- What muscle inserts into the thoracolumbar facia? A – Deltoid B – Triceps C - Latissimus Dorsi D – Flexor digitorum profundus E – Trapezius F – Popliteus G– Iliopsoas
Lattisumus dorsi

What nerve supplies the lattisumus dorsi, the trapezium and the serratus anterior?
Lattisus=mus dorsi - thoracodorsal nerve Trapezium - spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) Serratus anterior - long thoracic nerve (C5,6,7)
- What muscle unlocks the knee joint?
The popliteus

- What is ruptured to cause this deformity? A – Lumbricals B – Opponens pollicis C - Flexor policus longus D – Flexor digitorum profundus E – A 1 pulley F – Extensor apparatus G– Flexor digitorum minimi

F - extensor apparatus
What is this known as and how does it usually occur?

This is known as mallet finger Uusally due to a ball or sport hitting the extensor tendon and causing it to rupture - patient is unable to extend DIPJ

Describe each deformity?

Mallet finger - hyperflexion at the DIPJ Swan neck deformity - hyperextension at the PIPJ and hyperflexion at the DIPJ Boutonierre deformity - hyperflexion at PIPJ and hyperextension at distal
- How would you assess for axillary nerve dysfunction in a trauma patient A – Internal rotation at the shoulder B – External rotation at the shoulder C - Extension at the elbow D – Extension at the shoulder E – Sensation over lateral aspect of the arm over deltoid F – Sensation at ring finger G – Froment’s test
E - sensation over lateral aspect of the arm over deltoid
What is the patch on the lateral aspect of the arm the axillary nerve supplies known as? what two muscles does the axillary nerve supply?
This is known as the badge patch
Axillary nerve supplies the deltoid and the teres minor

What injury to the shoulder can cause axillary nerve palsy? What is the function of the deltoid and the teres minor?
Shoulder dislocation can caause axillary nerve palsy Deltoid causes flexion/extension and abduction of the shoulder Teres minor causes external rotation of the shoulder - attaches to greater tubercle

What shoulder dislocation is more common, anterior or posterior?
Anterior shoulder dislocation is more common than posterior (anterior can happen due to seizures and is usually bilateral)
- What of the below can cause numbness of the numb and first 2 and a half fingers? A – Dislocation of the lunate B – Fractured hook of hammate C – Anterior dislocation of the shoulder D – Fracture through the surgical neck of the humerus E – Fracture through the spiral grove of the humerus F – Damage to the posterior cord G– Cubital tunnel syndrome.
Dislocation of the lunate
What else can cause median nerve palsies?
Supracondylar fracture (usually in children) Colle’s fracture Carpal tunnel syndrome

Median nerve provides sensory innervation to the thumb and first 2 and a half fingers What are the two branches of the nerve that provide this?
Palmar cutaneous branch and digital cutaneous branch

What nerve roots make up the musculocutaneous nerve? What muscle does it pierce and what muscles does it supply?
C5,6 and 7 nerve roots Pierces the coracobrachialis Supplies the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii and brachialis

What nerve roots make up the axillary nerve? What does it innervate?
Nerve roots C5 and 6 Innervates the deltoid, teres minor and the regimental badge patch

What nerve roots make up the median nerve? Which lumbricals does it innnervate?
C6,7,8 and T1 Innervates the two lateral lumbricals

Which nerve roots make up the radial nerve? What on the hand is the sensory innervation from the radial nerve?
C5,6,7,8 and T1 Innervates the posterior arm, and the anatomical snuffbox + lateral dorsum of thumb and 2.5 fingers

What makes up the ulnar nerve?
What muscles of the anterior forearm does the ulnar nerve supply?
C8 and T1
Supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris and the medial 2 branches of the flexor digitroum profundus

What nerve innervates the serratus anterior?
The long thoracic nerve
Damage to either of what two nerves can cause scapular winging?
Serratus anterior - long thoracic nerve Trapezium - spinal accessory nerve palsy

What two muscles does the spinal accessory nerve supply?
Supplies the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezium muslces
7 – How would you manage a minimally displaced Colles fracture?
Reduce and splint
What is a colles fracture?
Dinner fork deformity Extra articular fracture of the distal radius within 1inch of the articulation with dorsal angulation or displacement
8 Neonate has positive Barlow’s and Ortilani’s test. How would you investigate and manage?
- A – X-ray + conservative
- B – X-ray + Ponseti method
- C – X-ray + Pavlic harness
- D – X-ray + fix hip with a screw
- E – Ultrasound + conservative
- F – Ultrasound + Ponseti method
- G– Ultrasound + Pavlic harness
F - Ultrasound + Pavlic harness