Mr J 3.2 - Impact Of Sport On Society And Society On Sport Flashcards
A human society is a group of people involved in frequent interpersonal relationships. This often involves a large social grouping sharing the same geographical territory.
Socialisation is a lifelong process in which members of a society learn its norms, values and beliefs in order to take their place in that society.
Primary socialisation
This occurs during the early years of childhood and mainly within the immediate family.
Secondary socialisation
This occurs during later years, when the family is less involved and other ‘agencies’ begin to exert more influence.
A negative feeling towards a person or minority group, usually based on non-factual stereotypes.
The unfair treatment of a person or minority group; to act on a prejudice.
The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself.
Gender socialisation
The act of learning to conform to culturally defined gender roles through gender socialisation.
Social control
Refers to the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, behaviour and appearance are regulated in social systems.
An established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose.
Social change
An alteration in the social order of society.
When resources and opportunities are distributed unequally throughout a society.
3 causes of inequality
- lack of money/costs of participation.
- lack of confidence/self esteem
- lack of role models/coaches/participants
- myths or stereotypes about certain groups
Role models
Social stratification
A type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characteristic such as wealth or status.
Social Action Theory
A way of viewing socialisation, emphasising social action.
The process of gradually developing towards a more advanced state.
Interactionist approach
The study of how individuals behave within a society.
To form an unfavourable opinion about an individual based on inadequate facts (religion, race, gender, disability etc.)
The unfair treatment of a person or minority group. To act on a prejudice.
Making simple generalisations about all members of a group which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly.
Overt discrimination
Visible/obvious discrimination
Covert discrimination
Hidden/less obvious discrimination
TIME barriers
All groups taking part in the same activity at the same time (London marathon)
Different groups participating separately amongst themselves (paralympics)
3 barriers for disabled people
- negative self image/lack confidence
- lack of access to facilities
- lack of specialist coaches or clubs
A set of beliefs or ideas based on the assumption that races have distinct hereditary characteristics that give some races superiority over others.
Ethnic groups
People who have racial, linguistic or religious traits in common.
Disproportionate concentration of ethnic minorities in certain positions in a sports team, which is often based on stereotypes.
Ethnic minorities may be pushed into certain sports or positions based on stereotypes.
3 Barriers for ethnic minorities
- Higher value placed on education than sport
- fear of racism, abuse etc.
- fewer role models to aspire to
- fear of rejection, low self esteem
- language barriers
Rooney rule
Requires national football teams in USA to interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation jobs.
TRIPS gender barriers
Time Role models Income Pe programmes Sponsorships
3 health benefits of raising participation
Decreased risk of heart disease
Avoidance of high/low blood pressure
Decreased risk of type 2 diabetes
3 fitness benefits of raising participation
Improved posture Improved CVF Improved flexibility Improved reaction time Etc.
3 social benefits of participation
- Raised seretonin and endorphins have emotional and social benefits.
- improved sleep patterns improve relationships and mood.
- make new friends, meet new people.