MSK Flashcards
Which bone CA starts off in childrens pelvis or spine?
ewing’s sarcoma
Osteosarcoma starts in what age?
second decade-20s
Patient is 22yo with worsening bone pain at night, starburst on xray?
What bone CA is common in >50yo?
What type of fracture increases risk for fat embolism?
long bone
What is pathognomic for fat embolism?
petechial rash after long bone fx
What does positive mcmurrays test mean?
menisceal tear
What does positive lachman test mean?
ACL tear
Best imaging test for congenital hip dysplasia?
Best imaging test for avascular necrosis?
Persistent hip pain after trauma, pain starts at groin and radiates to thigh?
avascular necrosis
How to tell diff between claudication and pseudoclaudication?
claudication has PAD invovled; pseudoclaudication has nerve compression causing sx of claudicaiton
What can be related to ankloysing spondylitis?
uvitis, cardiac abnormalitis, interstitial lung disease, IgA neph
Oblique view of spine shows scottie dog with collar?
Back pain with positive leg raise?
herniated lumbar nucleus disk
Vertebral body slips anteriorly?
Nerve root that tests for ankle reflex?
Motor root for the big toe?
Clay shovler’s fx stable or unstable?
Fractures in anterior and posterior arches of C1?
jefferson’s fracture
What type of trauma is associated with hangman fx?
hyperextension and compression of cervical
What type of fracture occurs with fractures of the pedicles of C2 and anterior slip of C2 on C3?
Preferred tx for dupuytren contracture?
What tx is recommend for scaphoid fx?
thumb spica
What bone does both colles and smiths fx have?
distal radial
What type of fx is likely with blow to the back of the wrist?
Numbness in 4th and 5th fingers?
cubital tunnel sx
What metabolic dz are linked with carpal tunnel sx?
DM, TSH, pregnancy, ETOH
What does fat pad sign on elbow xray indicate?
elbow fx
Baseball pitcher with medial elbow pain d/t repetitive valgus stress?
medial collateral ligament strain
What are the 4types of humerus fx?
proximal, distal, supracondylar, shaft
Xray shows glenohumeral joint narrowing with spurring and flattening of the humeral head?
gleno-humeral joint osteoarthritis
Pain at groove of humerus and worse with arm movements?
bicep tendonitis
What are the 4 muscles involved in RTC?
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
20yo with hip pain worse at night, xray shows codmans triangle?
17yo male with palpable mass on spine with hx of chemo and radiation, likely dx?
ewing sarcoma
67yo diabetic male with discoloration of his toenails and kertinaous growth, how to confirm dx?
KOH prep
Patient is on terbinafine for onychomycosis, what lab to keep an eye on?
DM patient has elevated WBC and fever, 3cm x 2cm ulcer on foot, what is suspected?