Critical Care / ED Flashcards
tachypnea, muscle rigidity, incr CO2, acidosis, fever after GA?
malignant hyperthermia
tx w/ hypervent, o2, dantrolene
most common vital sign assoc w/ incr ICP?
Cushing triad?
bradycardia, htn, irreg respiration
3 signs of complete heart block?
HR incr w/ crying
soft vibratory ejection murmur
intermittent brisk jugular venous pulse wave of neck
salt wasting + fatigue, vomiting, HA, muscle weakness, wt loss
adrenal insufficiency
lab findings in adrenal insuff?
low glucose
hi K
low Na
candidiasis with adrenal insufficiency- think of what?
autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
what should ADH be like in adrenal insufficiency?
high, appropriately so.
when can near drowning be observed at home?
< 1 min submerged, no LOC, no resuscitation needed
key prognostic predictor in near drowning?
length of asphyxia
near drowning w/ any of these three features requires observation for risk of ARDS in 6 hrs
- hx apnea and CPR in field
- resp failure from aspiration
- arterial desat / tachypnea –> ARDS
when to intubate (GCS score) after head trauma?
GCS </= 8
ARDS CXR findings
fine reticular infiltrate
6 causes of ARDS
- Lung contusion
- smoke inhalation
- blood product trf
- sepsis
- aspiration
SVT tx when adenosine doesn’t work right away or recurs?
try again w/ incr dose, if it recurs tx w/ IV Dilt
poor prognosis after near drowning 3 fx
submersion > 25 min
apnea / coma at admission
pH < 7
< 10 min CPR has good or bad prognosis
good w/o neuro impairment
flail chest w/ resp distress and tachypnea, next step?
decompress hemothorax w/ chest tube
normal cardiac ejection fraction?
EF in acute heart failure?
infant with grey color, poor cap refill, thready pulses?
cardiogenic shock
tx w/ child with aortic stenosis in heart failure
PGE1 to maintain or reopen ductus arteriosis
FH of sudden death and epilepsy in patient with syncope in pool?
long QT! Familial…
muffled heart sounds and pulsus paradoxus
define pulsus paradoxus
decr SBP during inspiration
absence of vertebral and carotid artery blood flow? How to document.
brain death.
radionucleotide scan or angiography
signs of impending liver failure?
high ammonia and change in mental status
chronic tremor, anxiety, high LFTs? Dx and next step?
Likely Wilson’s, get serum ceruloplasmin
TCA (imipramine) ingestion and EKG
QT and QRS prolongation
Do the Primary Survey:
- Airway w/ cervical spine stab
- Breathing / vent
- Circ / hemorrhage control
- Disability: neuro screen
5: environment/exposure
optimal end tidal CO2 for trauma pt w/ head injury
30-35mmHg (mild hypervent)
imaging of choice to look for abd trauma?
Abd CT, most treated conservatory
eye punch, 24-72 hrs later w/ red eye, pain, vision issues, constricted pupil
post traumatic iritis
hyphema 2/2 complication in next week
teardrop shaped pupil, irregular
ruptured globe
indication for burn center referral
- resp injuries/trauma too
- chemical/electrical
- partial thickness burn >20% BSA
- full thickness burn > 2%
- full thickness of face, hands, feet, perineum
BSA in babies rules
head 18%, trunk 18%, legs 14%, arms 9% each
Frx w/ high rate of abuse:
rib, metaphyseal chip, spine/scapula, complex skull
spiral humeral frx is what?
Most common growth plate injury
abuse fractures (3)
metaphyseal chip/corner bucket handle fractures
posterior ribs
spiral diaphyseal fractures of humerus
wounds that should close by secondary intention
animal bites unless on face, human bites on MCP joints (incr risk infx)
antidote for propanolol
toxidrome: incr HR, BP, RR, Temp
Agitation and possible seizures/psychosis, sweating, big pupils
sympathomimetic: amphetamine, cocaine, pseudophed, caffeine, albuterol
toxidrome: High HR, BP, RR, Temp, altered MS, delirium, hallucinations, big pupils but DRY/FLUSHED skin, DRY mucus membranes, Urinary retention
Possible tx?
Anticholinergic (Mad, Dry, Hot, Red)…
Antihistamine, TCA, antispasmodic, jimsonweed, atropine
Tx: ?physostigmine?
Incr RR, temp, nl HR and BP, Confusion-> coma, small pupils, sweaty/diaphroetic, bronchorrhea, vomiting/diarrhea
Cholinergic / Anticholinesterase (Organophosphate pesticides, nerve agents, nicotine)
low HR, BP, RR, temp
euphoria then lethargy, coma, miosis
opiates, clonidine, tetrahydrozyline eyedrops
Hi HR, hi Temp, agitaiton, confusion, mania, coma
big pupils, hyperreflexia, myoclonus, akathisia, sz, rigidity
serotonin syndrome / ecstasy
low BP, RR, temp, slurred speech, ataxia, decr MS, normal/big pupils, but sluggish
sedative/hypnotic: benzos, barbiturate, buspirone
antidote for methanol or ethylene glycol
antidote for cholinesterase inhibitors?
Antidote for digoxin
antidote for tylenol? how does it work? s.e?
N acetylcysteine - binds directly to NAPQ1 to create a nontoxic metabolite
w/ IV form, can have anaphylaxis
Stages of Acetaminophen tox correlate with what
days out from ingestion: Stage 1: day of, n/v, no pain normal labs Stage 2 (day 2-3): abd pain, hi LFTs Stage 3 (day 3-4) Stage 4 (day 4-5)+ ...
likely toxic tylenol ingestion? How does it work to destroy liver?
> 10gm
Depletes glutathione stores
acid base issue with salicylate OD
respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis non gap
mydriasis, tachycardia, anxiety, muscle tension leading to hyperthermia, seizure, hypoNa
hallcinogens (ecstasy, LSD, PCP, shrooms)
Tx: BZD, Nitroprusside for htn, IVF for rhabdo
Endotracheal tube rule?
Uncuffed (age/4) + 4
For cuffed, go one size smaller
Term: 3.5mm uncuffed, 3 cuffed
Infants 4 / 3.5
Depth of ET insertion?
Baby and >2y
ET tube size x 3
>2y: Depth = (age/2) +12
most predictive of outcome in child submerged?
effectiveness of resuscitative efforts at scene
Tx of flail chest?
What do you see?
tracheal intubation with PEEP (no more strapping of chest)
(ribs move in and out)/ paradoxical chest wall movement
ET size
(age + 16) / 4
meds you can give via ETT
LANE: Lidocaine, Atropine, Narcan, Epi
formula to calculate tidal volume on the vent
epi dose for anaphylactic
coverage of cat bites?
Step 1 of bites
deep punctures: cover SA, Pasteurella multocida: Augmentin
Step 1: clean w/ high pressure irrigation
red circle around white ring bite
brown recluse (loxosceles reclusa)
bite with tiny puncture wound but htn and muscle aches/belly aches?
black widow (latrodectus mactans) spider bite
acute management of snake bite
loose fitting constriction band
Tx of hypothermia
40 degree IVF
gastric lavage w/ warm fluid
warm O2 42-46 degrees
Riskier bites for rabies (3)
- close to brain
- unprovoked
- bat and woodchuck
Tx of rabies suspicion
human rabies Ig
4 doses of rabies vaccine day 0,3,7,14
risk of dilantin if given too fast
drug for pump (cardiogenic) shock and drug for warm (vasodilation / septic) shock?
Dobutamine for heart
NE for warm shock
Intubate for Glascow < what?
normal glascow coma score
3 components of GCS?
eye opening score (1-4) verbal score (no response - conversation 1-5) Motor score (none - posturings - pain - commands: 1-6)
clear rhinorrhea w/ sugar in it?
CSF: Basilar skull frx
What is Caffey disease?
infantile cortical hyperostosis, fever, swelling of face, jaws, and cortical thickening of long/flat bones
Type of fracture expected in a boy aged 5-8 falling on outstretched arm
supracondylar fracture
injury in 11-15 yr old who fell onto outstretched partially extended arm
dislocation of elbow w/ ? neurovasc compromise
direct impact w/ arm laterally rotated causes what injury?
epiphyseal fracture
palpable step off of anterior shoulder joint without crepitus?
AC separation
Methanol ingestion
visual changes
lithium ingestion
ethylene glycol ingestion
calcium oxalate crystals in urine