If a patient is on the ground and you suspect a fracture, what is the initial management?
ABCDE always
If a fracture is intra-articular, what is usually the answer?
Carry out open reduction and internal fixation usually
IF the fracture is an open fracture, what is usually the treatment?
Treatment would be to debride and follow up with internal or external fixation provided thorough debridement
Which fracture has the biggest risk of compartment syndrome? What is the longest bone in the body?
Tibia holds the biggest risk of compartment syndrome Longest bone in the body would be the femur
If there is too much swelling to give treatment for a fracture, eg an ankle fracture, what can be done before internal fixation?
Use external fixation to keep the fracture in place
What is the mandatory view to have on a Monteggia fracture? It separates monteggia fracture dislocation from a nightshift (ulna) fracture
This would be a lateral xray view Need to be able to see the radial dislocation at the elbow (proximal radioulnar joint)
Metatarsal stress fractures, Lisfranc fractures and scaphoid fractures are all difficult to view on the standard AP xray What must be done?
Metatarsal stress fracture - carry out bone scan eg techentium bone scan to detect the fracture Lisfrance fractures - CT scan if clinical suspicion - Typically grossly swollen, bruised foot, unable to weight bear Scaphoid fracture - 4 views - AP, Lateral & 2 Oblique

E - In reality the growth plate or (physis) of the developing skeleton is relatively week

Ulnar neuropathy

F - intervertebral disc polapse C - Spondylolysis - stress fracture – breaking of the pars interaticularis I - burst fracture

D - Trochanteric bursitis from prominent metalwork

D - closed reduction, application of a sling and mobilization after 4 weeks

E - Dupuytren’s contracture

E - Pain out of proportion is the most common symptom

A - prosthesis loosening

- E - tibia 2. I - ilium 3. C -radius

A - injury to the ulnar nerve results in a claw hand

- B - common peroneal nerve 2. A - anterior cruciate ligament

- I - ANCA (probs has wegener’s, ENT-lung-kidney) 2. C - Anti Ro and La antibdoies 3. F -Anti dsDNA antibody

- H - fibromyalgia 2. G - prolapsed intervertebral disc 3. F -dermatomyositis - heliotrope rash (can have shawl rash around neck)

C -Multiple bruises of different ages on shins of a two and a half year old

- F -diclofenac , can cause GI ulcers and bleeds 2. G - Prednisolone, patinet can become osteoporotic leading to wedge fractures 3. H - hydroxychloroquine

- F - wound debridement, ligamentaxosus and external fixation 2. G - Open reduction with a volar plate and median nerve decompression