Medical Ethics Flashcards
What law means doctors must be patient info confidential
Law of contract and equity
General Data Protection Regulation
What are some situations where confidentiality can be breached
- With consent
- With other medical practitioners with patients interest
- Protection of other persons
- Child abuse
- Public interest (murder, rape)
- Doctors on defenct
- Directed to by court
Steps of complaint
- Local
- Disciplinary action
- Cival claim
- Medical council
- Criminal prosecution
What court hears civil claims
Court of sessions
Difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide
Euthanasia - deliberately ending someones life to relief suffering
Assisted suicide - assisting a person to end their life by providing the means to do so
What is an advanced directive
Patient expresses future wishes whilst they have competence, under adults with incapacity act must be taken into account
Difference between advance directive and advanced statement
Directive - legally bind, but taken into consideration with everything
Statement - expressing wishes to family, not legally binding
What is consequentialism
Consequentialism = the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome
What is utillartianism
Utilitarianism = is the greatest good for the greatest number (maximising pleasure/happiness and minimising pain/unhappiness)
What is morality
Morality = our attitudes, behaviours and relations to one another
What is duty of candour
Agreeing to act honestly with all patients
What is a DNACRP form
Not legal, but record of decision
Act regarding welfare of potential child
Human fertilisation embryology act
What act governs abortion
Abortion Act
Can have up to 24 weeks
What act governs patient complaints
Patients Right Act
In a complaint when must:
- complaint officer make response
- full response
Office - 5 days
Full response - 20 days
Who do patient contact if unhappy with complaint
NHS Ombudsman within 28days
2 main mental health laws
Mental Health (Care and Treatmnet)
Adults with incapacity
Powers of adults with incapacity act
Intervention order - application to court
Guardianship order - financial and/or welfare
Law to protect at risk adults
Adult support and protection
Gillick competence
Patients under 16 to consent
Fraser guidelines
Children between 13 and 16 can get contraception advice and treatment if they:
- understand
- cannot pursuiade to inform parents
- likely to have sex
- best interest
- health will suffer without
What is research sponsor
Funder of project, management and initiation
Who approves ethics of reseach
NRES research ethics committee