MSK - Liam Flashcards
I band
Zone of filament that is not superimposed by thick filament
A band
Contains entire length of single thick filament
H zone
Zone of thick filament not superimposed by thin filament
Connects Z line to thick filament
First line for raynauds phenomenon
Calcium channel blockers - nifedipine
Tendons involved in De Quervains tenosynovitis
Extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
Joints in RA
3+ joints
Spares distal IPJ
Pulled elbow in children cause
Subluxation of radial head
Osler nodes
Painful red raised lesions on hands and feet, due to deposition of immune complexes
Bouchards nodes
Hard bony outgrowths on PIPJ
Sign of IA
Heberdens nodes
Chronic swelling of affected joints, leaving permanent bony outgrowths
Swelling in association with tendon sheath near a joint
Blood test for SLE
Antinuclear antibodys (ANA) positive 99% time
What syndrome is associated with gout
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Common joints in gout
70 % with MTP joint
Signs of hip fracture
Shortened and externally roated leg
Garden system for hip fracture
1 - stable fracture with impaction in valgus
2 - complete fracture but not displaced
3 - displaced fracture but still has bony contact
4 - complete bony disruption
Target for pANCA
Myeloperoxidase (MPO)
Barlows test
For development dysplasia hip
Attempts to dislocated articulated femoral head
Ortolani test
Test for developmental dysplasia of hip
Attemps to reclocated a disloated femoral head
Typical joints affected by RA
Typical joints affected by OA
Large weight bearing joints
Lift off test
Internal roation - subscapularis
Scarf test
Examines acromioclavicular joint
Empty can test
Hawkins test
Subacromial impingement
Neers test
Acromial impingement
Marfans syndrome due to problem with what
Ehler-Danlos syndrome has increased risk of what serious pathology
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Most common fingers affected by Dupuytrens contracture
Ring and little fingers
Smiths fracture
Fracrture of distal radius with anterior displacement of distal fragment
Colles fracture
Fracture of distal radius with posterior displacement of distal fragment
Monteggia fracture
Fracture of proximal third of ulnar with dislocation of proximal head of radius
Galeazzi fracture
Fracture of distal third of radius with dislocation of distal radioulnar joint
What ligament usually sprained in inversion injuries of ankle
Anterior talofibular ligament
What position is leg in with posterior hip dislocation
Internally rotated
What position is leg in with anterior hip dislocation
Externally rotated
Antibody in Sjorens syndrome
Antibody in x-associated vasculitis disease
Unhappy triad injury
Medial collateral ligament
Medial meniscus
Anterior cruciate ligament
Microbiology of osteomyelitis
Staph aureus
Antibiotic for osteomylitis
Froments sign
Assesses for ulnar nerve palsy
Damange to ulnar nerve
Claw appearance of hand
Damage to median nerve
Inability to abduct and oppose thumb
Damage to axillary nerve
Deltoid muscle dysfunction, affecting arm abduction
Damage to musculocutaneous nerve
Impaired bicep brachi muscle, affecting arm flexion
Damage to radial nerve
Paralsysis of extensor muscles, leading to wrist drop
Dermatomyositis is associated with what antibody
Anti-Jo-1 antibody
Toddlers fracture
Oblique tibial fracture in infants
Plastic deformity
Stress on bone resulting in deformity without cortical disruption
Greenstick fracture
Unilateral cortical breach only
Bucky fracture
Incomplete cortical disruption resulting in periosteal haematoma only
Salter-Harris system
1 - thought physis only
2 - physis and metaphysis
3 - physis and epiphysis to include the joint
4 - physis, metaphysis and epiphysis
5 - crush injury
WHat is used to assess risk oif osteoporosis
FRAX (estimates 10 year risk)
QFracture (estimates 10 year risk)
Osteogenesis imperfecta is abnormality in what
Type 1 collagen
Main treatment for vasculitides
Which of Herberdens and Bouchards is distal and proximal
PIP - Bouchards nodes
DIP - Heberdens nodes
What antibodyt in JIA
Antinuclear antibody position oligoarthritis
What serological marker is more specific for rheumatoid arthritis
Anti-CCP antibodies
FIrst line for SLE
Gustilo classification system
For open fractures
1 - <1cm
2 - >1cm, moderate soft tissue damage
3A - extensive soft tissue damage, adaquate periosteal coverage
3B - tissue loss requiring tissue coverage procedure
3C - vascular injury requireing surgery