and what should you consider.
when things happen out of sequence usually from sex steroid production by adrenals, ovaries, or testes or exogenous.
Consider: late onset CAH, leydig cell tumors, anabolics, ocps
what is responsible for acne / axillarly hair?
ABsolute contraindications to OCPs
BC HELP: BRCA, Coronary artery/Cerebrovascular dz, hepatic dz, elevated lipids, pregnancy
typical LH: FSH ratio in PCOS?
> 2.5 LH: FSH
possible anti-androgen med for PCOS
most common bacterial std
fishy amine odor / whiff test
bacterial vaginosis: gardnerella vaginalis
clue cells
bacterial vaginosis, gardnerella vaginosis
strawberry cervix, burning, itching, pain.
Dx: trichomonas vaginalis
Tx: flagyl for pt and partners: 2g single dose!
(Think flagellated whiping cervix)
screening test for GC/Chlamydia
urine PCR (naat: nucleic acid amplific test)
outpt tx of PID?
CTX 250mg IM
Azithromax 1g
14 d
ovarian cyst size cutoff for aspiration vs follow up ultrasound
Decade peaks in substance abuse?
70s and 90s
How long can marijuana be detected in urine for single use, chronic use, daily use?
single use: 5 days
chronic use: 10 days
daily use: 1 month
Short acting bartiburate (secobarbital) Intermediate acting (Phenbarb)
How long detected in urine?
Secobarb: 1 day
Intermediate: 1 week or more
most common fatal complication of hydrocarbon inhalation?
Ed presentation with tachycardia, tremulousness, htn, mydriasis (lg pupil)
ED w/ combative behavior, agitation
ED w/ “quick drunk” disinhibition, agitation, hallucinations, generalized muscle weakness, nystagmus
volatile hydrocarbon
agitation, combative, vertical and horizontal nystagmus, may have rigidity, may have distortion of body image and hallucinations
% of HS seniors who have used marijuana
used in past year
used in past month
use daily
40% ever, 33% past year, 21% past month, 5% daily
Acute physical effects of marijuana
dry mouth, dilated pupils, drowsy, distorted time (Ds)
effects of chronic marijuana
pulmonary, tachycardia, poor stamina
sx of marijuana w/d?
Big s/e?
w/d: irritability, insomnia, tremors, nystagmus
% HS seniors who have used alcohol?
Alcohol and pupils?
normal size, sluggish reaction
alcohol and blood sugar?
hypoglycemia assoc w. alcohol use
propoxyphene can cause what?
opiate - cardiac arrhythmia
opiate effect on temp and bp?
low temp and low bp
pt w/ hx anxiety, poor school performance, rhinorrhea, insomnia, stomach cramps?
opiate w/d
drug that can cause rhabdo and why?
PCP: muscle rigidity
other drug that can cause rhabdo from hyperpyrexia and muscle rigidity?
acute cocaine “coke fever”
Drug suspected from sympathomimetic and cholinergic effects?
What other sx would you see?
PCP: tachy, htn, incr reflexes / miosis, flushing, diaphoresis
+ cerebellar
Two things NOT to do if PCP intox is suspected?
- acidify urine: risk of precipitating myoglobin
2. restraints: can worsen rhabdo
Tx of PCP intox?
cooling blanket, haloperidol, chlorpromazine, lorazepam
most common substance abused by teens?
most common illicit substance abused by teens?
alcohol / marijuana
acute cocaine overdose at low vs high doses?
low: euphoria and overconfidence
high: aggressive / violent behavior
tx of htn in cocaine tox?
tx of psychosis w/ cocaine tox?
physiologic effects of nicotine?
adverse effects?
Alertness, muscle relaxation, enhanced memory, decr appetite, decr irritability
giggling, slow speech, ataxia and negative urine tox and blood alcohol level?
organic solvent abuse
distinguish between pityriasis rosea and secondary syphilis
syphilis would involve palms and soles
arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis
reactive arthritis, Reiter syndrome: C. trachomatis
Tx: 1g azithro or 100 doxy BID x 7.
TX of gonorrhea?
CTX 125 IM x 1
cefixime 400mg PO x 1
mean puberty onset in boys and girls
boys 11.6y
girls 11.2y
premature thelarche or adrenarche are normal variants of puberty that can be distinguished from precocious HOW, and what will test show?
Bone age! No height acceleration or advancement in bone age in normal pubertal variant.
Precocious level will be advanced bone age
secondary mound is what Tanner stage?
Stage 4
Stage V testes in boys is what volume
estrogen nonstimulated vs stimulated vaginal mucosa
stimulated: pink
not stimulated: glistening red
test for central precocious puberty
GnRH stim test. Will have brisk rise in LH and FSH but those who are prepubertal or have peripheral precocious will not.
high suspicion for central precocious puberty demographics
all boys and girls < 5
Treatment of central precocious puberty
GnRH agonist: continuous stimulation prevents LH, FSH
board cause of delayed puberty
- most common
- board one
common: constitutional growth delay
board: Kallmann syndrome (anosmia)
bone age in constitutional growth delay? Final height?
What is constitutional growth delay?
delayed, normal final height
Just short stature in childhood, usu + FH
peak height velocity boys compared to girls
2 yrs later
pubertal growth accounts for what % of adult height?
average prepubertal, then pubertal ht veloc
5-6cm/yr –> 9-10cm/yr
early vs late adolescent in cognitive thinking
late should do abstract reasoning
proportion of syphilis exposed individuals who contract infx
Jarish Herxheimer rxn
fever, HA, myalgia, tachy, hypotension
All the syphilils spriochetes dying with treatment
painful ulcer or tender node
H. ducreyii
CTX 250mg IM or Azithro 1 gram or Erythro 500 QID x7d
painless chancre ulcer, painless nodes
painful ulcer and tender nodes
painful vesicle/ulcer, tender nodes
Tx of pediculosis pubis
permethrin creme
lindane shampoo
pyrethins w/ piperonyl butoxide
secondary amenorrhea def?
no menstruation 3 mos after previously established menstruation
Kallman syndrome?
GnRH def
Asherman syndrome
best dx?
scarification of lining of uterus, often after endometritis
Fails progesterone challenge
mullerian agenesis
congenital absence of vagina and uterus, but normal ovaries so normal pubertal development (2nd most common amenorrhea after XO)
stippled membrane epithelial cell covered with adherent bacteria
seen in what
clue cell, bacterial vagniosis: Gardnerella
tx w flagyl
peak height velocity at what age and tanner stage in boys vs girls
girls: 11.5, tanner 2
boys: 13.5, tanner 3-4
pubertal growth accounts for what percent of final adult ht?
average height diff between m/f, why
epiphyseal closure occurs 2 yrs later in boys.. 10 cm height diff
adolescent substance abuse stages
0- curious 1- weekend tries 2 - seeks it on weekends regularly, purchases 3 - legal trouble/ stealing to habit 4 - burnout zombie
ptx and pneumomediastinum seen in what drug abuse
lateral nystagmus and decr reflexes with what drug abuse
barbiturates, tranquilizer
lateral and vertical nystagmus with what drug?
average time from puberty onset to menarche?
2.6 yrs