MSK Flashcards
Pt aged 50 preesents with joint and bone pain, tenderness and evidence of proximal myopathy in the form of a waddling gait. The pt rarely leaves home due to severe mental health issues.
What is the likely diagnosis?
Osteomalacia from vitamin D deficiency
Features of S1 nerve root compression?
Sensory loss posterolateral aspect of leg and lateral aspect of foot
Weakness in plantar flexion of foot
Reduced ankle reflex
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
Features of L5 nerve root compression?
Sensory loss dorsum of foot
Weakness in foot and big toe dorsiflexion
Reflexes intact
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
Features of L4 nerve root compression?
Sensory loss anterior aspect of knee and medial malleolus
Weak knee extension and hip adduction
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
Nerve roots of femoral nerve?
Nerve roots of sciatic nerve?
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
How does adhesive capsulitis present?
Stiffness and pain in the shoulder. Particularly pain on coracoid palpation and impairment of external rotation in active and passive movement
Swelling in joints in OA vs psoriatic arthritis?
In OA there are bony swellings in DIP called heberdens nodes
In psoriatic arthritis this swelling is more likely to be boggy
What will be grown in a knee joint aspiration in reactive arthritis?
What is Schober test?
A test used to see if there is a decrease in lumbar spine range of motion usually for ankylosing spondylitis
When pt is standing, mark the L5 spinous process and then another mark 10cm above the first. Get pt to flex forward and re assure the distance between the 2 marks.
Positive test is when there is <5cm increase in length with forward flexion.
How does Behçet’s disease present?
Oral ulcers, genital ulcers and anterior uveitis
Thrombophlebitis and DVT
Neurological involvement
GI abdo pain,diarrhoea, colitis
Erythema nodosum
How does RA present differently to PA?
Psoriatic arthritis presents with an asymmetrical polyarthritis
Antibodies in RA?
Pharmacological treatment option for Raynaud’s phenomenon?
What is Raynaud’s phenomenon?
An exaggerated vasoconstrictive response of the digital arteries and cutaneous arteriole to the cold or emotional stress.