Motion Dynamics Flashcards
3 types of joints
fibrous (skull articulations)
cartilaginous (discs between vertebrae)
synovial (extremities)
6 types of synovial joints
pivot joint (C1 & C2) ball & socket joint (hip) condyloid joint (radius & carpal bones) plane joint (tarsal bones) saddle joint (trapezium & 1st metacarpal bone) hinge joint (elbow)
most joints have primary motion in 1 plane, smaller motions in other 2 planes
has direction, range & quality
direction of motion
flexion, extension, sidebending, rotation
quality of motion
smooth, ratcheting (Parkinsons), restricted (contracture/SD), resistance to motion induced (cerebral palsy)
End Feels of ROM
elastic abrupt (OA) hard (SD) empty crisp (pinched nerve)
range of motion in a joint or group of joints
ability to move joints effectively through complete ROM
static flexibility
maximal ROM a joint can achieve w/ EXTERNALLY applied force
dynamic flexibility
ROM an athlete can produce & speed at which can be produced
reduced ROM of a joint or group of joints
Spine ROM
complicated system of articulations & bony segments
functional unit=2 vertebrae, assoc neurovasc & other soft tissues
what part of spine displays greatest motion?
cervical spine (can flex, extend, sidebend)
coupled motion
consistent association of a motion along or about 1 axis w/ another motion about or along a 2nd axis
principle motion cannot be produced w/o assoc motion occurring as well
what part of spine does flexion & extension?
cervical, thoracic & lumbar
relationship of joint mechanics w/ surrounding structures
by linking many structures together, get increased ROM
specific joint assessment requires joint isolation for accurate measurement & evaluation
Breighton Criteria
excessive lumbar flexion excessive finger extension excessive wrist flexion excessive elbow extension extensive knee extension
Ehler Danlos syndrome
2 major criteria
1 major criteria & 2 minor criteria
4 minor criteria
2 minor criteria & affected 1st degree relative in family
Skeletal Dysfunctions
hard end point:
somatic dysfunction
arthrodial dysfunction
hard end point:
somatic dysfunction
myofascial dysfunction
tight, elastic end point:
scar tissue
somatic dysfunction
vascular dysfunction
empty end feel:
peripheral vascular disease
thoracic outlet syndrome
somatic dysfunction
lymphatic dysfunction
empty or boggy end feel: lymphedema visceral dysfunction acute injury somatic dysfunction
neural dysfunction
crisp or empty end feel:
herniated disc
thoracic outlet syndrome
somatic dysfunction
Major Criteria for Ehler Danlos
Breighton score of 4
arthralgia for longer than 3 months in 4 or more joints
Minor criteria for Ehler Danlos
Breighton score 2, 3 arthralgia in 3ish joints dislocation/subluxation in 1 joint soft tissue lesions marfanoid habitus hyperextensibility occular signs mitral valve prolapse