Movement Quality Flashcards
Typical motor development
- Proximal to distal
- Efficient patterns are learned & solidified; eventually stored centrally as motor programs
Dysfunctional movement may increase risk
- Can be learned (bad habits, bad teaching)
- Can be acquired following injury
How can a motor task or behavior be measured
- Outcome based (success vs failure)
- Performance based (how was their form)
What are the 2 kinds of feedback
- Knowledge of results (KR)
- Knowledge of performance (KP)
Movement __________ itself determines “function”
- Pattern
What are the 7 components of the FMS (functional movement screen)
- Deep squat
- Hurdle step
- Inline lunge
- Shoulder mobility
- Active straight leg raise
- Trunk stability push up
- Rotary stability
What are the 3 clearing test for the FMS
- Shoulder impingement
- Extension (Cobra)
- Flexion (Child’s pose)
What are the requirements of a clinical instrument
- Quick
- Cheap
- Valid
- Reliable
- Easy to learn
- Standardized administration
- Feasible across populations
- Eyeball observable
What should happen in the deep squat
- Torso alignment
- Knee alignment
- Squat depth
- Dowel position
What should happen in the hurdle step
- Hip, knee, ankle alignment
- Any movement other than stepping leg
- Dowel/string parallelism
- Foot contact; LOB
What should happen in the inline lunge
- Dowel contact
- Torso movement
- Leaving sagittal plane
- No “knee touch”
Normal/grading for shoulder mobility
- <1 hand length is a 3
- 1-1.5 hand lengths in a 2
- > 1.5 hand lengths in a 1
Normal/grading for active straight leg raise
- Ankle position past mid-thigh is a 3
- Ankle position b/w knee to mid-thigh is a 2
- Ankle position below the knee is a 1
Normal/grading for trunk stability push up
- Males with hand position at forehead and rep completed in a 3
- Males with hand position at chin and rep completed is a 2
Normal/grading for rotary stability
- Ipsilateral elbow and knee touch in stable movement is a 3
- Contralateral elbow and knee touch in stable movement is a 2
- Contralateral elbow and knee don’t touch/unstable movement is a 1
Grading for the shoulder clearing test
- Place hand on opposite shoulder and raise elbow up towards your head
- Pain = fail
- No pain = clear/pass
Grading for extension clearing test
- Perform a prone push-up
- Pain = fail
- No pain = clear/pass
Grading for flexion clearing test
- Perform a child’s pose
- Pain = fail
- No pain = clear/pass
What is the FMS rating scale for each item
- Pain = 0
- Can’t do = 1
- Can’t do perfectly = 2
- Can do perfectly = 3
Define ROC
- Receiver operating characteristic analysis